Shared Flashcard Set


drug profiles
the name says it

Additional Medical Flashcards




Acetylsalicylic Acid

Actions platelet aggregant, vasoconstrictor

field use Chest pain suggestive of acute myocardial infarction

contraindications bleeding ulcer, hemorrhagic states, hemophilia, hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories

Adverse reactions UWC asthma, Anaphylactic reactions, skin eruptions

Drug reactions NA

Adult dosage 160-325mg

Pediatric not reciminded

Administration oral

onset 20-30 min

peak effect 2 hours

duration 4-6 hours

Activated Charcoal

Mechanism of action binds and adsorbs to ingested toxins

Indications oral poisonings, oral overdose

Contraindictions ALC inability to protect airway, ingestion of alcohol/heavy metals/caustics, protracted vomiting

Adverse Reactions aspiration, abdominal cramps, nausea & vomiting

administraion oral

onset immediate

Droug Interaction NA

Dosage 1.0-2.0 g/kg


Mechanism of action Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle resulting in bronchodialation

Indications signs and symptoms of asthma and reversible bronchospasm associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseas, current presciption for a metered-dose inhaler or nebulizer, patient is conscious

Contraindictions unabal to use inhaler or nebulizer, medication not prescibed of the patient, patient already taken max prescibed dose of medicaiton, EMT has not received authorization from medical direction

Adverse reactions irregular heartbeat, tachycardia, tremors, nervousness, agitation, nausea and vomiting, palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, headache, hypertenstion, chest pain

Administration Inhalation

Onset varies according to mediation and delivery (5-15 minutes)

Drug Interaction increased effects with concomitant use of another bronchodilator or sympathomimetic (meds witch imitate epinephrine)

Epinephrine Autoinjector

presriptions adult epipen .3 mg, epipen jr. .15 mg

indications severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), asthma,reversible bronchospasm with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Adverse Reactions hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, angina, irregular heart beat, sweating, palpitations, headache, tremors

Administartion intramuscular injection into the antero-lateral aspect of the thigh with auto-injector device

onset immediate

Drug interactions potentiates other sympathomimetic drougs


Mechanism of action Relaxes vascular smooth muscle resulting in: coronary artery vasodilation, relief of chest pain by dilating coronary arteries, decreased venous return to the heart, decreased systemic vascular resistance, decreased myocrdial oxygen demand, decreased myocardial workload

Indications cardiac cheast pain, patient has current prescription fo the medication

contraindications injested viagra during previous 72 hours, not perescribed to the patient, already taken the max, systolic blood pressure less thean 100 mm hg, patient is in shock, patient has a head injury, ALC, EMT has not received authorization from medical diraction

Adverse Reactions low blood pressure (hypotension), headache, dizziness, slow pulse rate (bradycaria), weakness, fainting, fast heart rate (tachycardia), flushing and feelings of warmth, nausea and vomiting, bitter taste, burning or tingling sensations in the mouth

Administration sublingual

onset 1-2 minutes

Drug interaction increased effects with other vasodiators, alcohol (may cause low blood pressure)

adult dosage emt must fallow labaled directions, .4 mg tablet SL max 3 tablits

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