Accessible Active Transportation |
Having a safe environment and the means to participate in any form of active human-powered transportation, such as walking, cycling, using a wheelchair, in-line skating, or skateboarding. |
An organization or agency process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital, resources, and people. |
City and County General Plans |
The policy of acceptable land uses in each jurisdiction. Each city and county adopts and updates their General Plan to guide the growth and land development of their community, for both the current period and the long term. The General Plan is the foundation for establishing goals, purposes, zoning, and activities allowed on each land parcel to provide compatibility and continuity to the entire region as well as each individual neighborhood. |
A public document that works together with the General Plan to provide location-based policies and recommendations in community planning areas. Community plans are written to refine the General Plan's citywide policies, designate land uses and housing densities, and include additional site-specific recommendations as needed. |
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) |
Proper design and effective use of the built environment that can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and an improvement in the quality of life. |
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) |
A means of assessing the health impacts of policies, plans and projects in diverse economic sectors using quantitative, qualitative, and participatory techniques. Health Impact Assessments help decision-makers make choices about alternatives and improvements to prevent disease/injury and to actively promote health. |
Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) City Campaigns |
A means of assessing the health impacts of policies, plans and projects in diverse economic sectors using quantitative, qualitative, and participatory techniques. Health Impact Assessments help decision-makers make choices about alternatives and improvements to prevent disease/injury and to actively promote health. |
A specific group of people that are more likely to be exposed to or are more sensitive to a certain condition than the general population. |
Level of Service Standards |
The minimum requirements for the quality of public services provided by the government. |
A process authorized under California law that enables local government entities to revitalize deteriorated and blighted areas in their jurisdictions. Redevelopment agencies develop a plan and provide the initial funding to launch revitalization of identified areas. |
Regional Comprehensive Plan (RCP) |
The long-term planning framework for a region. It provides a broad context, which dictates public policy in terms of transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing. Comprehensive plans typically encompass large geographical areas, a broad range of topics, and cover a long-term time period. |
Regional Food Systems Policies |
A comprehensive food planning process at the community and regional levels that include policy changes to increase regional and local access to healthful foods. |
Regional Transportation Plan |
A long-term blueprint of a region's transportation system. The RTP presents the overarching policies and goals, system concepts for all modes of travel, funding strategies, and local implementation requirements. |
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) |
Programs that enable community leaders, schools and parents across the United States to improve safety and encourage more children, including children with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to school. |
Local ordinances which specify the standards and conditions under which a tract of land can be subdivided. Originally directed at street layout and construction specifications, many regulations now stipulate the general design of street lighting and signs, sidewalks, sewage disposal, and water-supply systems; others require the dedication of land for schools, parks, and other community facilities within the subdivision. |
Workplace Lactation Policies |
Policy that provides for breastfeeding accommodations at work including a reasonable amount of break time and access to clean, private spaces for lactation. |
Laws passed by local governments regulating the size, type, structure, nature, and use of buildings. Often referred to as zoning laws and zoning regulations, and divided into those which regulate the height or bulk of buildings within certain designated zones or districts and those which prescribe the type of buildings which may be constructed, and the use to which buildings within certain designated zones or districts may be put. |