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CompTIA Network+ Chapter 15: Virtualization, Cloud Computing
Studying material based on Mike Meyers' book
Computer Networking

Additional Computer Networking Flashcards





Virtualization is the process of running software on a host to create a ___, an environment that imitates a physical computer. (pg. 542)


A. proxy

B. virtual machine (VM)

C. virtual private network (VPN)

D. remote desktop


B. You can install and run an OS in a virtual machine environment as if it were its own physical computer. A single physical machine could house multiple VMs, each running a different networking task.


A proxy server fetches Internet resources for a client without exposing the client to the Internet.


A VPN allows remote users to access a private network through the Internet as if they were on the local network.


Remote Desktop (Connection) is Microsoft's software that allows you to access a remote computer,


The program used to create, run and maintain virtual machines. (pg. 543)


A. cloud

B. hypervisor

C. virtual server

D. top-level domain server


B. A hypervisor can either be Type 1 (installed on the system in lieu of an OS) or Type 2 (installed on top of the OS).


The cloud is a distributed collection of servers that host software and infrastructure, and it is accessed over the Internet.


A virtual server is a virtual machine that you'd need a hypervisor for.


A top-level domain server handles top-level domain names on the Internet, but has nothing to do with virtualization.


The process of separating functions into discrete units. (pg. 545)


A. abstraction

B. virtualization

C. containerization

D. adduction


A. To abstract means to remove of separate. In networking terms, it means to take one aspect of a device or process and separate it from that device or process.


Virtualization describes a specific kind of abstraction; a pattern that involves creating a software version of something.


Containerization is when an OS creates a self-contained environment for an application.


In physiology, adduction the movement of a limb or other part toward the midline of the body or toward another part. It's not a networking term.


Which one of these service models is not considered apart of the cloud layer-cake? (pg. 549)


A. platform as a service

B. Internet as a service

C. infrastructure as a service

D. software as a service


B. You get Internet service from an ISP; it's no different than your phone or electric bill.


The other three service models all work in tandem as part of the cloud to allow businesses to provide goods, applications and services to customers.


Wireless network security feature that blocks wireless clients from being able to access other wireless clients and the wired network while allowing Internet access. (pg. 504)


A. virtual private network (VPN)

B. geofencing

C. proxy service

D. isolation



D. In a typical Wi-Fi setup, every wireless client is part of the same WLAN and can communicate with each other. Isolation blocks this feature, making it ideal for the public portion of a wireless network.


A VPN allows you to access a private network's resources from outside of the network.


Geofencing creates a perimeter or boundary around a physical area to trigger alerts whenever devices enter or leave that zone.


A proxy server fetches Internet resources for a client without exposing that client directly to the Internet.



Infrastructure as code (IaC) is ___. (pg.554)


A. like a cafeteria of computing and networking resources that are managed by someone else.

B. a cloud service model that provides on-demand access to infrastructure at rates based on resource use.

C. the combination of public, private and community cloud resources.

D. a automation philosophy that abstracts the infrastructure of an application or service into a set of configuration files or scripts.


D. IaC defines the infrastructure an application or service requires in configuration files or scripts well enough that it is easy to create identical copies of the needed infrastructure.


A. describes a cloud.


B. describes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS.


C. defines a hybrid cloud.


The centralized installation, configuration and handling of every switch in a virtualized network. (pg. 558)


A. cybernetworking

B. virtual switch management

C. distributed switching

D. network function virtualization


C. distributed switching



Network function virtualization is about managing an entire network, not just switches.


Cybernetworking and virtual switch management are terms I just made up.


The practice of increasing the capacity of a service or application deployed in a private cloud by adding extra instances in a public cloud. (pg. 553)


A. cloud bursting

B. orchestration

C. elasticity

D. containerization


A. While increasing an application's capacity by adding instances is also called elasticity, allowing a private/community cloud application that needs more resources than are available to grow into public-cloud resources is called cloud bursting.


Orchestration is a form of automation.


Containerization is when an OS creates a self-contained environment for an application.


What enables two virtual machines hosted on the same physical machine to communicate without leaving the machine itself? (pg. 557)


A. virtual router

B. virtual switch

C. virtual firewall

D. virtual private network


B. Hypervisors come with virtual switching capability to enable the VMs to communicate.


A virtual router allows for the dynamic reconfiguration of networks.


A virtual firewall protects servers the same as a physical one does.


A virtual private network creates an ecrypted tunnel between two networks over another network that is less secure.



Scalability is described as ___ (pg. 569)


A. the process of separating functions into discreet units.

B. the capability to support network growth.

C. the ability to get data from one computer to another.

D. the ability to support multiple customers on the same infrastructure at the same time.


B. Scalability enables you to scale "up" an application or service without needing to run it on more than one server.


The process of separating functions into discreet units is called abstraction.


The ability to get data from one computer to another is called networking.


The ability to support multiple customers on the same infrastructure at the same time is called multitenancy.


___ involves building up longer sequences of automated steps. (pg. 555)


A. Virtualization

B. Containerization

C. Orchestration

D. Composition


C. Orchestration is a higher level of automation that builds up longer sequences of tasks that better map to what the organization or employees need to accomplish.


Virtualization is the process of running software on a host as if it were physical hardware.


Containerization is when an OS creates a self-contained environment for an application.


A composition is a work of music, literature, or art.



Traditionally, hardware routers and switches were designed with two closely integrated parts: a ___ that decides how to move traffic, and a ___ that executes those decisions. (pg. 561)


A. infrastructure layer

B. data plane

C. control plane

D. network controller



C. and D. You log into the control plane to configure the router and it's what runs the software that actually speaks routing protocols and builds the routing table that it gives to the data plane. The data plane reads incoming packets and uses the routing table to send them to their destination.


The network controller and infrastructure layer are the counterparts of the control plane and the data plane in software-defined networking (SDN).


In software-defined networking (SDN), the ___ dictates how both physical and virtual network components move traffic through the network. (pg. 561)


A. data/infrastructure layer

B. control plane

C. network controller

D. management plane


C. Components with a data/infrastructure layer (routers, switches, firewalls) take instructions from the network controller instead of their own control plane used in traditional networking.


The management plane/layer is responsible for setting up network devices to get their marching orders from the right controller.


What is the purpose of the application layer/plane in a software-defined network (SDN)? (pg. 563)


A. It configures network devices to work with network controllers.

B. It dictates how physical and virtual network components move traffic through the network.

C. It reads incoming packets and uses the routing table to send them to their destination.

D. It's the environment where network-behavior-controlling software runs.


D. Applications that run in the application layer/plane often do jobs like load balancing, optimizing the flow of traffic, monitoring, enforcing security policy, threat protection, and so on.


A. describes the management plane, which also provides management and application of configurations.


B. describes the control plane in a physical network.


C. describes the data plane in a physical network.


Which of the following is not a potential advantage of a virtual machine over a physical machine?


A. Automatic backups

B. Consolidate multiple physical machines

C. Allocate resources more efficiently

D. Minimize downtime


A. A virtual machine managed like a physical machine has the same backup needs.

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