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coming of age in mississippi
rhetorical analysis
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards





Not only experiencing the civil right movement, but being the center of accusation when attempting to fight for rights
B. Imagine, Growing up, surrounded by racism you could never fully understand as a little girl
C. Imagine being apart of a civil rights movement only to be targeted by uncivil and violent measures
All this and more:
is described in Anne Moody’s autobiography
B. Coming of Age in
III. Preview of Today's Lecture
A. The Author: Anne Moody
B. The overall context of the book
C. Impact of the story through its autobiographical style of writing
D. Author’s message
IV. Anny Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi:
A. Published in 1968
B. Autobiography of Growing up poor and black in Rural South
C. Covers Span of 19 years through the life of Anne Moody
V. The trigger that started the fight
A. Anne Moody learns of the Emmitt till
B. Brutally murdered for allegedly whistling at a white woman.
VI. A Fight for civil rights
A. Anne becomes active in the NAACP and the civil rights movement
B. Anne participates in famous sit-in at lunch counter of the Woolworth’s in Jackson, Mississippi.
C. Works as a CORE (Coalition for the Organization of Racial Equality) activist in rural Madison County, Mississippi
VII. Anne’s Goal For movement :
A. focus on economic issues
B. Help black farmers buy their own land.
VIII. The end is only the beginning…
VIII. The end is only the beginning…
A. Anne Moody rides bus to Washington
B. Riders of bus, including Anne Moody, sing “We Shall Overcome”
C. Anne Moody ponders if blacks will overcome racism
D. The Final words written in her story are “I wonder, I really wonder”
1. These words leave the reader speechless and wanting more
2. And yet the reader is fascinated with Moody’s recollection
3. And of overcoming racism, violence and the fight for strength to live peacefully during this time.
IX. Blank Slide
A. Coming of Age in Mississippi, by Anne Moody:
B. Conveys the message of The Destructive Power of Prejudice
C. Anne moody’s stories throughout her book not only describes her life
D. But they a vivid picture of what it was like coming of age in Mississippi.
X. After today’s lecture,
A. You should take away the life of Anne Moody
1. Her struggle to understand racism
2. Her struggle and her fight
B. her book, coming of age in Mississippi gave gives an inside look:
1. into the life of a woman who fought through the discontent of living through racism
2. and a first person view into the civil rights movement and the journey taken when fighting herself.
C. We evaluated the message that was conveyed in the story
1. The power prejudice can have over a society
2. And the will to fight against hate
D. Importance of this book being a autobiography
1. The importance of the story being told from the woman who experienced it
2. The story being told through first person style gives the message a more intense quality as we are learning a true story from the woman who experienced it all
3. This can also make a bigger impact on the reader, with added details from a woman who knows exactly what happened from start to finish
XI. How Moody’s story can relate to today
A. Moody’s story is set in a different time but,
B. We can relate to her longing for peace and resolution
C. We can relate to her strength and desire for understanding why society is a certain way
D. Furthermore, we can relate to her desperation to make a difference
1. We all want to make a difference in this world
2. Even if we are only a speck of the solution
3. A little help can go a long way.
I have rhetorically analyzed:
A. the life of Anne Moody
B. the story she tells in her autobiography
C. Stories of prejudice and fighting for equality
D. Luckily Anne Moody is still alive today to witness the change in society and the goal that we all should carry for equality for all.
E. It may remain a work in progress
F. But I believe our hopes for the future
G. Can be results of our hopes from past.
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