Shared Flashcard Set


Clinical Psychology
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards




What is anxiety?
- “A generalized feeling of fear and apprehension that may be related to a particular situation or object and is often accompanied by increased physiological arousal.” (Lambert, 2012, p. 629)
- Physiological arousal may include heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, dizziness, flushing, shaking, gastric distress; also muscle tension. As our adrenaline increases into our system, body begins to take flight or fight mode.
What are the five DSM anxiety disorders?
1. Specific Phobia
2. Agrophobia
3. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
4. Panic Disorder
5. Generalised Anxiety Disorder
What is Specific Phobia and what does it include?
- Fear + avoidance which is disproportionate/excessive in relation to the feared stimulus
- People with needle phobias are often very avoidant of health situations. Can be cured through hierarchy treatments.
- Causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
- Treatment generally involves graded exposure and relaxation (= systematic desensitization)
- E.g. start with tiny diabetic needles and getting person to play with them on the table -> then get them to hold the needle -> then having little diabetic needles in the tummy’s -> butterfly needle in the back of the hand -> then needle put into vain. Can take about 2 hours. Takes someone who is extremely willing to be exposed to their biggest fear. Will be done in a continuous basis (daily or weekly) so that person gets used to idea that should not be feared
What is Agrophobia and what does it include?
- Fear and avoidance of being alone in a place from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing e.g. using public transportation, standing in line or being in a crowd, being outside of the home alone.
- Causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
- Treatment generally involves graded exposure and relaxation (= systematic desensitization)
What is Social Phobia and what does it include?
- Marked fear/anxiety about one or more social situations in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny from others
- Fear of negative evaluation
- Fear of being excluded or turned against by a group
- Social situations avoided or endured with intense distress
- Causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
What is Panic Disorder and what does it include?
- Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks
– Panic attack = abrupt surge of intense fear, reaches a peak within minutes, includes at least four of: heart palpitations/accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feeling faint, nausea, fear of losing control or dying.
- Persistent concern/worry about future panic attacks and/or maladaptive change in behaviour related to the panic attacks
- There may be specific triggers that can be discovered in order to target those triggers in order to monitor the panic
- Treated with CBT
Explain how the CBT treatment for people with Panic Disorder works
- Psycho-education on the catastrophic misinterpretation of physical symptoms (e.g., “I'm having a heart attack”); cognitive restructuring
- Graded exposure to panic inducing symptoms (interoceptive exposure) until they no longer produce response (i.e., habituation occurs) e.g. Spin a person on a chair, breath through a straw, body tensing, running in one place. Making them realise that these small sensations do not mean they are going to have a panic attack.
- CBT has the best evidence base for anxiety disorders. Knowing why is not going to help you fix the panic so need to know how person is going to work on it physically.
Explain Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Constant and excessive anxiety and worry about things in general (health, money, work, achievement) occurring for more days than not for at least 6 months; difficulty controlling worry
- Three or more of the following symptoms: Restlessness, feeling on edge; Being easily fatigued; Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank; Irritability; Muscle tension; Sleep disturbance
- All people have a bit of generalised anxiety disorder
- Group that we see the most of are mothers who have anxiety after they have delivered a baby, worrying that they are not going to be a good mum and looking at other mums who look perfect in the outside (focus on this one mum instead of seeing all the other mums who they can relate to)
- Worry constantly about things that people don’t usually worry about
- Treated with CBT and ACT
Explain the CBT/ACT treatment of generalised anxiety disorder
May include cognitive restructuring, systematic desensitization, relaxation training, dropping of safety behaviours
- Asking for an 8,9, 10 scale anxiety problem
- Trying to understand the thoughts
- CBT is much more active, trying to get people’s thoughts, thinking about numbers
- Looking at physiology- “What is happening to your body in that situation?”
- All circles are filled in, will present circles to her, and show how these link up to each other
- Behaviours, psychical and emotions all link to each other. So, by separating these on paper can see that in changing one part have the ability to change the other parts
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