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chp 10
chp 10
Undergraduate 1

Additional Anatomy Flashcards




a lever

will have a fulcrum (something  the it pivots on)

an effort that exerted on it

and will have resistance (load) that you are trying to move


to move something


ex: baseball, ax, crow bar

the purpose behind a lever


As muscles shorten,

, the insertion generally moves toward the origin
another muscle (or group) “undoes”
Whatever a muscle (or group of muscles) does,
only pull (never push)
Skeletal muscles
work together in opposition
Location of muscle
  • – bone or body region associated with the muscle

temporalis over the temporal bone




a rigid bar that moves on a fulcrum, or fixed point


force applied to a lever

– resistance moved by the effort
  • Shape of muscle –
  • Definition
     e.g., the deltoid muscle (deltoid = triangle)
  • Relative size –
  • Definition
    e.g., maximus (largest), minimus (smallest), longus (long), brevis (short)
  • Direction of fibers
  • Definition

    – e.g., rectus (fibers run straight), transversus, and oblique (fibers run at angles to an imaginary defined axis)



    rectus, oblique and trasverse

  • Number of origins
  • Definition
    when the form biceps (two origins) and triceps (three origins), quadraceps you cna assume that the muscle has 2 three or 4 orgins. biceps has 2 orgins
  • Location of attachments –
  • Definition

     named according to point of origin or insertion


    the sternocleidomastoid muscle has its orgin on the sternum (sterno) and its insertion on the clavicle (cleido) and inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone

    Action of the muscle

    e.g., flexor or extensor, as in the names of muscles that flex or extend, respectively


    all the adductor muscles of the anterior thigh bring about its adduction, and all the extensor muscles of the wrist extend the wrist



    ·         Frontalis                               Occipitalis

    ·         Anterior Scalene              Middle Scalene                 Posterior Scalene

    ·         Anterior Auricularis         Posterior Auricularis       Superior Auricularis

    ·         External Intercostals       External Intercostals

    ·         Rectus Adominus             External Oblique              Transversus Adominus

    ·         Teres Major                       Teres Minor                       Infraspinatus                                     Suscapularis

    ·         Rhomboids Major            Rhomboids Minor

    ·         Pectoralis Major               Pectoralis Minor

    ·         Biceps Brachii                     Brachiialis

    ·         Flexor Carpi Radialis        Flexor Carpi Ulnaris         Flexor Digitorum Superficialis




    ·         Frontalis                               Occipitalis

    ·         Anterior Scalene              Middle Scalene                 Posterior Scalene

    ·         Anterior Auricularis         Posterior Auricularis       Superior Auricularis

    ·         External Intercostals       External Intercostals

    ·         Rectus Adominus             External Oblique              Transversus Adominus

    ·         Teres Major                       Teres Minor                       Infraspinatus                                     Suscapularis

    ·         Rhomboids Major            Rhomboids Minor

    ·         Pectoralis Major               Pectoralis Minor

    ·         Biceps Brachii                     Brachiialis

    ·         Flexor Carpi Radialis        Flexor Carpi Ulnaris         Flexor Digitorum Superficialis



    ·         Depressor anguli oris                                      Risorius

    ·         Sternocleidomastoid                                      Splenus capitis

    ·         Triceps Brachii                                                   Biceps Brachii

    ·         Pronator                                                              Supinator

    ·         Flexor Carpi Radialis                                        Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevus)

    ·         Flexor Carpi Ulnaris                                         Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

    ·         Flexor Digitorum Superficialis                     Extensor Digitorum        

    ·         Adductor Pollicis                                               Abductor Pollicis (Longus & Brevus)



    ·         Depressor anguli oris                                      Risorius

    ·         Sternocleidomastoid                                      Splenus capitis

    ·         Triceps Brachii                                                   Biceps Brachii

    ·         Pronator                                                              Supinator

    ·         Flexor Carpi Radialis                                        Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevus)

    ·         Flexor Carpi Ulnaris                                         Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

    ·         Flexor Digitorum Superficialis                     Extensor Digitorum        

    ·         Adductor Pollicis                                               Abductor Pollicis (Longus & Brevus)

    Adductor magnus- synergist to the hamstrings in thigh extension
    Adductor longus- flexes and medially rotates thigh
    Adductor brevis- medially rotates thigh
    Pectineus- adducts flexes and medially rotates thigh
    Gracilis- adducts thigh, flexes, and medially rotates leg, especially during walking
    Rectus femoris- extends knee and flexes hip
    Vastus lateralis- extends and stabilize knee
    Vastus medialis- extends knee
    Vastus intermedius- extends knee
    Tensor fasciae latae- steadies the knee and trunk on the thigh by making the iliotibial tract taut; flexes and abducts thigh; rotates thigh medially
    Gluteus maximus- major exstensor of thigh
    Gluteus medius- abducts and medially rotates thigh
    Quadriceps femoris- rotates thigh laterally and stabilizes hip joint
    Hamstrings- the prime movers of thigh extension and knee flexion
    Biceps femoris- extends thigh and flexes knee; laterally rotates leg, especially when knee is flexed
    Semitendinosus- extends thigh and flexes knee; w/ semimembranosus, medially rotates leg
    Semimembranous- extends thigh and flexes knee; mediallyt rotates leg
    Tibialis anterior- prime mover of dorsiflexion;inverts foot; assists in supporting medial longitudinal arch of foot
    Extensor digitorium longus- prime mover of toe exstension; dorsiflexes the foot.
    Fibularis- dorsiflexes and everts foot
    Extensor hallucis longus- extends great toe; dorsi flexes foot
    Peroneus longus- planter flexes and everts foot; may keep foot flat on ground
    Peroneus brevis- plantar flexion and everts foot
    Triceps surae- prime movers of ankle planter flexion
    Gastrocnemius- planter flexes the foot
    Soleus- planter flexes the foot
    Popliteus- flexes and rotates leg medially to unlock extended knee when flexion begins
    Flexor digitorum longus- plantar flexes and inverts foot; flexes toes; helps foot grip ground
    Tibialis anterior- prime mover of foot inversion; plantar flexes foot; stabilizes medial longitundinal arch of foot.
    Extensor digitorium brevis- helps extend joints @ metatarsophalegeal joints
    Flexor digitorium brevis- helps to flex toe
    Abductor hallucis- abducts great toe
    Adductor magnus- synergist to the hamstrings in thigh extension
    Adductor longus- flexes and medially rotates thigh
    Adductor brevis- medially rotates thigh
    Pectineus- adducts flexes and medially rotates thigh
    Gracilis- adducts thigh, flexes, and medially rotates leg, especially during walking
    Rectus femoris- extends knee and flexes hip
    Vastus lateralis- extends and stabilize knee
    Vastus medialis- extends knee
    Vastus intermedius- extends knee
    Tensor fasciae latae- steadies the knee and trunk on the thigh by making the iliotibial tract taut; flexes and abducts thigh; rotates thigh medially
    Gluteus maximus- major exstensor of thigh
    Gluteus medius- abducts and medially rotates thigh
    Quadriceps femoris- rotates thigh laterally and stabilizes hip joint
    Hamstrings- the prime movers of thigh extension and knee flexion
    Biceps femoris- extends thigh and flexes knee; laterally rotates leg, especially when knee is flexed
    Semitendinosus- extends thigh and flexes knee; w/ semimembranosus, medially rotates leg
    Semimembranous- extends thigh and flexes knee; mediallyt rotates leg
    Tibialis anterior- prime mover of dorsiflexion;inverts foot; assists in supporting medial longitudinal arch of foot
    Extensor digitorium longus- prime mover of toe exstension; dorsiflexes the foot.
    Fibularis- dorsiflexes and everts foot
    Extensor hallucis longus- extends great toe; dorsi flexes foot
    Peroneus longus- planter flexes and everts foot; may keep foot flat on ground
    Peroneus brevis- plantar flexion and everts foot
    Triceps surae- prime movers of ankle planter flexion
    Gastrocnemius- planter flexes the foot
    Soleus- planter flexes the foot
    Popliteus- flexes and rotates leg medially to unlock extended knee when flexion begins
    Flexor digitorum longus- plantar flexes and inverts foot; flexes toes; helps foot grip ground
    Tibialis anterior- prime mover of foot inversion; plantar flexes foot; stabilizes medial longitundinal arch of foot.
    Extensor digitorium brevis- helps extend joints @ metatarsophalegeal joints
    Flexor digitorium brevis- helps to flex toe
    Abductor hallucis- abducts great toe
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