Marxists Approach on crime and deviance |
- Focuses on economic inequality and inequality in power
- the thoery focuses on the plotical sturcture as they are responsible for maintaining law and order
- focuses on which social group benefits capitalist law and order
HOW Marxism explain explain C&D |
- The law and order in the Capitalist society always relfect the intrests of the bourgoise
- Therefore the defination of crime is from the dominate ones
- They don't believe that the law benefits everyone but only benifits the view of the bourgoise
- The law and order enables the ruling class to control over the working class
CRiticisms of Marxists Theory |
- He is always critised about the economic reductionalist as he reduces the cause crimke to ecomonic ineqaulity
- He ingonres enthincity and gender In crime and deviance
- Crime and deviance is manily focused on the working class which means that the Bourgoise use thier power to control them
- Therefore the BOURGOISE can justify controlling by increasing the police force
- If law breaking is linked to working class then this distracts the police force frok ppaying attention at the crime made by the ruling class
- As Marx as been criticised as being economically reductionalist , Neo- marxists stress that people have relative autonomy
- Not all action are determined by the economic factors
- they Believe that marx need to focuse on things like culture and ideology
- He said that ideology and hegomony was crucial to legimating the capitalists stystem
- Hegomonic is the capitalists ideas therefore the working class will acppet them
- e.g.
- The government laws,education system, work place system
- He used Gramsci's theory to demostrate the hegomonic idea exposed in our society.
- Mugging events in the media became linked to black youth
- At that time there was enconomic crisis and it was hard for people to find jobs
- The panic of muggingin influenced by the media distructed the popultaion from the economic crisis
- The "policing crisis" shows how the dominate class use thier hegomonic ideas to puish the problem of their own into another direction
The New crimonology
Taylor et al
- They wanted to show that the crime and deviance was not only based on economic factors but was influenced by the non- economic factors
- So they linked the marxist approach with social action theory
- Such as The inequality in wealth and power & the power of labelling
- The new criminology believe that the separate laws for separate social groups allowed the crime of the powerful be neglected.