What are the 13 essential dimensions and methods of a clinical assessment? |
1. Reason; chief complaint; reasons for hospitalization/seeking treatment 2. History of present illness 3. Past psychiatric history 4. General med history 5. Sub abuse history 6. Psychosocial and developmental history 7. Social history 8. Occupational history 9. Family history of illness 10. Review of systems (sleep, appetite, pain fatigue) 11. Physical exam 12. Mental status exam 13. Functional assessment (daily activities, etc.) |
What are the 3 central elements in the process of conveying assessment findings and recommendations? |
1. Client or family should be informed of the evaluators or treatment teams conclusions regarding the diagnosis as well as treatment recommendations. 2. Allows questions and concerns to be addressed as well as reactions. 3. The process can help the client and family understand and accept the disorder(s), understand how it impacting on functioning, and accept the need for treatment. |
What are the 10 "Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders"? |
1. Establish and maintaining a therapeutic alliance with the client 2. Manage the clients psychiatric (or substance use) symptoms and monitoring the status over time 3. Providing education regarding the disorder(s) and treatment 4. Determining the need for medications and other specific treatment 5. Developing an overall treatment plan 6. Enhancing adherence to the treatment plan 7. Assisting the client and family to the psychosocial effects of the disorder 8. Promoting early recognition of new episodes and helping id factors that precipitate or perpetuate these episodes 9. Initiating efforts to relieve and improve family functioning 10. Facilitating access to services and coordinating resources among different service providers |
What are the 3 phases of treatment? |
1. ACUTE - focus is on stabilizing the main symptoms of the disorder and developing an initial treatment plan 2. CONTINUATION - symptoms and problems continue to be addressed, including the impairments caused by the disorder(s) 3. MAINTENANCE - Treatment continues even for the conditions in full or partial remission in an effort to reduce future relapse risk |
What are the 3 treatment models? |
1. PARALLEL - Concurrent treatment of both disorders (i.e., both disorders are treated at the same time but in different places) 2. SEQUENTIAL - Treating one disorder at a time 3. INTEGRATED - Treating both disorders (i.e., both disorders are treated at the same time and at the same place, or by the same provider) |
What 9 elements best predict successful treatment outcomes and treatment adherence? |
1. Prepare the client for treatment participation 2. Focus on enhancing the clients motivation to change 3. Attend to the therapeutic relationship 4. Facilitate the transitions between levels of care 5. Focus ion the treatment process 6. Elicit the support of the family or significant others 7. Monitor major symptoms of psychiatric illness or chemical dependency 8. Monitor medication use, side effects, and potential problems 9. Incorporate systems changes in clinical care |
Mental Disorder (depression, schizophrenia) |
Personality Disorder & Mental Retardation (borderline narcissistic, etc.) |
Physical Conditions (hypertension, diabetes) |
Psychosocial & Environmental Problems (primary support group, economic, education, work, etc.) |
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Global rating of Psychological, Social and Occupational functioning on a continuum ranging from superior to severe |