Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter 9
The American Journey
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





Jefferson's reforms
Thomas Jefferson hoped to reduce the size and expense of the federal governments and worked behind the scenes to accomplish his purposes in Congress. He significantly decreased the federal government by getting rid of staff, cutting the deficit, and cutting the army 50%. This reduced the federal bureaucracy, cut taxes and military spending. 
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was his biggest accomplishment, but sparked common critique because it went against his republican values of a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

In 1807, Jefferson issued an embargo trying to force France and England to recognize the independent economy of the US, but it backfired by causing huge economic issues that bankrupted many merchants.
Marbury v. Madison
Supreme Court decision of 1803 that created the precedent of judicial review by ruling as unconstitutional part of the Judiciary Act of 1789
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase (1803) [1] was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million dollars.When President Thomas Jefferson closed on this $15 million real estate deal with French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, his stock began to rise, while the hopes of a return to office for Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists began to crumble. Later, the new lands would make a tempting target for the politician-turned-adventurer Aaron Burr. 
Napolean's Goals
Napoleon Bonaparte, who came to power in France in 1799, dreamed of reestablishing the French empire in North America.In 1803, Jefferson sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston, the American minister in Paris, to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans and West Florida. By this time, Napoleon had given up his plans for a colonial empire. His trying to restore French rule after a slave revolt in Saint Domingue (Haiti) cost him a great deal in both money and men, his troops having been decimated by tropical diseases. The two American representatives were therefore surprised to find the French government willing to sell all of Louisiana—280,000 square miles between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains—for a paltry $15 million.
Embargo Act 1807
Act passed by Congress in 1807 prohibiting American ships from leaving for any foreign port.

War 1812

1. Causes

2. Outcome


War 1812: war fought between the U.S. and Britain from Jne 1812 to January 1815 largely over British restrictions on American shipping.

1. Causes:The war between the young United States and powerful Great Britain largely came about because of France. After the French navy was crushed by the British under Admiral Nelson (1758-1805) at the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon turned to economic warfare in his long struggle with the British: He directed all countries under French control not to trade with Great Britain.

2. Outcome:the war's outcome boosted national self-confidence and encouraged the growing spirit of American expansionism that would shape the better part of the 19th century.

War Hawks
Members of Congress, predominantly from the South and West, who aggressively pushed for a war in Britain after their election in 1810.
Treaty of Ghent

Treaty signed in December 1814 between the U.S. and Britain after the War of 1812. (Terms: released all prisoners and restored all war lands and boats;The treaty made no major changes to the pre-war situation, but did make several promises. Britain promised to return freed black slaves, but instead a few years later paid the United States $350,000 for them.)

**The Treaty of Ghent did not change any existing borders. Nothing was mentioned about the impressment of sailors, but, with Napoleon’s defeat, neutral rights had become a dead issue.

Battle of New Orleans
Decisive American War of 1812 victory over British troops in January 1815 that ended any British hopes of gaining control over the lower Mississippi River Valley.
Era of Good Feelings
The period from 1817 to 1823 in which the disappearance of Federalists enabled the Republicans to govern in a period of seemingly nonpartisan harmony.
Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837). Based in frontier Tennessee, Jackson was a politician and army general who defeated the CreekIndians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (1814), and the British at the Battle of New Orleans (1815). A polarizing figure who dominated the Second Party System in the 1820s and 1830s, as president he dismantled the Second Bank of the United States and initiated ethnic cleansing and forced relocation ofNative American tribes from the Southeast to west of the Mississippi River. His enthusiastic followers created the modern Democratic Party. The 1830–1850 period later became known as the era of Jacksonian democracy.**When the War of 1812 began, Jackson was a military man in title only. He had never served active duty and he had never led troops in combat. He had been elected to his posts only by virtue of having political friends. Nonetheless, when war broke out, Jackson did not hesitate before offering the government the use of the 2,500 troops under his command in Tennessee. In December 1812 Jackson marched with to New Orleans with 1,500 troops to reinforce the garrison there.

Second Bank of U.S.
A National Bank chartered by Congress in the 1816 with extensive regulatory powers over currency and credit.
Seizing of Florida

·       Jackson in Florida
1817 - The Seminole Indians in Florida, encouraged by the Spanish, launched a series of raids into the U.S. President J. Q. Adams ordered Andrew Jackson, whose troops were on the U.S./Florida border, to seize Spanish forts in northern Florida. Jackson’s successful attacks convinced the Spanish that they could not defend Florida against the U.S.

·       Purchase of Florida
1819 - Under the Adams-Onis Treaty, Spain sold Florida to the U.S., and the U.S. gave up its claims to Texas.

·       Transcontinental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty)
Spain gave up Florida to the U.S. and the U.S./Mexico border was set so that Texas and the American Southwest would be part of Mexico.

Transcontinental Treaty of 1819
Treaty between the U.S. and Spain in which Spain ceded (give up) Florida to the U.S., surrendering all claims to the Pacific Northwest, and agreed to a boundary between the Louisina Purchase territory and the Southwest.
Monroe Doctrine
In December of 1823, Monroe declared to Congress that the Americas "are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power."
Missouri Compromise
Sectional compromise in Congress in 1820 that admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave stated and Maine as a free state and prohibited slavery in the northern Louisiana Purchase Territory.
American System
The program of government subsidies favored by Henry Clay and his followers to promote American economic growth and protect American manufacturers from foreign competition.
Election of 1824
Andrew Jackson believed John Quincy Adams stole the presidential election in 1824. Jackson received far more popular votes than Adams (152,901 versus 114,023), and also more votes in the Electoral College (99 versus 84).4 But because neither Jackson nor Adams, nor any of the other three candidates (John C. CalhounWilliam CrawfordHenry Clay) received a majority of the Electoral College votes (131 were needed to win), the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. There, Henry Clay used his considerable influence as Speaker of the House to secure Adams's election—and Adams then rewarded Clay by naming him Secretary of State. 
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