Shared Flashcard Set


Cortex and subcortical areas
Undergraduate 1

Additional Medical Flashcards




Hippocampus circuitry

Entorhinal cortex layer II projects to dentate gyrus, which innervates mossy cells and interneurons

Mossy cells excite dentate gyrus while interneurons inhibit

Dentate gyrus also innervates CA3 (innervated by EC layer II), which in turn gives off Schaffer collaterals and innervates CA1

CA1 is innervated by EC III and innervated EC V and VI

Original, course and major terminations of fibres in corpus callosum and fornix
  • Either side of CC gives of white matter fibres towards frontal lobe (forceps anterior) and backwards to occipital lobe (forceps posterior)
  • Many body of fibres - tapetum - extend laterally to temporal lobes
  • Other axons connect to prefrontal cortex between two halves of brain, between motor cortices (anterior) and somatesensory/parietal/orbital cortices (posterior)
  • Fornix - fibres from hippocampus seperated left from right as cus of fornix 
  • Fibres brought together in the midline of the brain as the body of the fornix - attached to lower edge of septum pellucidum
  • Body of fornix divides at anterior commissure into left and right, as well as posterior (to hypothalamus, mamillary bodies, anterior nuclei of thalamus) and anterior (septal nuclei and nucleus accumbens) 
  • Psalterium - acts as commissure containing commissural fibres connecting the two hippocampi
Definition of association and projection fibres
  • Association fibres are those that connect cortical areas within the same cerebral hemispheres
  • Projection fibres are fibres that connect cortex with lower parts of the brain and the spinal cord
  • Commissural fibres are those that connect two hemispheres of the brain
Major thalamocortical radiations
  • Somatosensory - VPL/VPM and LP nuclei to primary and secondary somatosensory areas
  • Visual - LGN projections to V1
  • Auditory - MGB to transverse temporal gyri of Heschl
  • Motor areas - VL nucleus to primary cortex, VA to inferior parietal and premotor cortex
Principal hypothalamic nuclei (functional)
  • Suprachiasmatic nucleus - biological clock, ganglionic input
  • Anterior - thermoregulation
  • Supraoptic/paraventricular nuclei - secretion of oxytocin and ADH from posterior pituitary
  • Median eminance, arcuate nucleus and paraventricular nucleus - control of appetite, metabolic rate and anterior pituitary
  • Ventromedial nucleus - satiety centre
  • Lateral hypothalamus - hynger centre 
  • Mammillary body - memory formation
Hypothalamus inputs and outputs, vasculature
  • Inputs - visceral (reticular formation and solitary tract) and brainstem (locus coeruleus, raphe, PAG), higher centres (hippocampal formation, amygdala, OFC via MD thalamus)
  • Outputs - Endocrine control of anterior hypothalamus, descending control of autonomic centres, mammillothalamic tract
  • Vasculature - internal carotid (plexus in median eminence to give portal vessels to anterior pituitary, direct supply to posterior pituitary)
Circuit of Papez
  • Lateral and medial mammillary nuclei project to mammillothalamic tract --> anterior thalamic nucleus --> internal capsule --> cingulate gyrus --> cingulum --> parahippocampal gyrus --> entorhinal cortex -->alvear or perforant pathways --> subiculum --> fornix --> mammillary nuclei
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