Pre-Loss Fire Control measures are based on the following:
(1) Controling the Heat Sources
(2) Separating heat sources from fuels
(3) Limiting vertical fire spread
(4) Limiting horizonal fire spread
(5) Full separation - of a buidling in to seperate fire divisions
(6) Substituting non-combustibles for combustibles
(7) Preventing Arson
(1) Controling the Heat Sources
- Ensure that all heat sources planned for energy are actually required.
- Minimize the amount of energy necessary
- Use only the required number of furnaces, forges kils or heating devices.
- Minimize size of heat of necessary fires
- Use an alternative heat source such as hot water other than flame.
(2) Separating heat sources from fuels
- Flammable or combustible material should be kept away from fixed-location heat sources.
- Use National Fire Protection Association developed guides.
In the prescence of a heat source dust, shavings, lubicating grease an oil are potential fuels.
- Mobile heat sources such as portable welding rigs or heaters keep changing. The Equipment has to be taken where it is needed and is not necessaryily restricted to use in areas free of fuels.
(3) Limiting vertical fire spread -
stairwells, elevator shafts, ducts, and flues, laundry and trash chutes.
- windows contribute to "fire looping" as the fire shootes out of one window and into the window of the floor above.
Warehouses and stores stick hardboard containers filled with goods supply fuel to grow a fire.
Prevention: Openings for plumbing and wiring should be filled with fire resistive material.
Fire barriers such as fire doors should be preserved as building is modified.
(4) Limiting horizontal fire spread-
A fire may spread horizontally, use sprinker systems where fire walls are not possible.
(5) Full separation - of a buidling in to seperate fire divisions
Full separation of a building into spearate "fire divisions" can be achieved through the use of Fire walls.
(6) Substituting non-combustibles for combustibles
choose non-combustible building components
choose noncombusible liquids, gasses,
choose heavy materials rather than light ones for hospital bedding, rugs, draperies, furnishings.
(7) Preventing Arson-
prevent arson by installing locks, guards, alarms and other sytesm to protect against entry or detering such entry. |