Four Communication Models - Laswell
- Shannon and Weaver
- Westley and MacLean
- Schramm
- Lasswell
- Who?[Communicator]
- Says what? [Content]
- In which channel? [Medium]
- To whom? [Receiver]
- With what effect? [Effect]
- Early CMN model based on propaganda study
- Assumes that communicator has intention of influencing receiver
- Element of feedback NOT considered
- Shannon and Weaver's model
- Mathematical CMN model based on signal transmission
- CMN as a linear process
- Element of feedback NOT considered
- Provides more sophisticated conceptual base for mediated CMN
- Distinguishes between:
- Slide 14 .O {color:black; font-size:149%;} .O1 {color:black; font-size:149%;} a:link {color:#E2D700 !important;} a:active {color:#009DD9 !important;} a:visited {color:#85DFD0 !important;}
information source and transmitter, receiver and destination. - message (meaning) and signal (symbol)
- Westley and MacLean
- Slide 16 .O {color:black; font-size:149%;} a:link {color:#E2D700 !important;} a:active {color:#009DD9 !important;} a:visited {color:#85DFD0 !important;}
Model for understanding mass mediated CMN considering media organization and production aspects Gatekeeping role of mass media
- Feedback considered
- Schramm
- Circular and interactive model
- A clear break from the traditional linear models
- Focuses on behavior of main actors
- encoding, decoding and interpreting
- Describes two parties as equals
- However, in reality, CMN often fairly unbalanced
Experiments Characteristics, goals, advantages and disadvantages |
- Characteristics
- Control group vs. treatment group
- Random assignment
- Between group vs. within group design
- Advantages
- Isolating cause and effect
- Exp. vs. Control group
- All other factors are controlled
- Facilitates casual inferences
- Disadvantages
- Narrow focus
- Artificial situation -> Field experiment
- Limited external validity
- Best at isolating short-term effects
- Many media effects are long-term
- How long do experimental effects last?
Survey Characteristics, goals, advantages and disadvantages |
- Characteristics
- Probability sampling
- Each member of population has equal chance of being selected in sample
- High external validity
- Sample size
- Two types of surveys
- Cross-sectional
- One-time snashot of population
- Panel
- People reinterviewed over time
- Measures
- Change over time
- Change in response to event
- Advantages
- Describing characteristics of a large population: enhanced external validity
- Flexibility
- Permits measurement of many variables
- Possibility for anonymous response
- Disadvantages
- Low external validity (difficulty to build casual inference)
- Artificiality of responding to survey
- Social desirability and conscious of observation
Content Analysis Characteristics |
- Characteristics
- Systematic analysis of media texts, program, etc.
- Looking at production side of mass CMN, not the effects of mass CMN
- Vital to understanding and validating media effect research