What are the main elements of the DBMS memory hierarchy? |
- Cache
- Main Memory
- Secondary Storage
- Tertiary Storage
What are the characteristics of the Cache? |
- Volatile Storage
- Very Fast, Very Expensive, Limited Capacity
- Hierarchical
- Typical capacities and access times
- Registers - 10 bytes 1 cycle
- L1 - ~10^4 bytes < 5 cycles
- L2 - ~10^5 bytes 5-10 cycles
What are the characteristics of Main Memory? |
- Volatile storage
- Fast affordable, medium capacity
- Typical Capacity 10^11 - 10^12 bytes
- Typical access time 10^-8s (20-30 cycles)
What are the characteristics of Secondary Storage? |
- Non Volatyle storage
- Slow, cheap, large capacity
- Typical capacity: 10^11 - 10^12 bytes
- Typical access time: 10^-3s (10^6 cycles)
What are some characteristics of Tertiary Storage? |
- Non-volatile storage
- Very slow, very cheap, very large capacity
- Typical capacity: 10^13 - 10^17 bytes
- Typical access time: 10 - 100 seconds
What is the visual disk structure |
- A - Track
- B - Geometrical Sector
- C - Track Sector
- D - Cluster
[image] |
What is the zone bit recording? |
- Tracks closer to the disc edge are longer than those closer to the axis
- Bit densities vary in order to ensure a constant number of bits per sector
- Instead we can vary the number of sectors per track (Depending on track location)
- Improves overall storage density
What is Disk Access Time break down to? |
Access time =
Seek Time + Rotational Delay + Transfer Time |
Time taken for head assembly to move to a given track
Avg: 4ms for high end drives; 15ms for mobile devices |
What is rotational delay? |
Time required for addresed area of disk to rotate into a position where it is accessible by the read/write head.
What are typical transfer times? |
Transfer time = block size/ transfer rate
Transfer rate ranges from
- up to 1000 Mbit/sec
- 432 Mbit/sec 12x Blu-Ray disk
- 1.23 Mbits/sec 1x CD
- for SSDs, limited interface. e.f. SATA 3000 Mbit/s
What are some characteristics of sequential access? |
- Sequential i/o is much less expensive than random i/o
- RAM = what about reading "next" block?
- Access time = (block size/transfer rate) + negligible costs
- negligible costs: skip inter-block gap, switch track, switch to adjacent cylinder
What are some characteristics for disk access time for writing? |
- Costs similar to those for reading, unless we wish to verify data
- Verifying requires that we read the block we've just writen, so:
Access Time =
Seek Time +
Rotational Delay (1/2 rotation) +
Transfer Time (for writing) +
Rotational Delay (full rotation) +
Transfer time (For verifying) |
What are the characteristics of modifying? |
- Read block
- Modify in memory
- Write Block
- Verify Block (optional)
Access Time =
Seek Time +
Rotational Delay (1/2 rotation) +
Transfer Time (for writing) +
Rotational Delay (full writing) +
Transfer time (For verifying) +
[ Rotational delay (full rotation) +
Transfer time (for verifying) ] |
What are the characteristics for Block Addressing? |
- Cylinder-head-sector
- Physical location of data on disk
- ZBR causes problems (sectors vary by tracks)
- Logical Block addressing
- Blocks located by integer index
- HDD firmware maps LBA addresses to physical locations on disk
- Allows remapping of bad blocks
What are some key points of Block Size Selection? |
- The size of blocks affects i/o efficiency:
- Big blocks reduce costs of access
- fewer seeks (seek tiem + rotational delay) for the same amount of data
- Big blocks also increase the amount of irrelevant data read
- If you're trying to read a single record in a block, larger blocks force you to read more data
Explain the 5 minute rule |
Say a page is accessed every X seconds
CD = cost if we keep that page on disk
- D = cost of disk unit
- I = numbers IOs that unit can perform
- in X seconds, unit can do I*X IOs so:
Say a page is accessed every X seconds
CM = cost if we keep that page on RAM
- M = cost of 1MB of RAM
- P = numbers of pages in 1MB RAM
Say page is accessed every X seconds - if CD < CM, then keep page on disk, else keep in memory.
Break even point when CD = CM, or X = (D*P)/(I*M) |
Give an example of the 5 minute rule |
P = 128 pages/MB (8KB pages)
I = 64 accesses/sec/disk
D = 2000 dollars/disk (9GB + controller)
M = 15 dollars/MB of DRAM
X = 266 seconds(about 5 minutes) |
What are some key points of Data Items? |
- They are either fixed length or variable length
- May also include type of data item (Tells how to interpret, size, etc)
- The object to store (Salary, name, date, etc)
- Stored in bytes
- Numbers can be represented as Integers (2bytes) Real Numbers (IEEE754 floating point), etc
- Characters can be represented with various coding schemes: ASCII, utf-8, etc
- Booleans represented by one byte or one bit
- Dates/Times representation: Integer, ISO8601 dates, etc
- Representation of strings (Null terminated, Length given, Fixed length)
What are some key characteristics of Records? |
- Collection of related data items/fields (employee record contains name field, salary field, etc)
- Records may have fixed or variable formats and lengths
- Contains record headers
- Data at begining of record that describes it
- Type (points to schema)
- length
- Timestamp
- Intermediate between fixed and variable format
What are some points and an example of fixed format records? |
- Fixed Formats - schema describes structure of records
- Number of fields
- Types of fields
- Order in record
- Meaning of each field
[image] |
What are some points and an example of variable format records? |
- Schema-less format
- Record itself contains format: "Self-describing"
- Useful for sparse records, repeating fields, evolving formats
- May waste space compared to a fixed format records
[image] |