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DSM-IV-TR Mood Disorders
DSM-IV-TR Mood Disorders

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Major Depressive Episode
i. At least 2 weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least four additional symptoms of depression

→ Women are at greater risk, two times more likely
→ Influenced by period
→ culturally may be “nerves” (Latin/Mediterranean)/”imbalance” (Chinese, Asian)/”heart problems” (Middle East)/”heartbroken’ (Hopi)
Manic Episode
i. Abnormal and persistent elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week
ii. 3 or more symptoms, 4 if the mood is only irritable

→ Onset = early 20s
→ More severe than hypomanic
Mixed Episode
i. Manic episode and Major Depressive episode nearly every day for one week
Hypomanic Episode
i. Abnormal and persistent elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting at least 4 days
ii. 3 or more symptoms, 4 if the mood is only irritable
Major Depressive Disorder
i. One or more major depressive episode
→ Onset = mid-20s
→ 1.5-3x more common by first degree biological relatives
→ Twice as common in adolescent and adult females than males
→ Rates are most prev in 25-44yr old.
→ Usually a stressor that plays a significant role in first episode

• Single Episode
Never been a manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode
• Recurrent
Two or more major depressive episodes
o Never been a manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode
Dysthymic Disorder
b. Dysthymic Disorder
i. 2 years of depressed mood
ii. accompanied by additional depressive symptoms
iii. Never been without the symptoms for more than 2 months
iv. No major depressive episode in first two years
v. Never been a manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode

→ 2- 3x more common in adult females
→ Use talk therapy
Bipolar I Disorder
i. One or more Manic or Mixed Episodes, usually accompanied by Major Depressive Episodes

• Single Manic Episode
• Most Recent Hypomanic: previously been at least one manic episode or mixed episode
• Most Recent Episode Manic: previously been at least one major depressive, manic, or mixed episode
• Most Recent Episode Mixed: one major depressive, manic, or mixed episode
• Most Recent Episode Depressed: at least one manic episode or mixed episode
• Most Recent Episode Unspecified: previously been at least one manic episode or mixed episode
Bipolar II Disorder
i. One or more Major Depressive Episodes accompanied by at least one Hypomanic Episode

Hypomanic: if hypomanic episode
Depressed: episode is a major depressive episode
Cyclothymic Disorder
i. 2 years of numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms
ii. Numerous periods of depressive symptoms

→ begins in adolescence or early adult life
Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition
i. Prominent and persistent disturbance in mood that is judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition

• With Depressive Features: if the predominate mood is depressed
• With Major Depressive-Like Episode: if the full criteria are met for major depression, except the criteria that it is not due to a medical condition
• With Manic Features: mood is elevated, euphoric or irritable
• Mixed Features: both mania and depression are present but neither predominates
Describing the clinical status of mood episode
Describing the clinical status of the current (or most recent) mood episode
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Severe without psychotic features
d. Severe with psychotic features
e. In partial remission
f. In full remission
Describing features of the current episode of most recent mood episode
Describing features of the current episode or most recent episode
a. Chronic
b. With Catatonic Features: MDD and Manic episodes = motor and inactivity
c. With Melancholic Features: classical symptoms of severe depression, awakens early, loss in appetite and weight, fatigue and slowing down, do not feel better about things they should feel joy about
d. With Atypical Features: eat a lot and gain weight, may be excessively sensitive to rejection
e. With Postpartum onset
Describing course of recurrent mood episodes
a. Longitudinal Course Specifiers: with and without full interepisode recovery
b. With Seasonal Pattern
c. With Rapid Cycling: 4 episodes of a mood diturbance in 12 months
d. With or without full episode recovery
e. Presence or absence of manic or hypomanic
f. Still display symptoms = without full recovery
Recording a mood episode
Name of the disorder, nature (current, recurrent, most recent) , clinical status, features, course
Postpartum Depression
• Anxiety
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Disinterest in child
• Weepiness and sadness
• Symptoms can continue if left untreated
• Thought to occur in 10 – 15% new mothers
• Usually coded as MDD with postpartum onset

There is also bipolar with postpartum onset
Postpartum Blues
• 50-80% of all new mothers
• symptoms are less severe
• Duration is short lived
• Crying
• Poor sleep
• Weeping
• Sense of emotional vulnerability
• Begin within first week after birth and last no longer than a few weeks
• No DSM diagnosis
Postpartum Psychosis
• Rare
• .2% of the population
• Hallucinations (command type to kill infant) or delusions (the baby is possessed or has special powers)
• Coded as brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset
• If lasts longer than a month = Psychotic Disorder NOS
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