Shared Flashcard Set


Chinese Herbology I
Spicy Warm Herbs That Release the Exterior

Additional Medical Flashcards





Ma Huang


 3-9 grams

sl bitter-acrid-warm>LU, UB

bitter=draining, drying, descending

acrid=dispersing, activating of Qi & Bld



-release the surface (for Greater Yang stage, Taiyang, disease with chills, fever, HA & lack of sweating)

-promotes circulation of L Qi (relieves cough, wheezing & asthma)

-promotes urination (clears edema)

Caution-HTN/insomnia/spontaneous sweat/long term use/CNS stimulant


Gui Zhi

Cinnamon Twig

 3-9 grams

sweet-acrid-warm>Lu, Ht, UB

sweet=tonifying, nourish, harmonize

acrid=disperse, activate Qi or Bld


-For External Cold, Deficient patterns

-Warms the channels & relieves Cold, Damp, Wind arthritic & rheumatic conditions (directs Turbid Yin down)

-Removes obstruction of Ht Yang  (Relieves Cold Damp Phlegm)

-Relieves Blood Stagnation, treating dysmenorrhea & lower abdominal masses

Caution-Warm febrile diseases/Heat signs/PG/Wome bleeding heavily



Sheng(fresh/gan=dry/pao=roasted or charred/wei=soak&bake) Jiang

Fresh Ginger

 3-9 grams

acrid-warm>Lu, Sp/St

acrid=disperse, activate Qi or Bld


-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Cold (treats External Wind, Cold disease with Sx of fever, chills, HA, nasal congestion & cough)(harmonizes Ying & wei)

-Warms and circulates Qi in the Middle Burner (warms the center, promotes the appetite, digestion & relieves nausea)

-Calms a Restless Fetus (treats morning sickness )

-Treats seafood poisoning

Caution-Sx of Exterior Deficiency with sweating/Damp-Heat conditions


Xin Yi Hua

Magnolia Flower

3-9 grams 

acrid-warm>Lu, St


-Releases the Exterior & Disperses Cold (Treats External Wind with Wind-Cold diseases with obstruction of the nasal passages, HA & rhinitis)

-Opens the nasal passages

Caution:  Yin Deficient with Heat, due to very drying/OD=dizzy & red eyes



Zi Su Ye

Perilla Leaf

 5-9 grams

acrid-warm-aromatic>Lu, Sp

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld

aromatic=activate, disperse, remove Damp, strengthen SP/ST, muscle pain


-Relieves Exterior & disperses Cold (treats external cold diseases such as common cold, chills & HA)

-Promotes the circulation of SP/ST Qi (Warms the center & promotes appetite & digestion, relieves nausea & vomit)

-Calms Restless Fetus (for morning sickness)

-Detoxifies Seafood Poisoning

Caution-External diseases with sweat/Damp-Heat conditions


Jing Jie

Schizonepeta (Chinese catnip)

4.5-9 grams 

acrid>Lu, Liv

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld

aromatic=activate, disperse, remove Damp, Strengthen Sp/St, muscle pain


-Relieves the Exterior & Disperses Cold or Heat depending on the formula (treats External Wind, for disease Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat)

-Releases the Exterior for measles (treats External Wind to express ailments such as rashes/measles)

-Stops Bleeding (for blood in the stool or uterine bleeding)

-Abates Swelling (treats abscesses & other swellings

Caution-spontaneous sweat/Liv Sx, HA esp. with deficiency/skin diseases that are full blown


Qiang Huo


 3-9 grams

acrid-bitter-warm-aromatic>Kid, UB

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld

bitter=drain, cool, dry, descend

aromatic=activate, disperse, remove Damp, Strengthen Sp/St, muscle pain


-Relieves the Exterior and disperses Cold and Damp (treats External Wind-Cold diseases such as chills, HA & the common cold)

-Relieves Wind-Damp-Cold painful obstruction (for Sx such as rheumatic pains of the joints)

-Directs Qi to the Greater Yang/Taiyang (occipital HA) channel and the Governing Vessel (Du Mai)

Caution-Yin Bld Deficiency/arthritis from Blood Stasis



Fang Feng


 3-9 grams

acrid-sweet-warm>Lu, Liv, Sp, UB

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld

sweet=tonify, nourish, harmonize




-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Cold (treats External Wind for common cold, stiff neck, chills & HA/tension)

-Relieves Wind-Damp-Cold painful obstruction (for Sx such as rheumatic pain, arthritis & other painful obstructions with predominant Wind

-Disperses Wind (treats conditions of Wind in formula for Sx of tremor, intestinal Wind & migrane HA

Caution-Yin Deficient/Blood Deficient/Empty Heat Yin Deficiency


Bai Zhi

White Angelica

3-9 grams 

acrid-warm>Lu, Sp/St


-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Wind (treats External Wind for common cold & allergies)

-Disperses Wind & Cold from the Yang Brightness (Qi Level-Taiyang) channels (Warms the Yang Brightness & circulates Qi for HA-frontal & nasal congestion with pain)

-Relieves Wind-Damp-Cold painful obstruction (warms the joints, dries Damp & relieves painful blockage Bi Pain)

-Dries Damp & pus & reduces swelling (for sores & swellings before & after the pus has formed to reduce swelling or drain the pus)

-Opens the nasal passages (for nasal congestion)

Caution-Yin Deficient/Blood Deficient



Gao Ben

Chinese Lovage

 3-9 grams

acrid-warm>UB, Lu

acrid=disperse & activate Qi & Bld



-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Wind (treats externally contracted Wind-Cold Sx HA/vertex,pain of the mouth

-Disperses Cold & relieves pain (relieves pain from Cold such as HA-vertex, toothache & abd pain)

-Disperses Wind-Damp-Cold painful obstruction (expels Wind, Damp & Cold for painful obstruction such as rheumatism & arthritis)

Caution-Yin Deficient Empty Heat/Blood deficient


Cong Bai


 3-9 grams, add at end

acrid-warm>Lu, St


-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Wind-Cold (treats early stages of External Cold diseases such as common cold)

-Vitalizes the Yang Qi & disperses Cold ( warms the channels & relieves pain of the abdomen & nasal passages)

-Removes toxicity of swellings (applied topically to toxid swellings for abscess & open sores)

Caution-spontaneous sweat


Xiang Ru


3-9 grams 

acrid-warm-aromatic>Lu, St

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld

aromatic=activate, disperse, remove Damp, strengthen Sp/St, muscle pain


-Relieves the Exterior & disperses Summer-Heat (treats conditions of Wind-Cold in the summer)

-Induces urination & reduces swellings (reduces edema & swellings)

Caution-Deficiency with Sweating/take cool not hot or with cooling herbs


Xi Xin

Wild Ginger (Asarum)

 1-3 grams

acrid-warm>Lu, Kid

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld


-Relieve the Exterior & warms the Yang (treats External Wind-Cold with underlying Damp &/or Yang Deficient)

-Expels cold & relieves pain (from Cold obstruction in the channels, usually associated with Wind-Cold Sx toothache, HA & Gen'l BA)

-Warms the Lung & reduces Phlegm (for Cold Fluids stuck in the Lungs with Sx of thin copious sputum or chronic bronchitis)

-Moves the Qi & disperses Phlegm to open the nasal passages (for nasal congestion with cold associated ailments

Caution-Qi deficient with sweat/HA from Blood or Yin Deficient/Lung conditions with thick yellow phlegm/PG


Cang Er Zi

Cocklebur Fruit (Xanthium)

3-9 grams


sweet-tonify, nourish, harmonize

bitter=drain, cool, dry, descend

acrid=disperse, activate Qi & Bld



-Expels Wind-Damp (for Wind-Damp which causes either painful obstruction or itching skin)

-Relieves nasal congestion (for nasal congestion with thick running discharge that is chronic or acute & associated with HA-occipital)

-Drives away Exterior Wind (for invasion of Exterior Wind that causes HA-occipital)

Caution-Blood Deficiency/Yin Deficiency because of drying/OD=toxic reaction of vomit, abd pain, diarrhea

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