Shared Flashcard Set


Development Over a Lifespan
Ch. 14 of Tarvis and Wade
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards





Doris and Morris just had their first child.  What behaviors can they expect? 

A.The newborn will be passive and inert?

B. The newborn can see, hear, touch, smell and taste.

C. The newborn will not be able to identify the primary caregiver

D. The newborn can only see light and dark but no other features of the but no other features of the envirmt

B.  The newborn can touch, smell and taste

Billy points to a butterfly and says "birdie".  His dad says, that's a butterfly.  Billy says "butterfly"  this is an exampt of 


A. Assimilation

B. a Schema

C. accommodation

D. An opperation

C. accomodation

While on a walk with dad, billy points to a cardinal and says, "birdie." A bit later he sees a robin and says, "birdie."  This is an example of 

A: assimilation

B: Schema

C: Accomodation

D: An operation

A: assimilation

Billy's ability to say "birdie" and "Butterfly" are indicators that he



A:can use prepresentational thought

B: Can uise formal operations

C:Is still egocentric

D: can use concrete operations

A: Representational thought

When jill grows up she says she is going to be a boy and marry jane.  This demonstrates that Jill


A: has a psychological problem

B:Is going to be a homosexual

C: has not yet established her gender identity

D: Has not yet experienced gender socialization

C: Has not yet established gender identity

When a person won't steel something because "it's against the law"  it shows they are in this stage of moral development, according to Kohlbergs theory?



A: Preconventional

B: Conventional

C: Postconventional

D: Principled

B: Conventional

---------Parents have children who have lower self-esteem and do more pooorly in school, whereas---------parents have children with high self-esteem and self-efficacy?


A: Authoritarian;permissive


C:Authroritative; authoritarian

D: Permissive;authoritative

C: Authoritarian; authoritative

Which of the following is true for Gary, who just reached puberty?


A: He has roughly the same amount of androgens and estrogens as a female.

B: He has higher levels of androgens and estrogens than females.

C: He has higher levels of androgens and lower levels of estrogens than females.

D: He is likely to experiemnce a growth spurt, which will begin, on average at ae 10, who will peak at age 12 or 13 and will stop at about age 16

C: higher levels of androgens and lower levels of estrogens than females.

Wanda was abused as a child, what is most likely true for her?

A Most liekly she will not be an abusive parent herself, because 70% of adults who were abused in childhood do not repeat the abuse

B: There is a very good chance she will become absuive with her own children

C: if she recieves counseling she may be able to avoid becoming an abusive parent

D: Whether she becomes and abusive parent depends on how resilient she is

D: resilient
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