Carol Delaney
"Disorientation and Orientation" |
- Anthropologists are initially disoriented when going out into the field
- experience culture shock; scared of unknown
- go thorugh an orientation- initiation rituals -> lessen shock
- Humans cannot exist w/o culture
- Culture includes & is produced by social relations; kinship;economic reations
- Culture is Learned not inherited
Laura Bohannan
"Shakespeare in the Bush" |
- Spoke with the Tiv in West Africa
- Thought one universally obvious interpretation
- Found it varied completely based on cultural differences
- The Tiv thought she was the one interpreting it wrong and felt they had to correct her
Horace Miner
"Body Rituals of the Nacirema" |
- A comentary on classical anthropology
- Looking at Americans as if we were a foriegn culture and looking at our dental hygein rituals and medical rituals
- shows how you really can't be objective; classical anthro was very biased
Lauriston Sharp
"Steel Axes for the Stone-Age Australians" |
- Missionaries and Westerners gave steel axes to the Yir Yiront of Australia
- completely dismanteled their culture and social structure
- they relied on the exchange of stone axes for social relations -> steel axes made those exchanges void
Renato Rosaldo
"Imperialist Nostalgia" |
- Nostalgia or mourningfelt by the destroyers for the cultures or people they destroyed
- This absolves the guilty party of guilt and responsibility
Marshall Sahlins
"Tribesmen in History and Anthropology" |
- Tribes
- kinship/ancestory; you earn power positions; exchange/reciprocity important in economics; all politically equal; complexity limited by size
- States
- centralized governement set above population; ascribed status; stratified classes; territorial entities under public authorities
Marshall Sahlins
"Poor Man, Rich Man, Big-Man, Cheif: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia" |
- Tribes
- Melanesia; up to 1000 ppl; Big-Men; segmental - politically unintegrated segments; based on multiple kinship groups and decent
- Chiefdoms
- Polynesia ; 1,000- 10,000+ ppl; Pyramid structure- subdivisions combine to an inclusive group; Chief inherits position through decent
Carol Delaney
"Relatives and Relations" |
- different kinds of social relationships
- Dating-differs cross culturally (EX. Apache don't talk to each other; Americans do)
- Couples (EX. French vs American couples)
- Marraige- Union or Contract? (christian vs non-christian)
- in US we think it's a "FREE CHOICE" but then we are responsible; other country parents pick
- no such thing as "free gift"
- gift is alive; embodies giver /obligates reciever
- gifts generate social relationships
Terence Turner
"Representing, Resisting, Rethinking: Historical Transformations of Kayapo Culture and Anthropological Consciousness" |
- Kayapo in Brazil
- Have relations of dependancy on local officials and missionaries through giving of "gifts"
- Transision of ways of thinking from: having self at center as "true humans" and those around you as "not human"
- To: seeing themselves as linked to the other tribes through "ethnicity" (only makes sense in a nation-state)
- Form did not change but content did
Mark Anderson
"Bad Boys and Peacheful Garifuna: Transnational Encounters Between Racial Stereotypes of Honduras and the United States" |
- From island of St. Vincent & run away slaves
- Last to be colonized by Europeans -> british deported them to Honduras
- Are they black or Indian?
- last 20 yrs seen to occupy "Indigenous" but are considered "Black" -- indigenous more of a legal term
- Mixture of Carab & African
Thomas Eriksen
"Globalization" |
- It standardizes, modernizes, deterritorializes, and localizes people
- it takes place between people
Gayle Rubin
"The Traffic in Women: Notes on the "Political Economy" of Sex" |
- Sex/gender system- set of arrangments by which a society transforms biological sexuality into products of human activity
- kinship systems vary between culture and effect the organization of biological procreation
- the "gift" - woman exchanged in marraige
- incest taboo - can't marry w/in own family; so marraige betwee fams form kin relations --> women are just a piece in the exchange
Nancy Scheper-Hughes & Margaret Lock
"The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology" |
- Body is physical and symbolic
- Individual/Physical Body- mind is seperate from body in West; budism thinks mind should be one/w universal mind; Chinese ying-yang-- body in harmony/ w universe
- The Social Body- body as a natural symbol; body in health symbolizes organic wholeness/ body in sickness symbolizes social disharmony, conflict, disintegration
- The Political Body- body is a symbol "national body"; gov. taken control of how population cares for their body (ex. chinese birth policy, abortion laws, etc.)
Mathew Wolf-Meyer
"Natural Hegemonies: Sleep and the Rythms of American Capitalism" |
Harry West
Ethnographic Sorcery |
- Traveled to Mozambique; studied the Muedan people and views on sorcery (sorcery lions; it all depends on belief)
- sorcery is a reconstrution of reality; everyone reconstructs their own reality
- Ethnography is like sorcery -> it the authors reconstruction of the poeple he studies
James Cameron Monroe
"Urbanism on West Africa's Slave Coast" |
- Kingdom of Dahomey in N. Benin (Abomey Plateau)
- major supplier of slaves in 17th-19thC.
- Major urban centers (Abomey & Cana) w/ numerous satelite cities; 27 palace sites
- major markets, potting, textile production
- controled trade & taxes --> economic inequality
- States emerge because leaders are selfish (coercive theory)
Michael Dove
"Theories of Swidden Agriculture and the Political Economy of Ignorances" |
- Myths: They are communal; they are nomadic; they are environmentaly degrading
- gov. uses these myths to justify the extension of external control into the territories of swidden ags.
- play into myth of "dual economy"
Marx & Engels
"Bourgeois and Proletarians" Communist Manifesto |
- Theorized concept of class: capital vs. labor
- Means of production- resources used in production (labor, machinery, raw materials)
- Bourgeois- middle class, exploiters, own means of production
- Proletarians- working class, exhange/sell their labor
- Mode of Production- realtions of production & exchange; division of labor
- Capitalism: commodification, free market, seperates people from their labor
- Needs a constantly expanding market to be profitable -> making labor more efficient decreases its value
"Method" History of Sexuality |
- Power is NOT owned it is PRODUCED
- it is iminent; constant; it is a process
- it is positive
- a perpetucal battle
Lisa Rofel
"Liberation Stories" |
- City of Hangzhou
- allowed women to work; but it didn't liberate all women just the ones that already had to work
- it was shameful to be seen by men so it made it ok for those who already had to work
- women and men still were not completely liberated but the woman still were proud of it
Nellie Chu
"Ticking Clocks, Fabric Stitches, and Laboring Bodies: The Making of Fast Fashion in Guangzhou, China" |
- Pearl-River Delta - each city focuses on one commodity
- Fashion is becoming more segmented rather than monopolized
- issue of class still remains central to lively hood
Gale Westen
Traveling Light |
- Living out poverty not living in poverty
- class is a social relationship
- arrives at a state of experience not a place
Steve Caton
Yemen Chronicles |
- Traveled to Yemen to study the Poetry
- stayed in sanctuary rather than tribes
- two girls disappeared and fighting broke out (mens honor depended on the girls honor)
- he got arrested as a spy
Mayanthi Fernando
"Exceptional Citizens: Secular Muslim Women and The Politics of Difference in France" |
- women feed into french gov. avoiding main problem and put it on islam
- they take the problems of french gov. policy and turn them into problems with islam
- puts girls in 'impossible predicament': they must yet cannot assimilate
Lila Abu-Lughod
"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and its Others" |
- We use the excuse of "Saving" women to go to war
- fetishizing the veil and making it a point of controversy w/o asking the women themselves
- Cultural Relativism
- Culture Difference
- people don't understand the true politics behind the veil
- instead we should ask the women what they want; veil isn't top priority
Susan Harding
"Speaking is Believing" |
- it is the Word of God that converts the unbeliever; that changes the heart
- Preaching/Witnessing
- Reality of truth is a linguistic one: god's voice and spirit are communicated/experienced through words
- conversion is 'a powerful clash resulting from the shirft from one realm of thought and action to another'
- the holy spirit "speaks" to your heart; it assumes your voice and "speaks" through you; speaking is believing
Susan Harding
"The Born-Again Telescandals" |
- lots of money laundeirng scandals and sexual misconduct
Anna Tsing
"More-than-Human Sociality: A Call for Critical Description" |
- social relations do not require human minds
- social relations between plants and fungi
Heather Swanson
"When Hatchery Salmon Go Wild" |
Edward Said
"Orientalism" |
- not an airy European fantasy; it is a created body of theories
- binary opposition; in a vertical relationship
- West vs East; Occident vs Orient
- a European invention
- All adults control distribution of their produce
- basic asymmetry in production relations: women feed families; men get to distribute food
- senior men free of obligation
- Marraige is male accomplishment-not seen as an adult unless married (women reluctant to get married-can get everything from parents)
- Women decline in status when married
- Politics: Fighting over sexual assess to women
- extended family households headed by eldermen
- size of house hold determines wealth- bigger=more workers
- marraige= exchange of valuables between elders of kin groups (Give away wives/daughters)
- Politics: debt negotitations
- Complex Agrarian Societies w/private property & state
- inheritance determines peoples life chances
- inequality based on land ownership
- Marraige: pass from dependence on parents -> building childrens' future estate
- Politics: woman's chastity/virginity
- illigitimacy; men's honor based on mother's
- sexual honor
- Industrialized Societies w/State
- Class inequalities based on capital & labor
- Occupation and incomes
- Politics: distribution of wealth; Gender Violence
- Women's attractivness reflect men's worth (opposite of Dowery)
Jennifer Gabrys
"Becoming Urban: Sitework from a moss-eye view" |
- difference between "green city" projects- thin vaneer for development; and "incorporation" projects
- birds/plants distinctly urban
- moss incorporates material evects of urban ecologies