Severity Specifiers Mild- few symptoms and minor impairment in social/occupational functioning Moderate- Symptoms and impairment between mild and severe Severe- symptoms in excess to required to make diagnosis or severe/serious symptoms and imparement
In Partial Remission- Diagnosis was met in the past now only a few symptoms remain In Full Remission - met diagnosis in the past but no symptoms for a considerable time, still significant to note Prior History- met a diagniosis in the past but now fully recovered "cured"
Severity Specifiers for Mental retardation Conduct Disorder Manic Episode Major Depressive Episode
Severiry Specifiers for - In-Partial and In-Full Remission for Manic Episode Major Depressive Episode Substance Dependence
If few symptoms and assume base on clinical judgement that diagnosis will be met |
Axis I- Clinical and V codes Axis II- Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation Axis III- General Medical Condition Axis IV-Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V- GAF |
GAF - problems with primary support group social environment education occupational housing economic access to health care interaction in legal system other psychosocial/environmental
GAF Functioning impairment in social, academic and/or occupational also involvement in activities) 100- no sypmtoms/superior functioning 90- minimal symptoms/good functioning 80 transient expecterd reaction/slight impairment 70- mild simptoms/some imparment/difficulty 60- moderate symptoms/moderate impairment 50- serious symptoms/serious imparment (suicidal) 40- impairment in reality or communication 30- serious imparment delusions or hallucinations 20- danger of hurting self/others 10-persistent danger of hurting self or others
Mental Retardation IQ ↓ 70 ↓ adaptive functioning - communication, self care, social/interpersonal skills, self-direction, academic, work, leisure, health and safety skills before age 18
Mild IQ- 50-70 Moderate 35-55 Severe 20-40 Profound ↓ 20
Learning Disorders Reading Mathematic Written expression
For All 3 Disorder as by standarized testing ↓ expected for age, intelligence and education significantly interfere with academic and home living if sensory deficit difficulties are in excess code generak medical/neurological on Axis III
Developmental Coordination Disorder Motor coordination ↓ expected for age/intelligence walking, crawling, sitting, dropping things, clumsiness, poor sport performance and poor hand writting
significally interfere with academic/daily living not due to general medical R/O - cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, muscular dystrophy R/O Pervasive development Disorder if Mental Rertardation - Motor difficulties are in excess
Expressive Language Disorder |
interfere with academic/occupational/social R/O Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder or Pervasive Developmental Disorder if Mental Retardation- language difficulties are in excess
Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder |
Phonological Disorder (articulation) |
Stuttering disturbance of fluency and pattern of speech sound syllable repetition sound prolongation interjections broken words audible/silent blocking circumlocutions (substitute words to avoid problematic words) physical tention monosyllabic whole-word repetition
significally interfere with academic/occupational/social communication if speech-motor or sensory deficit speech difficulties are in excess code speech-motor/sensory deficit in Axis III
Autistic Disorder need 6 items at least {2 from (1), 1 (2) & 1(3)} delay in social interaction, language or symbolic/imaginative play 1-imparement in social interaction: use nonverbal behavior, eye-gaze, facial expression, body posture, failure to develop peer relationships, lack secking to share with others, lack of showing, pointing, bringing objects of interest, and lack social emotional reciprocity
2- imparment in communication: delay in spoken language, lack ability to initiate or sustain converstation, stereotyped and repetitive language, lack make-believe play/or to imitate 3- Restricted repetitive/stereotyped patterns of behavior , interest and activities: preoccupation with one or more patern, inflexible adherance, to routines/rituals, motor manerism, hand/finger flapping/twisting, focus on part of objects R/O Rett's and Childhood Disintegrative Dirorders
decelaration of head growth, lost of hand, skills, stereotype hand movement, loss social engagement, poor gaith or trunk movement, impair expressive/receptive language
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder |
significant loss of prior adquired skills including the above and bowel/bladder control and motor skills stereotype/repetitive use of language restricted, repetitive and stereotype patterns of behavior, interest, and activities R/O PDD
Asperger's Disorder Impare in social interaction: multiple nonverbal behavior like eye-gaze, facial expression and body posture for social interaction, fail to develop peer relationships, lack seeking to share, lack of showing, bringing, pointing out object of interest, lack emotional/social reciprocity
Restrictive/repetitive stereotype pattern of behaviors: abnormal focus on something, inflexible adherance to rutine/rituals, motor manerism like finger flapping/twisting, preoccupation with parts of objects significant impairment social/occupational no significant delay in language,cognitive development, self-help, adaptative behavior R/O PDD
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 6 Innattention items for 6 months Attention: fail to give close attention to details, careles mistakes, difficulty sustaining attention, does not sem to listen, does not follow through with instructions, fail to finish task, difficulty organizing task, avoids dislikes or task that require sustain mental effort, loses things, easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, forgetful 6 Hyperactivity-Impulsity for 6 month Hyperactivity: fidgets (hands/feets) squirms in seat, leaves seat, runs or climbs, difficulty playing quietly, "on the go", talk excessively
Impulsivity: blurts out answers, difficulty waiting turns, interrupts/intrudes on others before age 7 present in 2+ settings (home/school) significant impairment in social/academic/occupational R/O PDD, Schizophrenia, Psychotic, Mood, Anxiety, Dissociative or Personality Disorders Combine type A/H; Inattentive Type no Imp/H and H/Imp Type no Inattentive
Conduct Disorder violation of basic rights and rules 12 month with 1 item met for 6 month Aggression to people and animal: bullies, threatens or intimidate, physical fight, use of weapon, physically cruel to people/animals, stealing while confronting the victim, force into sex Destruction of property: intentional fire setting or destroy others property
Deceitfulness or theft: broken into someone's house or car, often lies, has stolen items without confronting Serious violation of rules: stays out at night before age 13, run away from home overnight, truant from school significant imparment in social, academic, occupational 18 years or older Childhood-onset: before 10 Adolescent-onset: at or after 10 Mild-few item enough to make Dx Moderate- some items. behaviors nor so serious like stealing without confrontation Severe- meet items in excess to making Dx
Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
loses temper, often argues, defies or refuses to comply with requests or rules, intentionally annoys, blame others, easily annoyed, angry and reentful, spiteful or vindictive significant impairment in social, academic, occupational R/O Psychotic, Mood, or Antisocial Personality Disoders
inapropriate for development level not part of cultural practice if MR, PDD or Schizophrenia Pica is severly enough to grannt separate Dx
not due to gastroinstestinal or other medical condition not due to Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, id MR or PDD symptoms are severe enough to grant separate Dx
Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood |
Not due to physiological effects of a substance or medical condition (not due to Huntington Diseas or Postviral encephalitis) Chronic Motor or Vocal tic Disorder: same but only one tic either motor or vocal Transient Tic Disorder: same but motor/vocal tics occur for 4 month but no longer than 1 year. R/O Tourette and Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorders
Elimination Disorders Encopresis: passege of feces → involuntarily or intentional at least 4 years of age R/O physiological effects of substances (laxative) or medical condition like constipation with constipation/without constipation (medical evideence)
Enuresis: passege of urine 2x week for 3 months significant distress or impairment in social, academic, occupational at least 5 years old R/O physiological effects of substances (diuretic) or general medical condition (diabetes, spina bifida, seizure)
Separation Anxiety Disorder anxiety concerning separation from home or individuals with whom individual is attach 3 items excessive distress when separation, worry about loosing attachment figures, worry that an untoward event will lead to separation, reluctant/refusal to go to school or elsewhere, fearful or reluctant to be alone or go to sleep, nightmares involve separation, physical complaints when separation occurs or in anticipation
at least 4 weeks before age 18 significant impairment in social, academic or occupational R/O PDD, Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorder , Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia specify if early onset before age 6
Selective Mutism failure to speak in particular social settings despite speaking in other situations interfere with social, academic, occupational 1 month (not 1st month of school) not due to lack of knowledge or comfort in speaking the language
Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Chilhood inapropriate social relatedness inmost contexts before age 5 1 or 2 1- persistent failure to initiate or respond properly to social interactions, inhibited, hypervigilant or highly ambivalent and contradictory responses 2- diffuse attachment → indiscriminate sociability with marked inability to exhibit appropriate selective attachments
Pathogenic (parenting) care → disregard basic emotional needs for comfort, stimuly and affection, disregard basic hysical needs, changes in caregiver that prevents attachment assumptions tha pathogenic care cause disorder in child Inhibited Type - more of 1 desinhibit RType - more of 2 R/O PDD and MR
Stereotypic Movement Disorder repetitive, seemingly driven and non-functional motor behavior (body rocking, head banging, mouthing ojects, self bitting etc.) intefere with normal activities or result in self-harm 4+ weeks
if MR self injury is severe enough to grant additional Dx R/O OCD, Tic Disorder, PDD or Trichotillomania (hair pulling) not due to physical effect of substance or medical condition Specify if with Self Injurious behavior