1. Explaisn procedure, speaking clearly, slowly, and directly, mainatining face-to-face contact whenever possible
2. Privacy is provided with a curtain, screen, or door
3. Before placing bedpan, lowers head of bed
4. Puts on clean glvoes before handling bedpan
5. Places bedpan correctly under client's buttocks
6. Removew and disposes of gloves (without contaminating self) into waste container and washes hands
7. After positioning client on bedpan and removing glvoes, raises head of bed.
8. Toilet tissue within reach
9. Hand wipe is within reach and client is instructed to clean hands with hand wipe when finished
10. Signaling device within reach and client is asked to signal when finished
11. Puts on clean glvoes before removing the bedpan
12. Head of bed is flat before bedpan is removed
13. Aviods overexposure of client
14. Removes, empties, and rinses bedpan and pours rinse into toilte
15. AFter rinsing bedpan, places bedpan in designated dirty supply area
16 After placing bedpan in designated dirty supply area, removes and disposes of gloves (without contaminating self) into waste container and washes hands
17. Signaling device is within reach and bed is in low position. |