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Civil War
Test March 1
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





Kentucky/ Border States
> One of the keys to winning the War for the Union is capturing the Mississippi River- & the Ohio River, which runs thru KY, empties into the Mississippi.
- Ohio River is necessary for transportation of goods: if the workers in the borders states can't get crops to market via the river, they could decided to bolt from Union.
- Keeping KY means keeping Butternut Region states (Southern IL, Indiana, + Ohio): sympathetic to the South- think Confederate flags everywhere- even though they don't have a need for slave labor
Southern Ad/ Dis
1. more experienced generals & soldiers- military more a part of culture
2. Defensive War
3. A lot of coastline- harder for Union to blockade
4. Cotton production- people everywhere needed
5. Large- hard to take over large landmass

1. Counted on support from GB (because of cotton) doesn't pan out. Here's why:
- S. assumed GB would b + likely to support them bc of social similarities btwn S. Planters & English Aristocracy, but ENGL becomes + Democratic and no longer supports slavery.
- Bad weather in ENGL forces to import food (from the North)- more reliant on food than on cotton clothing.
- India now supplying cotton for ENGL
- North producing a surplus of crops

[In an attempt to make ENGL feel more secure about investing in the South, the South backs their bonds with cotton. But, eventually, the North is able to blockade the coast + South can't get cotton out.]
North Ad/ Dis

1. Population:
2. Immigrants +
3. Escaped Slaves
4. Stronger Banking system- can't do anything big (like war) w/o banks
5. US Navy- a Northern Institution b/c they side merchants

Habeus Corpus... Wartime Restrictions on Liberty
Essentially, there has to be a reason for the state to arrest you.

Art 1, Sect. 9, Para 2: The right of habeus corpus may not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion.

Lincoln puts people in jail in MD w/o habeus corpus- fears Baltimore Assassination plot, Maryland is S. state
Lincoln's other
Wartime Restrictions on Liberty
1. Blockades the South- only supposed to blockade enemies- a sign of war & Congress had not declared war

2. Spends $2million w/o Congress' appropriating (designating) the $

3. Enlarges the army w/o Congressional approval

Congress is secretly happy about Lincoln's bold decisions b/c they never want to make big, controversial decisions- takes their names off of "the line."
1st Battle of Bull Run
Union army is 'green' and relatively untrained & Stonewall Jackson defeats

Important because the wake-up call for the north- need to tune up their army & because it makes the South overconfident.
The peninsula campaign, George McClellan, and 7 Days Battle (Confederates)
Union Gen George McClellan- moves too slowly, too cautious, never wants to fight
Doesn't move up the peninsula fast enough and the Confederates (w/ Gen. Robert E. Lee) are prepared for him with a couter-attack
Result: the 7 days battle: 36,000 dead changes Lincoln's perspective on the war. Now, privately, he decides that the war will be to end slavery because he doesn't want those soldiers to die w.o. eliminating the root cause of the war.

Can't yet announce new plan until border states are secure.

Leads to total warfare- the Anaconda Plan
Total War- the Anaconda Plan
T.W.: go to war with an entire society not just military. Reason- need to wipe out the ppl who fed slave culture in order to properly re-build the south.

Points: - A war of attrition
1. Blockade- cut off trade- will starve the south
2. Free slaves- the southern labor force- designed to limit the south's ability to produce
3. Seize the Mississippi
4. Burn South- all crops & Plantation homes- get rid of Aristocracy
5. Capture Richmond, VA
Battle of Antietam (Union)
Follows the 7 Days Battle and the Peninsula Campaign

MD, Could have been the South's Saratoga- get allies by proving ability to win major battle.

The bloodiest day in American History.

Union officers find E. Lee's battle plans and his soldiers are ill-fed and equipped

Effect/ Impt.: Union success at Antietam + the fact that MD didn't rally behind E. Lee shows that border states are secure prompt Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation.
Minie Ball
New, smaller bullet that was hollowed out on one end- improving accuracy over longer distances.

important because it made warfare more deadly when the technology improved, but the strategies (the battle formations and close-range) did not.
Emancipation Proclamation
Cause: Battle of Antietam- showed that border state were secure and was a Union victory.

Definition: Frees the slaves in Southern territories and states, encouraging them to escape to Union lines and joint the army. Constitutional because it was a military tool. "All slaves in rebel states are now and forever free." (doesn't actually happen.

Effect: 1.) Draft Riots in NYC- poor whites didn't want slave taking their jobs & mad that only poor people were fighting because the rich were buying their way out. 2.) &, eventually, leads to the 13th amendment.
Battle of Gettysburg
Robert E. Lee's attempt to get a victory in the North (PA) and get the Union to sign a peace treaty that would have made the South their own country. Picket's Charge is his army's last ha-ra.

Important because it was as close to victory as the South would ever come. After Gettysburg, E. Lee no longer has the manpower to go on the offensive.
Battle of Vicksburg (Union)
Ulysses S. Grant
William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman's March to Sea
Vicksburg is on the Mississippi River and is like the confederates' "Quebec" because its a fortress on a very important strategic river.

Important because the butternut region will side with whoever controls the river (they need to get their crops to market)- after the battle of Vicksburg that's the North.

Grant has the stomach for casualties (unlike Cautious McClellan)- he's the General who wins the war for the Union.

Tecumseh Sherman (U): Marches + Burns everything in sight in the South from Atlanta to Sea.
Election of 1864
Abe Lincoln Vs. George McClellan

L: bad to change administration in the middle of a war.

Party Factions:
- Radical Republicans: Abolitionists from North who don't think the Emancipation Proc goes far enough, want more pwr for Congress and less for Lincoln (Pres.)
- War Democrats: support Lincoln bc he's the commander-in-chief and its wartime, not the time for division
- Peace Democrats- want to let the south go for Peace- US of American & Confederate States of America
- Copperhead Democrats: Disloyal to Union, located in Butternut Region
- Union Party: Made up of Republicans and War Democrats, Lincoln's party

Andrew Johnson- a democrat from TN is chosen as VP to mend fences- gets Lincoln elected, but is bad with Reconstruction
Appomattox Court House
April 8th, 1865- the war is over.
Court decides to let Southerners keep their firearms and horses
South is decimated
Need to
- Feed themselves
- Maintain order in a no leadership vacuum.
Freedmen's Bureau
Congress passed a bill that established the Freedmen's Bureau, which helped free ex-slaves (freedmen) with their basic needs: healthcare, housing, food, education, and jobs. Also, helped reunite families separated by slave trade. Anyone who pledge loyalty to the Union (slave or poor whites) could lease 40 acres and a mule from the Bureau with the option to buy eventually.

Initiated by Lincoln.
Lincoln's 10% Plan
Said that a southern state could be re-admitted into the Union once it had 10% of its voters take an oath of allegiance to the Union. Part of Lincoln's reconstruction plans.
Wade-davis bill
counter to Lincoln's 10% passed by the Radical Republicans.
50%, rather than 10%, of registered voters had to swear an oath of Allegiance to the United States before the southern state would be re-admitted into the union. Important because Lincoln used the pocket-veto on this, refused to sign the bill knowing that Congress was about to leave for recess. Also, Lincoln didn't want to seem like a radical, which this bill was, heading into the 1864 election.
Johnson and Presidential Reconstruction
- He returned confiscated property to white southerners
- Issued hundreds of pardons to former Confederate officers and government officials
- Johnson also appointed governors to supervise the drafting of new state constitutions and agreed to readmit each state provided it ratified the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery.
Black Codes
Southern state laws that attempted to take away all Freedmen's rights.
(1) Labor Contracts (slavery with a modern name): Blacks must always have a labor contract. Each contract lasts one year and then must be renewed. If caught without a contract or leaving a job before a contract was up, you were fined- heavily. African Americans weren't given time to "job-hunt," so many went back to their masters.

(2) Idleness Laws
Balance of Power Clash
Cause: The VP of the Confederacy is elected to Congress + other Confederate leaders bc the 3/5 compromise means that blacks are now counted for population, even though they don't vote (12 new Southern seats)
The Republican Congress blocks the Southern Congressional Delegates (who had been elected) from being seated- against the President's decision = The Clash

What happens: Congress decides to pass the Civil Rights Bill and Johnson vetoes, but with 2/3 vote Congress- for the 1st time in American history- overrides the Presidential veto.

Important bc leads to the 14 amendment, which say (in its 2nd sect.) that if a state doesn't allow a group of ppl to vote that group isn't counted when tallying population for Congress Representation.
Civil Rights Act
Congress Passes, Johnson vetoes
What- Gives Freedmen Citizenship & Protects freedom of speech, religion, right not to self-incriminate, against illegal search and seizure, etc.

Important bc the freedmen really need an amendment to the constitution to be passed for them to actually be guaranteed these rights, but this act of 1865 leads to the 14th amendment.

Also import. b/c first time in history that Presidential veto had been overridden by 2/3 vote in Congress- shows shift in power from wartime.
15th Amendments
13: ratified in 1865 and abolishes slavery (...& involuntary servitude)- at the same time as black codes- the union wouldn't have won the war without the help of escaped/freed slaves. Cause: If blacks don't get their rights, 600,000 lives are lost in vain

14 (4 parts): Comes from the balance of power clash- huge deal b/c changes the constitution drastically.
a. All persons born or naturalized in US are US and State Citizens and no state can take away their rights and liberties as US citizens. Why?? Hoping for equal protection and afraid of tyranny, so gave more pwr to states.
b. If a state doesn't allow a class/ race of ppl to vote they are not counted towards the states' population, which determines # of representatives in Congress.
c. No ex-confederate leader can be a part of the US government any longer.
d. The United States' debt will be paid. The Confederate States' debt will not be- why reward the people who were against the US by actually paying them back.

15: gave African American men the right to vote.
"Swing 'Round the Circle"
& Midterm Election of 1866
President Johnson has to work with Congress, so he really wants a majority for the Democratic Party. Decides to help them by stumping, giving the same speech, through the North on a little tour. The problem is that Johnson isn't a great speaker and is unable to ignore the criticism from the audience and he gets into arguments with hecklers.

Result of '66 midterm- the Republican Party wins 2/3 majority in both houses.
Important b/c the clash of power continues and, eventually, Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act to provoke the President into doing something illegal, so that they can impeach him and mess with him a little.
The Military Reconstruction Act
Cause: republicans getting 2/3 majority in Congress.

Divided the south into 5 military districts and sent Union soldiers to enforce Freedmen's rights and prevent slavery by other names (like blackcodes). Made it possible for freedmen to vote safely.

Effect: Freedmen's rights were being enforced by Republicans, so they voted for Republicans. Also, led to the formation of radical regimes, like the KuKlux Klan.
Radical Regimes
Southern Republican governments under the protection of the US military that used violence and death threats to keep blacks from voting (which the 14th amendment gave them the right to do).
Anyone who leaves their home (place of birth or permanent residence) state for political opportunity in another.

At this time, it was Northerners going South who were seen by Southerners as taking advantage of Freedmen and their situation. Hilary Clinton is a contemporary example.
Tenure of Office Act
Cause: Congress wants to get of President Johnson, so they decided to come up with a bill that will provoke him into breaking a law.

The President may not fire any official that needed Senate confirmation (his cabinet) unless the Senate gives approval. As President, Johnson's job is uphold the constitution and he believes that this law is unconstitutional. He fired his Sec. of War, Edwin Stanton, because he was leaking information from Johnson's cabinet meetings to the Senate. By firing Stanton, Johnson broke a law and the Senate impeached, or indicted (accused) him.
Impeachment Process
This is a political trial, meaning guilty or not guilty, they can still get rid of you if they have enough votes.

The House impeaches (accuses) and serves as the prosecution
The Senate, like a petit jury in a criminal trial, can convict or acquit.

In the end, though, Senators will not convict a President who didn't do anything because they won't be voted back into the Senate. Congresses fear in the Johnson impeachment trial was "If we impeach because we dislike him, we will set a precedent for any time there is a Congress controlled by a different party than the President's."
Waving the blood shirt
Politicians capitalized on sectional tension to get elected. Blaming members of the Democratic party (their supporters were in the slave-owning South) for the bloodshed of the civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Compromise of 1877
The Republican Candidate from the botched election, Rutherford b. Hayes, would be President, but in exchange military reconstruction would come to an end- helping the democrats.

Blacks could only vote safely when they had military protection and blacks voted for Republicans.

Important bc showed that Republicans had stopped caring about blacks' rights- were willing to sell them down the river for their own short-term political gain.
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