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COMP3017 - Lecture 8 (A) - Message Queues
COMP3017 - Lecture 8 (A) - Message Queues
Computer Science
Undergraduate 2

Additional Computer Science Flashcards




Give an overview on transactions
  • Complete units of work - ACID
  • Transactions may be distributed across more than one processor
    • Dedicated link between programs
    • Operations synchronized
    • Distributed two phase commit
  • Many transactions need not be competed synchronously
    • Communication must still be guaranteed
    • Work can be completed later
Give a comparison of synchronous vs anynchronous DBMSs
  • HTTP is a synchronous protocol
    • Request from client to server is followed by reply from server to client in the same TCP connection
  • SMTP is an asynchronous protocol
    • Email messages are sent on a store-and-forward basis
    • Final message recipint need not be available when message is sent
What are the principles of Message Queuing?
  • Enables programs to communicate accross a network asynchronously
    • No private, dedicated link required
    • Systems can be heterogeneous
    • Message delivery is guaranteed
  • Messages are placed on queues by one system and taken off by another
    • Similar idea to email, but more sophisticated mechanism
  • MQ can also be used between programs running on the same system
What are the weakenesses of conventional (direct) transaction processing?
  • Designed for synchronous processing
  • Has difficulties with long-lived transactions and communication errors
  • Difficult to balance loads between several servers carrying out the same tasks
  • Difficult to prioritise one request over another
Describe a server failure in a direct transaction processing problem
  • If server is down, client does not receive immediate answer
  • Cannot distinguish between:
    • Request not delivered to server
    • Server failure
    • Reply not delivered to client
Describe a client failure in a direct transaction processing problem
Cannot tell if response has been received by client
Describe an unbalanced load in a direct transaction processing problem
Cannot ensure that severs carrying out a task have an even load
Describe a no prioritisation in a direct transaction processing problem
Tasks handled on a first-come, first-served basis; cannot process high-priority requests early
What are the pricniple components of message queues?
  • Client - adds request to the queue (enqueues)
  • Server - removes request from queue (dequeues)

If server is unavailable (busy, down, disconnected), the request is stored in the queue until the server is able to process it

What are the characteristics of bidirectional queues?
Communication is bidirectional between client and server, and requires a separate queue for communication in each direction.
What is the application structure?
What is the principle of load balancing?
When a sever finishes processing a request, it takes the next from the queue
Show a diagram of queued transaction processing
What happens if the transaction aborts in a queued transaction processing?
  • Request returned to input queue
  • Changes made by transaction are rolled back
  • If necessary, reply removed from output queue

Repeated aborts (due to poisoned message) may be prevented with a maximum limit on replies

Show a diagram of multiple transactions in queued transaction processing
What are some principles of message ordering?
  • Description of message queues so far does not consider how messages are ordered in a queue
    • First-come, first-served
    • Highest-priority-first
  • Aborted transactions may lead to out-of-order processing:
    • T1 dequeues M1
    • T2 dequeues M2
    • T2 commits
    • T1 aborts, returns M1 to queue
What are the benefits of message queueing?
  • Simple APIs hide communication complexity
  • Fewer constraints on inter-program operation
    • Programs comunicate indirectly - asynchronous
    • Client and serve do not need to be running at the same time
  • Fewer network sessions needed, and programs are less vulnerable to network failures
  • Business change easier to hadnle
  • Assured message delivery
  • Asynchronous transaction processing
What are the implementation and standards of message queuing?
  • Message Queuing is not a new idea - used, for example, within IBM's IMS 30 years ago
  • Both proprietary and open source APIs and platforms
    • IBM websphere MQ, Microsoft Message Queueing, Oracle Advanced Queuing
    • Apache ActiveMQ, Rabbit MQ
  • Some products inter-operate via common standards
    • AMQP, MQTT
  • Solve the following Problem
    • Insurance agents throughout the country request insurance quotations using an online system
    • This system is implemented as a traditional client server application, with client programs (the insurrance agents) sending requests for quotations to a central server program.
    • The server does some calculations using data from a central insurrance database, then sends quotation to the requesting agent
  • Client programs put request messages on a single queue, from which the server program takes them
  • Responses may be sent back to clients via extra message queues (one per client)
  • Solve the following problem
    • A device providing a service is output-only and does not send messages back to the requester. Only one-way message flows are required
    • Output-only devices
      • Printing devices
      • Displays: Stock exchange, Flight arrivals and departures
      • Factory floor robotics

Robotics controller is in control of an automated manufacturing process. It puts messages on:

      • Queue 1 for the robotics program, which directs some welding machinery and on
      • Queue 2 for the robotics B program, whch controls a paint sprayer
  • Solve the following problem
    • A department store writes its sales figures to a file throughout the day's trading. Overnight, a report of the day's sales is produced using this file of data as input. The report must be on the sales manager's desk before the next day's trading begins
      • The amount of time available for producing the report is limited to the "window" of time between the end of business on one day nad the start of business of the next
Instead of operating in a sequence and communicating via a file, the two programs could run independently using a message queue
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