Shared Flashcard Set


Content Area 1 ASWB Practice
Human Development, Diversity, and Behavior in the Environment
Social Work

Additional Social Work Flashcards





A social worker observes preschool children at play and notices that boys tend to be more competitive in their activities, while girls tend to be more nurturing of each other.  What is the BEST explanation for the observed behavior?


Gender Roles


A woman whose child was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness is referred to a hospital social worker.  The woman tells the social worker that her child is not ill and will not need to see the doctor again.  Which defense mechanism is represented by the mother's respnse?




A social worker at a community mental health center is working with a 21-year old client who has been experiencing a great deal of rejection from family and friends.  The rejections followed an admission by the client that she is a lesbian.  During the third session the client begins to cry and says "Maybe my mom is right.  She says all I need to do is find the right man." After reflecting the client's unhappy feelings, what should the social worker do NEXT?


Use universalization to provide reassurance to the client about the behavior of others in these circumstances. 


A hospital social worker inteviews a couple whose infant has recently been hospitalized for cystic fibrosis.  The social worker notices that the parents are reluctant to touch the child.  Based on this observation, what should be the social worker's FIRST intervention?


Have the parents talk about their reactions to the child's illness.


A 50-year-old client diagnosed with chronic alcoholism is a greatest risk for which of the following conditions?


Korsikoff's disease (Bleeding in lower areas of the brain-thalamus and hypothalamus)


A social worker is a member of a team of professional planners hired by an inner-city revitalization agency.  The team's assignment is to improve living conditions in a deteriorated neighborhood that was once a thriving community.  The area is now characterized by high crime rates and drug traffic.  Those living in the neighborhood are intimidated and fearful.  In adhering to the concept of social justice, what should the social worker do in a meeting with the residents?


Encourage the residents to voice their concerns and identify priorities for change.



Which situation is an example of role reversal in a parent-child relationship?


A seven-year-old girl comforting her distressed mother following a marital separation.  


A social worker meets with a father who becomes angry when his two-year-old son soils or wets his pants.  The father's usual response to this behavior is to yell at the child, telling him to "grow up."  What should the social worker explore with the father FIRST?


A distorted perception of child development


A married couple bring their six-year-old son in to see a social worker in private practice.  The parents indicate the child recently began bedwetting after begin toilet trained for three years.  Upon questioning, the parents reveal the bedwetting began shortly after the parents brought their new baby home for the hospital.  What defense mechanism is the six-year-old MOST likely using?


Regression (taking the poistion of a child in some problematic situation)  Anna Freud defense mechanisms


A social worker is providing disaster relief services to families following extensive loss of lives and property due to flooding in their area.  What is the MOST important thing for the social worker to help the families understand?


That persons involved in a crisis will try to achieve a degree of equilibrium.  


A social worker conducts a bhome visit to a 45-year old Latino client whose son was killed in a recent automobile accident.  The social worker observes tha a large altar has been made, which contains many candles as well as pictures of the boy and other deceased relatives.  The client sobs throughout the interview and tells the social worker that the boy has been communicating to the client nightly through angels.  In order to most effectively work with the client, what should the social worker do FIRST?


Explore mourning rituals of the client's family


A social worker is conducting an initial interview with a father and three teenage children.  The mother died recently after a lengthy illness.  Exploration indicates that the family members were not able to appropriately mourn the mother's death.  To help them cope with the unresolved grief, what should the social worker do FIRST?


Encourage the family to discuss their loss

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