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CIV final
Undergraduate 3

Additional History Flashcards





Pope Urban II

1. Church reformer, very Pious

built cusading idea off of his predecessor

wanted unification of east and west

*Preached to the first crusade


2. 1095 (first crusade) and preaching


3. Byzantine Empire- Leading people to Jerusalem


4. He preached the first crusade

-council at Cluny

-new concept of Armed pilgramage

- war as an act of love, penance, and redemption

*Goal- liberate jerusalem from muslim rule

First Crusade

1. unified latin christians who had been divided politically

Common enemy- muslims

gave opportunity to visit holy land

*legal protections, and Indulgences, forgivness of sins to cru.


Crucesignati- "Marked by the cross"

cross sewn into clothing


2. 1096-1099


3. Holy Land


4. *Subjected holy land to Christianity rule

Crusader States

1. Created by conquest, treated at lordships.

-responding to obvious need, became very powerful, wealthy, independent, and disliked

-"Street Smarts"

    a. tried to conquer egypt

    b. tried to reach out to Byzantium as an ally

    c. Asked the west for help

- Military Orders

    a. Knights Templar- 1120

    b. Hospitallers- 1130s

    c. Teutonic Order- 1180s

    d. Several others


2. Started in 1109


3. Holy Land

Pope Innocent III

1. Young, ambitious, energetic, preached crusades of all types

-against pagans, heretics, muslims, political enemies

Goal= Egypt (couldn't go to holy land due to truce)


2. 1198-1216. 

fourth crusade 1202-04


3. declared a crusade against livs, North and East



4. Declared 4th Crusade- 1202-04

-attack gone wrong and attacked Zara, christian city

   Venetians convinced to attack as payment


   Political intrigue with alexius, heir to constantinople

   Idea of unification of E and W gone forever

   Plunder of city- relics, churches, lavish wealth

The Reconquista

1. Crusading in Liberia

- Christian spain against muslim taifas who ruled strip in spain

- 2nd crusade- Spanish chr. urged to stay home to fight musl

- indulgences


2. 1492


3. Spain (small strip)


4. *Muslims and Jews expelled by Isabella and Ferdinand

the reyes catolicos

Albigensian Crusade

1. Preached by innocent III

- eleminated Heretics

- "summer crusaders

- Indulgence offered

- Results: brutal sieges, heresy not wiped out

- Crusade out of control, turnedinto political war


2. 1209- 1226


3.  France


4. 1229- Treaty of Paris... 


Pope Gregory VII

1. "Gregorian Reform" 

- advocate of Cluniac Reforms

- Expansion of papal authority

   Religious and secular

   condemmed lay invesitures of bishops and clergy

   Aimed specifically at Henry IV


2. 1073-1084


3. ?


4. Conflicts with Henry IV about how he had nothing to do with ruling of church and Pope was in charge led to 

*Investiture Conflict 

Henry IV, Holy Roman Empire

1. King or rulership of Germany/ Italy.

- called by Gregory VII to end appointment of churchmen. 

- Demanded gregory resignation

- was ex-communicated


2. 1075-1077


3. Germany/Italy


4. Created huge civil war that led to Pope as head. 

Church in charge

William I (the conqueror) england

1. Claimed throne of englad after King edward died childless and won against Harold. Some people thought of his win a verdict from god and thought they would find a place. but under his reign families supplanted english aristocracy.


2. 1026- 1087

norman- 1066


3. England and Norman/angevin england


4. He led the nornam conquest

-feudalized the church

-owed services of (knights)- prayers- counsel

- Norman conquest put a stack up of people king-slaves

*Ordered doomesday book! best extensive inventory up to date

Domesday Book

1. recorded land, livestock, taxes, and population. Most extensive up to date type

-Showed impact of invastion

- Norman invasion had imposed a foreign elite on a nation of between 1 and 2 million people



2. 1096? 20 years after norman invasion


3. England... Norman


4. 250 people controlled most of english land

-these 250 controlled another 10,000- vassals

*5.5% pre conquest

50% norman invaders

25% church

17% king and queen

2% Edith


Investiture conflict 

1. When King Henry IV made the Pope (gregory) resign in papacy so his chosen bishops could rule. A war started and Gregory had Henry excommunicated... could be attacked by anyone... Henry came to him and the pope had to except though excepting a humble Gregory

*Ritual- gift to churchmen: symbols or secular and spiritual power


2. 1075-1077


3. Germany


4.created a civil war

- Led to Concordat of worms changing and making Pope/emperor more equal

Eleanor of Aquitaine 

1. Married to King Henry II of england after King Louis of France. 


2. 1152 ish

Louis 1137-52 Henry 1154-89


3. France then England


4. Accompanied Henry II on 2nd crusade. Brought with her more troop than even he had.

- Bore him boys

- Plotted against him with son 

-Confined 1173-89

- there is a mural chapel of sainte radegonde

Henry II, England

1. won crown after William I. Ruled land from England to S of France. was known as Father of Count of Anjou- Angenvins and had armorial symbol.


Military- Fidelity to king, military taxation finacial administration- Tax system- knights fees

Administration of justice- Central courts- westminster

intenrant justices= eyres, violations of kings peace-murder

12 man jury


2. 1154-98


3. The Angevin Empire

England to S of france


4. Rose HUGE tensions with church and state

- felt unfair for royal crts. churchmen ignore his rules

- led to murder of Thomas Becket

- feared being excommunicated 

- closed ports to prevent papal legates from entering england

-volunteed to undertake a crusade

*Promised to undo any restrictions palced upon churchmen in england


Thomas Becket

1. Archbishop during Henry II reign. Was murdered due to two main issues

-legal jurisdiction over churchmen

- the right to invest/ inverted into issue over the right to crown


2. 1118-1170


3. England, the Angevin Empire


4. Sainted within 2 years

- Canterbury as site of pilgrimage

-henry penance: 200 knights to Jerusalem, 3 monastaries, backed down on church crts

*Symbol of defiance of church to royal authority

Magna Carta 

1. Articles that held king and people to accountability. Shows the growth of royal power was matched by the self-confidence of the english barons, certain of their rights and eager to articulate them




3. England


4.Held King accountable 

- Gave everyone rights

- 60 articles:

due process, no scutage w/o consent, liberties of the towns, rights of the churhc, rights of the merchants, rights of women/widows

Babylonian Captivity

1. Crisis in the 14th century, where popes forced from romes settled at avignon, in roman empire but close and influenced by France. 


2. 1309-78


3. Avignon, edge of roman empire. french influences


3. decline of power

- wealth

-tied to french crown

* slowely abondon idea of leading all of christendom and would tactily recongnize the growing power of the secular states to regulate their internal affairs.

Great Schism

1. Crisis in church in 14th century. 'Pope' and 'Anti-Pope'. When Pope gregory returned to rome, the roman popolo demanded they chose a Roman! but they chose first a Italian by Urban VI who was bad so chose a  french named Clement VII but both excommunicated each otehr.  started the Great Schism. 


2. 1378-1417


3. Roman Empire, France, England, everywehre


4. Council of Pisa- 1409- 3 popes claimed power

- finally after long debates and disposing of many popes Council of constance elected Martin V who was recognized as pope by every important ruler of europe. 

Catherine of Siena

1. Role in settling schism. 

-dominican tertiary and mystic

- Sent a letter to Pope Gregory XI 


2. 1347-1380


3. Rome


4. Supported Urban VI


Joan of Arc

1. Turned the tide of war, Seige of Orleans married to Charles. French allowed her to be captured and tried as a witch, burned at the stake. Her bad luck led to french good fortune. 


2. 1412-1431


3. England and France. Battaling for Land. (Orleans fight)


4. - Trial for witchcraft

- said she was sent from god


-burned at stake 1431

-Conviction overturned 10 years later believing they had convicted a holy woman

Jacquerie Uprising

1. Peasents revolt against weary of free companies ravaging and military imcompetence of nobility rose up but was shot down very quickly. 


2. 1358


3. France


4. -battle of poitiers


-King john of France captured, ransom, peasantry taxed

   anger at aristocracy, frustrated rising expectations

-Etienne Marcel

-Violence- Atrocities

-Peasants gained little

Peasant Revolts

1. Started in southern and central england after royal agents tried to collect a poll tax to finance hundred year war. Refusing to pay or be arrested. John Ball- Radical Lollard priest, Richard II 14, War over it. tax collectors murdered


2. 1381


3. England


4. started: poll tax replaces tax on propertied class, statue of laborer- post plague (wanted share in rising standard of living)

-Rebels: essex and London

- Wat Tyer: Leader

* demands- equality 

1. abortion of serfdom

2. reduction in dues on acreage

3. end to lordship

4. good of the church divided

John Wycliffe 

1. Leader of the Lorllads. Known as the morning star of reformation. one of earliest opponents to papal authority influencing secular power. Translater of the bible!


2. 1328-84


3. England




1. "mumbler" name given by their opponenets. inspired by John Wycliffe. Believed the true church was the community of believer rather than the clerical hierarchy. 


2. 1350 ish


3. English


4. *the true believers, not corrupt priests, formed the church

- Criticised

1. Monasticism

2. excommunication

3. the mass

Jan Hus

1. Leader of the Bohemian Hissites. Demanded that the faithful receive not just the bread (body) but winder (blood) at mass- brought together several passionately held desires and beliefs. was always protected by the bohemian nobility until he was lured to the council of constance by the Holy Roman Emperor to "justify himself before all men" was arrested and burned at the stake


2. 1372?-1415


3.Germany/ Czech


4. * better seeking opportunities and priviledge of sharing rights

- his death caused an uproar and his movement became a full scale national revolt of scechs against germans


Johannes Gutenburg

1. Invented the printing press. 

-printing press with the use of moveable type


2. 1455-1500


3. Germany, Europe


4. more than 10 million books

*Gutenberg Bible

1. fewer than 50 gutenberg bibles still exist

2. color decoration applied by hand


Florentine Catasto 

1. An inverntory of household within the city and its outlying territory made for the purposes of taxation. 40k/25 mile radius of city of florence. tax declaration of 60,000 families


2. 1427-1430


3. Florance Italy


4. -bested domesday in thoroughness and inquistiveness

- showed florence had a pop of 265,000, it held

67 % of the wealth

60 & small people

30 wealthier 

1 % elite


1. helped change the emphasis of painting which had been predominantly symbolic, decorative. He experimented with the illusion of depth. 


2. 1266-1337


3. Florance


4. - stressed 3 dimensionality, illusional space, and human emotion

* found another way to bring together the natural and diven realms

Leonardi Da Vinci

1. Anatomy/ Engineering. Excelled in perspective so after 1st being an artist became engineer. Duke of Sforza, Milan.


2. 1452-1519


3. Florance, Holy Roman Empire


4. - Neo-Platonic Thought

- Aristotilean science

1. Experimentation: Anatomy, Optics

*flying, cannon, baby in womb, eyes in skull

St. Peter's, Rome

1. Largest interior of any christian church in the world. One of the holiest churches. Burial of St. Peter one of jesus disiples. HOLY place


2. first built under constantine 320

then st peters basillica, 1630 


3. Vatican City, Holy Roman Empire


4. Architects:Bramante, Michelangelo, Moderno

*Greatest places in the world, seen a lot of things

Ferdinand and isabella

1. The Union of 2 crowns. Ferdinand of Aragon (Catalonia- Valencia- East- Med) and Isabella of Castile- west- atlantic. There was different institutions but of equal. 


2. 1469 Marride 


3. Spain


4. New monarchy- Towns, town charters, isabella, bureaucracy

-Monarchy and the Church:

1. Consolidation of power and territory

- Spanish Inquisitition

1. Crown: ultimate authority

2. national church: National inquisition

3. Aims: unification of territory (Seige of Granada 1482-92)

  'Conversos and 'Moriscos' considered inner threat

*Conversos (new christians) examined by them and some treated horribly 

Spanish Inquisition 

1. Jewish/ Converos (new christians) examined. Local laws( Fueros) bypassed which allowed for...

-withholding of identity of witnesses

-confiscation of property


2. 1478

in all 1478-1608


3. Spain


4. - led to

1480: seperate quarters

1492: Expulsion. 3 months to leave, property confiscated

1492: fall of granada. Muslim population- treaty of surrender

1502: Inquisition

1556: Arabic dress & language forbidden

1609: expulsion


*wanted to protect their religion

treaty of tordesillas 

1. When portugals interests clashed with those of spain. Mediated by pope Juilius II divided the atlantic world between the two royal houses. 


2. 1494


3. Portugal/ Spain


4. - let Portugal claim brazil when "accidently" found

- P. 270 leagues west in m- atlantic

- p. Africa


-new spain

-peru, etc

Hernan Cortes

1. Spanish explored appointed by Velasquez "captain-general". Captured aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. Pushing Spains ruling mexico-chile. 


2. 1518-1520ish


3. Spain/ BUT tenochtitlan, Mexico


4. - ruled mexico.

- Chocolate

- horrible to the people

- christinized people

-TRADE: Gold and Chocolate

Martin Luther

1. Professor and writer who was against indulgences and believed faith came from the believers personal relationship with god which was cultivated through independent study not through spending money. helped bring an idea of rebelling against the church. 


2. 1483-1556


3. Rome


4. believed in Sola Fide- religion in faith alone

Sola scriptura- reading scripture to urself

-priesthood of all believers

- attacked 7 sacraments: baptism-confirmation-marriage-ordination-penance-extreme unction-eucharist

- excommunicated by pope leo X

-called for arrest and burning of his books

-protection found in frederick the wise of saxony



1. Christian humanitary who dreames of ideal societies based on peace and mortality. Places emphasis on christian piety. had a lot of fame and was close to lords and kings. 


2. 1466-1536


3. Holy Roman Empire


4. - rewrote new testament from greek to latin

- role of education in reforming individuals and through them society as a whole

- a little critical on the church

*wrote "praise of Folly"


Thomas More

1. Met great suffering for his beliefes. wrote Utopia (1516). No need for money, greed and private property disappeared in this world. Much different then Europe divided by religion


2. 1516


3. Holy Roman Empire


4. - Died for his beliefs

-praise of folly dedicated to him

Henry VII England

1. King of England, Opposed reformation until 1527. He was against Luther. Wanted to be known as "the only supreme head on earth of the church of england"


2. 1509- crowned at age 17

1521- English reformation (defender of faith)


3. England


4. - Married a ton of people

- the principle of royal supremacy in religious matters would remain a lasting feature of henry's reforms



John Calvin

1. A priet who first believed it might be possible to reform the moan catholic church from within but that only fundamental change could restore true religion. 

-believed in predestination - god had already decided before the world who was dammed and not. 


2. 1509-64


3. England


4. - his type of reform became the most widely spread throughout many countries

Ignatius Of Loyola 

1. Leader of the new catholic religious order (society of jesus) who was a spanish nobleman and former military officer who abandoned his quest for military glory in favor of serving the church. 


2. 1491-1556


3. England


4. - gave confidence of the faithful and dedication and power of the catholic church. 

-grew great numbers in the catholic church. 


Jesuit Order

1. (society of jesus) founded hundreds of colleges in many states. Among their alumni would be princes, philosophers, lawyers, churchmen and official- the elite of catholic eupore. helped bring it around the world. 


2. 1544 ish


3.England, spread to all around the world


4. - gave cathlosism hope again

- great to large numbers of followers

Council of Trent 

1. approved by pope paul III to use as a counter reformation undertaking new religious orders and aggressive missionary efforts. requiring all wedding take place in a church and be registered by the parish clergy and explicitly refused to allow divorce. 


2. 1534-1549


3. England


4. - its decisions shaped the essential character of catholicism until the 1960s

- bread and wine being blood and body of christ

-reasserted supremacy of clerical authority over the laity 


Elizabeth I

1. Took the throne of England, child of Anne Boleyn, Anglican church squash uprisings up the catholic chuch. She was became what was known as the "supreme governor" and appointed all bishops. She had strict moral views and never got married. Showed her monarchy's interests


2. 1558-1603


3. England


4.- by the end left her chosen soccessor James I with a secure kingdom of growing stature in world politics 

-she made a compromise between catholic and protestant: thought protestant but looks catholic

-re made blood and body of christ

-act of supremacy: 1559: catholic bishops in house of lords, toned down supreme governor to supreme head

-act of uniformity: 1559: required attendance, second book of common prayer

- the elizabethan settlement: 39 articles 

-elizabethan compromis 1559-63: designed to win over the majority: protestant focus on the word, catholic focus on ritual and community

Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart)

1. Great grandaughter of Henry VI who wanted the throne but Elizabeth wouldn't give it to her. She was married multiple guys and didn't seem to living a christian life. she was executed in 1587


2. 1567ish


3. England


4.- under house arrest 

then sent to execution 

-her execution led to spanish armada 


St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

1. during the french religion wars, Believe to be led by catherine de medici. group of assasins went to attack protestants. 


2. 1572


3. Roman holy empire


4. Catholic response positive: Papacy, Phillip II of Spain

Protestant response: Theory of resistance, neutral and moderate catholic support with huguenot (state over religion)

Catherine De Medici

1. Italian wife of Henry II acting as an regent for her young son, urged limited toleration for the calvinists (huguenots) to maintain stability in france. reasoning behind the massacre 

-Attempted reconciliation

-celebration of marriage of daughter to henry of Navarre

-1572 24 August: the Wedding: Set up? led to murder and massacre

-led to thousands of people being killed



Phillip II, Spain
1. One of the most powerful rulers in Europe, who ruled a ton of territory. a deeply devout catholic.
Spanish Armada

1. The spanish fleet against England in the War

Cresent formation -130 ships

7,000 sailors- 17,000 soldiers

17,000 in netherlands

Convoy- 8 Knots (9MPH)

Fewer Heaviest canon

300 yd. shots


2. 1550 ish


3. Spain vs. England


4. - lot bigger in number

Henry IV, France

1. King after henry's II death. to stop the war in the country he knew he had to put his protestant views aside and place the french states interests ahead. He publicly embraced Catholicism "paris is worth a mass" 

-Huguenots became a legally protected minority

-Politiquies urged him to give priority to the developement of a durable state


2. 1589-1610


3. France


4.- Wrote the Edict of Nantes which ended french wars of religion

- developed new class of royal officials to counterbalance the fractious nobility

-lowered state debt and built strong base for monarchy

-assassinated in 1610 after 19 unsuccessful attempts

Edict of Nantes

1. Religious toleration

-ended french wars of religion

-Edict revoke by Louis XIV


2. 1598


3. France

Charles I, England

1. King of englands throne after James I and Elizabeth I. He came into the throne with tensions in parlinment who made him agree to petition of right by which he promised not to levy taxed without its consent, he married a catholic though they were trying to get rid all led to civil war between him and parliment... though parliment


2. 1625-1649


3. England


4. - destruction of london!

-led to what it is today though

Peace of Westphalia 

1. model for dealing with conflict among european states, for the 1st time the diplomatic congress addressed international disputes and the sinatories to the treaties guaranteed the resulting settlement.

-still in use to day

-all parties together

-permanently settled religious dispute: 

lutheranism in north

calvinism in area of rhine river

catholicism in south


2. 1648


3. all of europe


4. war would be about other things than making all of europe unified in religion 


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