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Civil Law Obligations
LACC Articles

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Article 1756: Obligations; Definition

An obligation is a legal relationship whereby a person, called the obligor, is bound to render a performance in favor of another, called the obligee. Performance may consist of giving, doing, or not doing something.

Article 1757: Sources of Obligations

Obligations arise from contracts and other declarations of will. They also arise directly from the law, regardless of a declaration of will, in instances such as wrongful acts, the management of the affairs of another, unjust enrichment and other acts or facts.

Article 1758: General Effects of Obligations

An obligation may give the obligee the right to: (1) Enforce the performance that the obligor is bound to render; (2) Enforce performance by causing it to be rendered by another at the obligor's expense; (3) Recover damages for the obligor's failure to perform, or his defective or delayed performance.

An obligation may give the obligor the right to: (1) Obtain the proper discharge when he has performed in full; Contest the obligee's actions when the obligation has been extinguished or modified by a legal cause.

Article 1759: Good Faith

Good faith shall govern the conduct of the obligor and the obligee in whatever pertains to the obligation.

Article 1760: Moral duties that may give rise to a natural obligation

A natural obligation arises from circumstances in which the law implies a particular moral duty to render a performance.

Article 1761: Effects of a natural obligation

A natural obligation is not enforceable by judicial action. Nevertheless, whatever has been freely performed in compliance with a natural obligation may not be reclaimed. A contract made for the performance of a natural obligation is onerous.

Article 1762: Examples of circumstances giving rise to a natural obligation

Examples of circumstances giving rise to a natural obligation are: (1) When a civil obligation has been extinguished by prescription or discharged in bankruptcy. (2) When an obligation has been incurred by a person who, although endowed with discernment, lacks legal capacity. When the universal successors are not bound by a civil obligation to execute the donations and other dispositions made by a deceased person that are null for want of form.


Article 1763: Definition of a Real Obligation


A real obligation is a duty correlative and incidental to a real right.

Article 1764: Effects of Real Obligation

A real obligation is transferred to the universal or particular successor who acquires the movable or immovable thing to which the obligation is attached, without a special provision to that effect. But a particular successor is not personally bound, unless he assumes the personal obligations of his transferor with respect to the thing, and he may liberate himself of the real obligation by abandoning the thing.

Article 1766: Strictly Personal Obligation

An obligation is strictly personal when its performance can be enforced only by the obligee, or only against the obligor. When the performance requires the special skill or qualification of the obligor, the obligation is presumed to be strictly personal on the part of the obligor. All obligations to perform personal services are presumed to be strictly personal on the part of the obligor. When the performance is intended for the benefit of the obligee exclusively, the obligation is strictly personal on the part of that obligee

Article 1767: Suspensive and resolutory condition

A conditional obligation is one dependent on an uncertain event. If the obligation may not be enforced until the uncertain event occurs, the condition is suspensive. If the obligation may be immediately enforced but will come to an end when the uncertain event occurs, the condition is resolutory.

Article 1768: Express and Implied Conditions

Conditions may be either expressed in a stipulation or implied by the law, the nature of the contract, or the intent of the parties.

Article 1769: Unlawful or Impossible Condition

A suspensive condition that is unlawful or impossible makes the obligation null.

Article 1770: Condition that depends on the whim or the will of the obligor

A suspensive condition that depends solely on the whim of the obligor makes the obligation null. A resolutory condition that depends solely on the will of the obligor must be fulfilled in good faith.

Article 1771: Obligee's Right, Pending Condition

The obligee of a conditional obligation, pending fulfillment of the condition, may take all lawful measures to preserve his right.

Article 1772: Fault of a Party

A condition is regarded as fulfilled when it is not fulfilled because of the fault of a party with an interest contrary to the fulfillment.

Article 1773: Time for fulfillment of condition that an event shall occur

If the condition is that an event shall occur within a fixed time and that time elapses without the occurrence of the event, the condition is considered to have failed. If no time has been fixed for the occurrence of the event, the condition may be fulfilled within a reasonable time. Whether or not a time has been fixed, the condition is considered to have failed once it is certain that the event will not occur.

Article 1774: Time for fulfillment of condition that an event shall not occur

If the condition is that an event shall not occur within a fixed time, it is considered as fulfilled once that time has elapsed without the event having occurred. The condition is regarded as fulfilled whenever it is certain that the event will not occur, whether or not a time has been fixed.

Article 1775: Effects Retroactive

Fulfillment of a condition has effects that are retroactive to the inception of the obligation. Nevertheless, that fulfillment does not impair the validity of acts of administration duly performed by a party, nor affect the ownership of fruits produced while the condition was pending. Likewise, fulfillment of the condition does not impair the right acquired by third persons while the condition was pending.

Article 1776: Contract for continuous or periodic performance

In a contract for continuous or periodic performance, fulfillment of a resolutory condition does not affect the validity of acts of performance rendered before fulfillment of the condition.

Article 1777: Express or Implied Term

A term for the performance of an obligation may be express or it may be implied by the nature of the contract. Performance of an obligation not subject to a term is due immediately.

Article 1778: Term for Performance

A term for the performance of an obligation is a period of time either certain or uncertain. It is certain when it is fixed. It is uncertain when it is not fixed but is determinable either by the intent of the parties or by the occurrence of a future and certain event. It is also uncertain when it is not determinable, in which case the obligation must be performed within a reasonable time.

Article 1779: Term Presumed to Benefit the Obligor

A term is presumed to benefit the obligor unless the agreement or the circumstances show that it was intended to benefit the obligee or both parties.

Article 1780: Renunciation of a Term

The party for whose exclusive benefit a term has been established may renounce it.

Article 1781: Performance Before End of Term

Although performance cannot be demanded before the term ends, an obligor who has performed voluntarily before the term ends may not recover the performance.

Article 1782: If the Obligor is Insolvent

When the obligation is such that its performance requires the solvency of the obligor, the term is regarded as nonexistent if the obligor is found to be insolvent.

Article 1783: Impairment or Failure of Security

When the obligation is subject to a term and the obligor fails to furnish the promised security, or the security furnished becomes insufficient, the obligee may require that the obligor, at his option, either perform the obligation immediately or furnish sufficient security. The obligee may take all lawful measures to preserve his right.

Article 1784: Term for Performance not Fixed

When the term for performance of an obligation is not marked by a specific date but is rather a period of time, the term begins to run on the day after the contract is made, or on the day after the occurrence of the event that marks the beginning of the term, and it includes the last day of the period.

Article 1785: Performance on Term

Performance on term must be in accordance with the intent of the parties, or with established usage when the intent cannot be ascertained.

Article 1786: Several, Joint, and Solidary Obligations

When an obligation binds more than one obligor to one obligee, or binds one obligor to more than one obligee, or binds more than one obligor to more than one obligee, the obligation may be several, joint, or solidary.

Article 1787: Several Obligations; Effects

When each of different obligors owes a separate performance to one obligee, the obligation is several for the obligors. When one obligor owes a separate performance to each of different obligees, the obligation is several for the obligees. A several obligation produces the same effects as a separate obligation owed to each obligee by an obligor or by each obligor to an obligee.

Article 1788: Joint obligations for obligors or obligees

When different obligors owe together just one performance to one obligee, but neither is bound for the whole, the obligation is joint for the obligors. When one obligor owes just one performance intended for the common benefit of different obligees, neither of whom is entitled to the whole performance, the obligation is joint for the obligees.

Article 1789: Divisible and indivisible joint obligation

 When a joint obligation is divisible, each joint obligor is bound to perform, and each joint obligee is entitled to receive, only his portion. When a joint obligation is indivisible, joint obligors or obligees are subject to the rules governing solidary obligors or solidary obligees.

Article 1790: Solidary obligations for obligees

 An obligation is solidary for the obligees when it gives each obligee the right to demand the whole performance from the common obligor.

Article 1791: Extinction of obligation by performance

Before a solidary obligee brings action for performance, the obligor may extinguish the obligation by rendering performance to any of the solidary obligees.

Article 1831: Party Must Prove Obligation

A party who demands performance of an obligation must prove the existence of the obligation. A party who asserts that an obligation is null, or that it has been modified or extinguished, must prove the facts or acts giving rise to the nullity, modification, or extinction.

Article 1832: Written Form Required by Law

When the law requires a contract to be in written form, the contract may not be proved by testimony or by presumption, unless the written instrument has been destroyed, lost, or stolen.

Article 1833: Authentic Act
An authentic act is a writing executed before a notary public or other officer authorized to perform that function, in the presence of two witnesses, and signed by each party who executed it, by each witness, and by each notary public before whom it was executed. The typed or hand-printed name of each person shall be placed in a legible form immediately beneath the signature of each person signing the act. To be an authentic act, the writing need not be executed at one time or place, or before the same notary public or in the presence of the same witnesses, provided that each party who executes it does so before a notary public or other officer authorized to perform that function, and in the presence of two witnesses and each party, each witness, and each notary public signs it. The failure to include the typed or hand-printed name of each person signing the act shall not affect the validity or authenticity of the act. If a party is unable or does not know how to sign his name, the notary public must cause him to affix his mark to the writing.
Article 1834: Act that Fails to be Authentic

An act that fails to be authentic because of the lack of competence or capacity of the notary public, or because of a defect of form, may still be valid as an act under private signature.

Article 1835: Authentic act constitutes full proof between parties and heirs

An authentic act constitutes full proof of the agreement it contains, as against the parties, their heirs, and successors by universal or particular title.

Article 1839: Transfer of Immovable Property

A transfer of immovable property must be made by authentic act or by act under private signature. Nevertheless, an oral transfer is valid between the parties when the property has been actually delivered and the transferor recognizes the transfer when interrogated on oath. An instrument involving immovable property shall have effect against third persons only from the time it is filed for registry in the parish where the property is located.

Article 1847: Debt of a Third Person and Debt Extinguished by Prescription

Parol evidence is inadmissible to establish either a promise to pay the debt of a third person or a promise to pay a debt extinguished by prescription.

Article 1873: Obligor not Liable when Failure Caused by Fortuitous Event

An obligor is not liable for his failure to perform when it is caused by a fortuitous event that makes performance impossible. An obligor is, however, liable for his failure to perform when he has assumed the risk of such a fortuitous event. An obligor is liable also when the fortuitous event occurred after he has been put in default. An obligor is likewise liable when the fortuitous event that caused his failure to perform has been preceded by his fault, without which the failure would not have occurred.

Article 1874: Fortuitous event that would have destroyed object in hands of obligee

An obligor who had been put in default when a fortuitous event made his performance impossible is not liable for his failure to perform if the fortuitous event would have likewise destroyed the object of the performance in the hands of the obligee had performance been timely rendered. That obligor is, however, liable for the damage caused by his delay.

Article 1875: Fortuitous Event; Definition

A fortuitous event is one that, at the time the contract was made, could not have been reasonably foreseen.

Article 1876: Contract dissolved when performance becomes impossible

When the entire performance owed by one party has become impossible because of a fortuitous event, the contract is dissolved. The other party may then recover any performance he has already rendered.

Article 1877: Fortuitous event that has made performance impossible in part

When a fortuitous event has made a party's performance impossible in part, the court may reduce the other party's counterperformance proportionally, or, according to the circumstances, may declare the contract dissolved.

Article 1765: Heritable Obligations

An obligation is heritable when its performance may be enforced by a successor of the obligee or against a successor of the obligor. Every obligation is deemed heritable as to all parties, except when the contrary results from the terms or from the nature of the contract. A heritable obligation is also transferable between living persons.

Article 1906: Definition of Contract

A contract is an agreement by two or more parties whereby obligations are created, modified, or extinguished.

Article 1907: Unilateral Contracts

A contract is unilateral when the party who accepts the obligation of the other does not assume a reciprocal obligation.

Article 1908: Bilateral or Synallagmatic Contracts

A contract is bilateral, or synallagmatic, when the parties obligate themselves reciprocally, so that the obligation of each party is correlative to the obligation of the other.

Article 1909: Onerous Contracts

A contract is onerous when each of the parties obtains an advantage in exchange for his obligation.

Article 1910: Gratuitous Contracts

A contract is gratuitous when one party obligates himself towards another for the benefit of the latter, without obtaining any advantage in return.

Article 1911: Commutative Contracts

A contract is commutative when the performance of the obligation of each party is correlative to the performance of the other.

Article 1912: Aleatory Contracts

A contract is aleatory when, because of its nature or according to the parties' intent, the performance of either party's obligation, or the extent of the performance, depends on an uncertain event.

Article 1913: Principal and Accessory Contracts

A contract is accessory when it is made to provide security for the performance of an obligation. Suretyship, mortgage, pledge, and other types of security agreements are examples of such a contract. When the secured obligation arises from a contract, either between the same or other parties, that contract is the principal contract.

Article 1914: Nominate and Innominate Contracts

Nominate contracts are those given a special designation such as sale, lease, loan, or insurance. Innominate contracts are those with no special designation.

Article 1915: Rules Applicable to All Contracts

All contracts, nominate and innominate, are subject to the rules of this title.

Article 1916: Rules Applicable to Nominate Contracts

Nominate contracts are subject to the special rules of the respective titles when those rules modify, complement, or depart from the rules of this title.

Article 1917: Rules Applicable to All Obligations

The rules of this title are applicable also to obligations that arise from sources other than contract to the extent that those rules are compatible with the nature of those obligations.

Article 1918: General Statement of Capacity

All persons have capacity to contract, except unemancipated minors, interdicts, and persons deprived of reason at the time of contracting.

Article 1919: Right to Plead Recission

A contract made by a person without legal capacity is relatively null and may be rescinded only at the request of that person or his legal representative.

Article 1920: Right to Require Confirmation or Recission of the Contract

Immediately after discovering the incapacity, a party, who at the time of contracting was ignorant of the incapacity of the other party, may require from that party, if the incapacity has ceased, or from the legal representative if it has not, that the contract be confirmed or rescinded.

Article 1921: Recission of Contract for Incapacity

Upon rescission of a contract on the ground of incapacity, each party or his legal representative shall restore to the other what he has received thereunder. When restoration is impossible or impracticable, the court may award compensation to the party to whom restoration cannot be made.

Article 1922: Fully Emancipated Minor

A fully emancipated minor has full contractual capacity.

Article 1923: Incapacity of a Minor; Exceptions

A contract by an unemancipated minor may be rescinded on grounds of incapacity except when made for the purpose of providing the minor with something necessary for his support or education, or for a purpose related to his business.

Article 1924: Mere Representation of Majority; Reliance

The mere representation of majority by an unemancipated minor does not preclude an action for rescission of the contract. When the other party reasonably relies on the minor's representation of majority, the contract may not be rescinded.

Article 1925: Noninterdicted person deprived of reason; protection of innocent contracting party by onerous title

A noninterdicted person, who was deprived of reason at the time of contracting, may obtain rescission of an onerous contract upon the ground of incapacity only upon showing that the other party knew or should have known that person's incapacity.

Article 1926: Attack on non-interdicted decedent's Contracts

A contract made by a noninterdicted person deprived of reason at the time of contracting may be attacked after his death, on the ground of incapacity, only when the contract is gratuitous, or it evidences lack of understanding, or was made within thirty days of his death, or when application for interdiction was filed before his death.

Article 1927: Consent

A contract is formed by the consent of the parties established through offer and acceptance. Unless the law prescribes a certain formality for the intended contract, offer and acceptance may be made orally, in writing, or by action or inaction that under the circumstances is clearly indicative of consent. Unless otherwise specified in the offer, there need not be conformity between the manner in which the offer is made and the manner in which the acceptance is made.

Article 1928: Irrevocable Offer

An offer that specifies a period of time for acceptance is irrevocable during that time. When the offeror manifests an intent to give the offeree a delay within which to accept, without specifying a time, the offer is irrevocable for a reasonable time.

Article 1929: Expiration of an Irrevocable Offer for Lack of Acceptance

An irrevocable offer expires if not accepted within the time prescribed in the preceding Article.

Article 1930: Revocable Offer

An offer not irrevocable under Civil Code Article 1928 may be revoked before it is accepted.

Article 1931: Expiration of Revocable Offer

A revocable offer expires if not accepted within a reasonable time.

Article 1932: Expiration of offer by death or incapacity of either party

An offer expires by the death or incapacity of the offeror or the offeree before it has been accepted.

Article 1933: Option Contracts

An option is a contract whereby the parties agree that the offeror is bound by his offer for a specified period of time and that the offeree may accept within that time.

Article 1934: Time when acceptance of an irrevocable offer is effective

An acceptance of an irrevocable offer is effective when received by the offeror.

Article 1935: Time when acceptance of a revocable offer is effective

Unless otherwise specified by the offer or the law, an acceptance of a revocable offer, made in a manner and by a medium suggested by the offer or in a reasonable manner and by a reasonable medium, is effective when transmitted by the offeree.

Article 1936: Reasonableness of manner and medium of acceptance

A medium or a manner of acceptance is reasonable if it is the one used in making the offer or one customary in similar transactions at the time and place the offer is received, unless circumstances known to the offeree indicate otherwise.

Article 1937: Time When Revocation is Effective

A revocation of a revocable offer is effective when received by the offeree prior to acceptance.

Article 1938: Reception of Revocation, Rejection, or Acceptance

A written revocation, rejection, or acceptance is received when it comes into the possession of the addressee or of a person authorized by him to receive it, or when it is deposited in a place the addressee has indicated as the place for this or similar communications to be deposited for him.

Article 1939: Acceptance by Performance

When an offeror invites an offeree to accept by performance and, according to usage or the nature or the terms of the contract, it is contemplated that the performance will be completed if commenced, a contract is formed when the offeree begins the requested performance

Article 1940: Acceptance only by completed performance

When, according to usage or the nature of the contract, or its own terms, an offer made to a particular offeree can be accepted only by rendering a completed performance, the offeror cannot revoke the offer, once the offeree has begun to perform, for the reasonable time necessary to complete the performance. The offeree, however, is not bound to complete the performance he has begun. The offeror's duty of performance is conditional on completion or tender of the requested performance.

Article 1941: Notice of Commencement of Performance

When commencement of the performance either constitutes acceptance or makes the offer irrevocable, the offeree must give prompt notice of that commencement unless the offeror knows or should know that the offeree has begun to perform. An offeree who fails to give the notice is liable for damages.

Article 1942: Acceptance by Silence

When, because of special circumstances, the offeree's silence leads the offeror reasonably to believe that a contract has been formed, the offer is deemed accepted.

Article 1943: Acceptance not in Accordance with Offer

An acceptance not in accordance with the terms of the offer is deemed to be a counteroffer.

Article 1944: Offer of a reward made to the public

An offer of a reward made to the public is binding upon the offeror even if the one who performs the requested act does not know of the offer.

Article 1945: Revocation of an offer of reward made to the public

An offer of reward made to the public may be revoked before completion of the requested act, provided the revocation is made by the same or an equally effective means as the offer.

Article 1946: Performance by Several Persons

Unless otherwise stipulated in the offer made to the public, or otherwise implied from the nature of the act, when several persons have performed the requested act, the reward belongs to the first one giving notice of his completion of performance to the offeror.

Article 1947: Form Contemplated by Parties

When, in the absence of a legal requirement, the parties have contemplated a certain form, it is presumed that they do not intend to be bound until the contract is executed in that form.

Article 1971: Freedom of Parties
Parties are free to contract for any object that is lawful, possible, and determined or determinable.
Article 1972: Possible or Impossible Object
A contractual object is possible or impossible according to its own nature and not according to the parties' ability to perform.
Article 1973: Object Determined as to Kind
The object of a contract must be determined at least as to its kind. The quantity of a contractual object may be undetermined, provided it is determinable.
Article 1974: Determination by a Third Person
If the determination of the quantity of the object has been left to the discretion of a third person, the quantity of an object is determinable. If the parties fail to name a person, or if the person named is unable or unwilling to make the determination, the quantity may be determined by the court.
Article 1975: Output or Requirements
The quantity of a contractual object may be determined by the output of one party or the requirements of the other. In such a case, output or requirements must be measured in good faith.
Article 1976: Future Things
Future things may be the object of a contract. The succession of a living person may not be the object of a contract other than an antenuptial agreement. Such a succession may not be renounced.
Article 1965: Lesion
A contract may be annulled on grounds of lesion only in those cases provided by law.
Article 1948: Vitiated Consent
Consent may be vitiated by error, fraud, or duress.
Article 1949: Error Vitiates Consent
Error vitiates consent only when it concerns a cause without which the obligation would not have been incurred and that cause was known or should have been known to the other party.
Article 1950: Error that Concerns Cause
Error may concern a cause when it bears on the nature of the contract, or the thing that is the contractual object or a substantial quality of that thing, or the person or the qualities of the other party, or the law, or any other circumstance that the parties regarded, or should in good faith have regarded, as a cause of the obligation.
Article 1951: Other Party Willing to Perform
A party may not avail himself of his error if the other party is willing to perform the contract as intended by the party in error.
Article 1952: Rescission; Liability for Damages
A party who obtains rescission on grounds of his own error is liable for the loss thereby sustained by the other party unless the latter knew or should have known of the error. The court may refuse rescission when the effective protection of the other party's interest requires that the contract be upheld. In that case, a reasonable compensation for the loss he has sustained may be granted to the party to whom rescission is refused.
Article 1953: Fraud May result from misrepresentation or silence
Fraud is a misrepresentation or a suppression of the truth made with the intention either to obtain an unjust advantage for one party or to cause a loss or inconvenience to the other. Fraud may also result from silence or inaction.
Article 1954: Confidence between the parties
Fraud does not vitiate consent when the party against whom the fraud was directed could have ascertained the truth without difficulty, inconvenience, or special skill. This exception does not apply when a relation of confidence has reasonably induced a party to rely on the other's assertions or representations.
Article 1955: Error induced by Fraud
Error induced by fraud need not concern the cause of the obligation to vitiate consent, but it must concern a circumstance that has substantially influenced that consent.
Article 1956: Fraud Committed by a third person
Fraud committed by a third person vitiates the consent of a contracting party if the other party knew or should have known of the fraud.
Article 1957: Proof
Fraud need only be proved by a preponderance of the evidence and may be established by circumstantial evidence.
Article 1958: Damages
The party against whom rescission is granted because of fraud is liable for damages and attorney fees.
Article 1959: Nature
Consent is vitiated when it has been obtained by duress of such a nature as to cause a reasonable fear of unjust and considerable injury to a party's person, property, or reputation. Age, health, disposition, and other personal circumstances of a party must be taken into account in determining reasonableness of the fear.
Article 1960: Duress Directed Against Third Persons
Duress vitiates consent also when the threatened injury is directed against the spouse, an ascendant, or descendant of the contracting party. If the threatened injury is directed against other persons, the granting of relief is left to the discretion of the court.
Article 1961: Duress by Third Person
Consent is vitiated even when duress has been exerted by a third person.
Article 1962: Threat of Exercising a Right
A threat of doing a lawful act or a threat of exercising a right does not constitute duress. A threat of doing an act that is lawful in appearance only may constitute duress.
Article 1963: Contract with party in good faith
A contract made with a third person to secure the means of preventing threatened injury may not be rescinded for duress if that person is in good faith and not in collusion with the party exerting duress.
Article 1964: Damages
When rescission is granted because of duress exerted or known by a party to the contract, the other party may recover damages and attorney fees. When rescission is granted because of duress exerted by a third person, the parties to the contract who are innocent of the duress may recover damages and attorney fees from the third person.
Article 1966: No Obligation without Cause
An obligation cannot exist without a lawful cause.
Article 1967: Cause Defined; Detrimental Reliance
Cause is the reason why a party obligates himself. A party may be obligated by a promise when he knew or should have known that the promise would induce the other party to rely on it to his detriment and the other party was reasonable in so relying. Recovery may be limited to the expenses incurred or the damages suffered as a result of the promisee's reliance on the promise. Reliance on a gratuitous promise made without required formalities is not reasonable.
Article 1968: Unlawful Cause
The cause of an obligation is unlawful when the enforcement of the obligation would produce a result prohibited by law or against public policy.
Article 1969: Cause Not Expressed
An obligation may be valid even though its cause is not expressed.
Article 1970: Untrue Expression of Cause
When the expression of a cause in a contractual obligation is untrue, the obligation is still effective if a valid cause can be shown.

Article 2013: Obligee's Right to Dissolution

When the obligor fails to perform, the obligee has a right to the judicial dissolution of the contract or, according to the circumstances, to regard the contract as dissolved. In either case, the obligee may recover damages. In an action involving judicial dissolution, the obligor who failed to perform may be granted, according to the circumstances, an additional time to perform.
2014: Importance of Failure to Perform
A contract may not be dissolved when the obligor has rendered a substantial part of the performance and the part not rendered does not substantially impair the interest of the obligee.
2015: Dissolution After Notice to Perform
Upon a party's failure to perform, the other may serve him a notice to perform within a certain time, with a warning that, unless performance is rendered within that time, the contract shall be deemed dissolved. The time allowed for that purpose must be reasonable according to the circumstances. The notice to perform is subject to the requirements governing a putting of the obligor in default and, for the recovery of damages for delay, shall have the same effect as a putting of the obligor in default.
2016: Dissolution Without Notice to Perform
When a delayed performance would no longer be of value to the obligee or when it is evident that the obligor will not perform, the obligee may regard the contract as dissolved without any notice to the obligor.
2017: Express Dissolution Clause
The parties may expressly agree that the contract shall be dissolved for the failure to perform a particular obligation.  In that case, the contract is deemed dissolved at the time it provides for or, in the absence of such a provision, at the time the obligee gives notice to the obligor that he avails himself of the dissolution clause.
2018: Effects of Dissolution
Upon dissolution of a contract, the parties shall be restored to the situation that existed before the contract was made.  If restoration in kind is impossible or impracticable, the court may award damages. If partial performance has been rendered and that performance is of value to the party seeking to dissolve the contract, the dissolution does not preclude recovery for that performance, whether in contract or quasi-contract.
2019: Contracts for continuous or periodic performance
In contracts providing for continuous or periodic performance, the effect of the dissolution shall not be extended to any performance already rendered.
2020: Contracts Made by More than Two Parties
When a contract has been made by more than two parties, one party's failure to perform may not cause dissolution of the contract for the other parties, unless the performance that failed was essential to the contract.
2021: Rights of Third Parties in Good Faith
Dissolution of a contract does not impair the rights acquired through an onerous contract by a third party in good faith. If the contract involves immovable property, the principles of recordation apply to a third person acquiring an interest in the property whether by onerous or gratuitous title.
2022: Refusal to Perform
Either party to a commutative contract may refuse to perform his obligation if the other has failed to perform or does not offer to perform his own at the same time, if the performances are due simultaneously.
2023: Security for Performance
If the situation of a party, financial or otherwise, has become such as to clearly endanger his ability to perform an obligation, the other party may demand in writing that adequate security be given and, upon failure to give that security, that party may withhold or discontinue his own performance.
2024: Contract Terminated by a Party's Initiative
A contract of unspecified duration may be terminated at the will of either party by giving notice, reasonable in time and form, to the other party.
1986: Right of the Obligee
Upon an obligor's failure to perform an obligation to deliver a thing, or not to do an act, or to execute an instrument, the court shall grant specific performance plus damages for delay if the obligee so demands. If specific performance is impracticable, the court may allow damages to the obligee. Upon a failure to perform an obligation that has another object, such as an obligation to do, the granting of specific performance is at the discretion of the court.
1987: Right to Restrain Obligor
The obligor may be restrained from doing anything in violation of an obligation not to do.
1988: Judgment May Stand for Act
A failure to perform an obligation to execute an instrument gives the obligee the right to a judgment that shall stand for the act.
1989: Damages for Delay
Damages for delay in the performance of an obligation are owed from the time the obligor is put in default. Other damages are owed from the time the obligor has failed to perform.
1990: Obligor Put in Default by Arrival of Term
When a term for the performance of an obligation is either fixed, or is clearly determinable by the circumstances, the obligor is put in default by the mere arrival of that term. In other cases, the obligor must be put in default by the obligee, but not before performance is due.
1991: Manners of Putting in Default
An obligee may put the obligor in default by a written request of performance, or by an oral request of performance made before two witnesses, or by filing suit for performance, or by a specific provision of the contract.
1992: Risk Devolves upon the Obligor
If an obligee bears the risk of the thing that is the object of the performance, the risk devolves upon the obligor who has been put in default for failure to deliver that thing.
1993: Reciprocal Obligations
In case of reciprocal obligations, the obligor of one may not be put in default unless the obligor of the other has performed or is ready to perform his own obligation.

Article 1994: Obligor liable for failure to perform

An obligor is liable for the damages cause by his failure to perform a conventional obligation. A failure to perform results from nonperformance, defective performance, or delay in performance.

Article 1995: Measure of Damages

Damages are measured by the loss sustained by the obligee and the profit of which he has been deprived.
Article 1996: Obligor in Good Faith
An obligor in good faith is liable only for the damages that were foreseeable at the time the contract was made.
Article 1997: Obligor in Bad Faith
An obligor in bad faith is liable for all the damages, foreseeable or not, that are a direct consequence of his failure to perform.
Article 1998: Damages for non-pecuniary loss
Damages for nonpecuniary loss may be recovered when the contract, because of its nature, is intended to gratify a nonpecuniary interest and, because of the circumstances surrounding the formation or the nonperformance of the contract, the obligor knew or should have known that his failure to perform would cause that kind of loss. Regardless of the nature of the contract, these damages may be recovered also when the obligor intended, through his failure, to aggrieve the feelings of the obligee.
Article 1999: Assessment of Damages left to the Court

When damages are insusceptible of precise measurement, much discretion shall be left to the court for the reasonable assessment of these damages.

Article 2000: Damages for Delay measured by Interest; no need of proof; attorney fees

When the object of the performance is a sum of money, damages for delay in performance are measured by the interest on that sum from the time it is due, at the rate agreed by the parties or, in the absence of the agreement, at the rate of legal interest as fixed by RS 9:3500. The obligee may recover these damages without having to prove any loss, and whatever loss he may have suffered he can recover no more. If the parties, by written contract, have expressly agreed that the obligor shall also be liable for the obligee’s attorney fees in a fixed or determinable amount.


Article 2001: Interest on Interest

Interest on accrued interest may be recovered as damages only when it is added to the principal by a new agreement of the parties made after the interest has accrued.

Article 2002: Reasonable Efforts to Mitigate Damages

An obligee must make reasonable efforts to mitigate the damage caused by the obligor’s failure to perform. When an obligee fails to make these efforts, the obligor may demand that the damages be accordingly reduced.

Article 2003: Obligee in Bad Faith

An obligee may not recover damages when his own bad faith has caused the obligor’s failure to perform or when, at the time of the contract, he has concealed from the obligor facts that he knew or should have known would cause a failure.

Article 2004: Clause that Excludes or Limits Liability

Any clause is null that, in advance, excludes or limits the liability of one party for intentional or gross fault that causes damage to the other party. Any clause is null that, in advance, excludes or limits the liability of one party for causing physical injury to the other party.


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