Simple text - when you have few numbers.
Table - interact with our verbal system. more numerical - focus on data not look (borders)
Heatmap - table that shows intensity using colour.
Graphs - interact with visual system
- Type of graph - points, lines, bars, area
Points - Scatter plot - relationship between two things - shows what relationship between two is.
Points - Lines - plot continuous data. We can use standard line or slope graph.
Slopegraph - use to show two point in time period. and show if relationship increased or decreased.
Bars - common and therefore reduce cognitive load.
Try to use data labels and remove axis. Bars shoudl be wider than a white space between bars.
Vertical bar - single, two, multiple series. But if you add to many, hard to understand.
Stacked vertical - more limited in use.
Waterfall chart - pulls a part pieces of vertical stacked to focus one at the time.
Horizontal bar - good choice for categorical data.
Stacked horizontal - can show absolute numbers or sum to 100%
Area - ok to use for visualization of magnitude only.