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Civics Exam - Court Cases
All Court cases for the exam
8th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Gideon v. Wainwright
-(1963) In Florida, Clarence Gideon was charged for breaking and entering and was never given a lawyer, He asked the Supreme Court to hear his case, The Court ruled that no citizen should be denied a lawyer because they cannot afford one
Tinker v. Des Moines ISD
-(1965-1969) In Des Moines Iowa, Mary Beth and John Tinker and Chris Eckhardt, wore arm bands to protest the Vietman war. after they were suspened for the arm bands the said they were denied their right to freedom of speech, After the lower courts agreed with the school, the went to the Supreme Court they said the arm bands were a form of speech
Skokie Case
-(1977) In Skokie Illonies, Members of the Nazi group wanted to march through the town of Skokie. The residents did not aprove, the town officials set a insurance of $350,000. The NAzi group went to the county court, and they denied the march overall, the group went to the Supreme Court. The Court's decsion was that they could hold the march and the insurance limited freedom of speech. This shows that the 1st amendment protects the popular and unpopular beliefs
Plessy v. Ferguson
-(1896) In Louisiana, Homer Plessy refused to leave the white only railroad car, He argued the Louisiana law requiring segreagation violated the 14th amendement, the Court said that as long as the standers were equal, the decision stood for more than 50 years
Brown v. Board of Edu. of Topeka
-(1954) In Topeka Kansas, Linda Brown was force to go to the black school 21 blocks away when there was a white school 7 blocks away, Thurgood Marshall argued infront of the Supreme Court that this made the inferior to whites and that schools could never be sperate but equal. The Supreme Court agreed and overturned the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
Miranda v. Arizona
-(1966) In Phonix Arizona, Ernesto Miranda kidnapped a young women and confessed to the crime but was not informed of his rights. The Supreme Court decided that police must inform all people arrested of their rights
Marbury v. Madison
-(1803) William Marbury sued James Madison for not giving him a government job, they took the case right to the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court did not want any cases involving government officials because the constitution did not give them original jurisdiction over those types of cases so the Supreme Court ruled some of the judiciary act was unconstitutional and this gave them the power of Judicial Review
Roper v. Simmons
-(2005) In Missouri, Christopher Simmons was 17years old, he planned and murdered a women, he was sentenced to death but the Supreme Court decided that the Constitution forbids the death penalty to juveniles
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