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Chapter 6 Vocabulary Words
Exploration & Expansion
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Hernan Cortes

1. Spanish conqueror of Mexico

2. Led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire

3. Ensured the natives were "introduced into the holy Ctholic faith"

4. Born 1485; died December 2, 1547

5. Allied with indigenous peoples 


1. Country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula

2. Western most country in Europe; left of the Atlantic Ocean

3. Took the lead in European Exploration in 1420

4. Prince Henry the Navigatior sponsered Portugese fleets 

5. Began probing southward toward the western coast of Africa and discovered gold; became known as the Gold Coast

Vasco de Gama

1. one of the most succesful Portugese explores in the age of discovery

2. Commander of first ships to sail directly from Europe to India

3. Went around the Cape of Good Hope and to the coast of India

4. In May of 1498 he arrived in Calicut and took on a Cargo of spices

5. in 1542 he was briefly the Governor of Portugese India, under the title of Viceroy

Christopher Columbus

1.believed he could reach Asia by sailing west instead of east around Africa

2. Persuaded Queen Isabella of Spain to finance an exploration expedition

3. In October 1492 he reached the Americas where he explored the coastline of Cuba & Hispaniola

4. Believed it was Asia

5. In his 4 voyages he reached all the major Caribbean islands and Honduras in Central America- he called them the Indies


1. First place where Columbus landed in 1492

2. Remained territory of Spain until the Spanish American war ended in 1898

3. Gained formal independence from the U.S. in 1902

4. Most populous island nation in the Caribbean

5. Their culture is the mixture Taino, Ciboney and African Slaves


1. thriving spice trade port

2. Located on the Malay Peninsula

3. having Malaka under control destroyed Arab control of the spice trade.

4. Provided the Portugese with a way station on the route to the Moluccas(Spice Islands)

5. from Melaka the Portugese launced expeditions to China and the Spice Islads

Ferdinand Magellan

1. Persuaded the king of Spain to finance his voyage to Asia through the Western Hemisphere

2. Set sail in September 1419 down the coast of South America in search of a sea passage through America.

3. In October 1520 he passed through a water wat into the Pacific Ocean

4. The water way was called the straght of Magella

5. His fleet reached the Philippines but he was killed by the native peoples there.

6. First person to circumvate the globe

John Cabot

1. Cabot was a venetian seaman

2. Explored the New England coastline of the Americas for England.

3. He was an Italian navigator.

4. Discovered parts of North America in 1497

5. He was the first European to encounter North America since the Norse Vikings in the 11th century.

Amerigo Vespucci

1. Vespucci was a Florentine explorer who went on several voyages with John Cabot.

2. His letters describing the lands he saw led to the use og the name America for the new lands.

3.He was a merchant, explorer and a cartographer.

4. After two years of exploring he became the chief of navigation of Spain.

5. His position allowed him to plan voyages to the Indies. 


1. Conquistadors were Spanish conquerors of America.

2. They were individuals whose firearms, organizational skills and determination brought them incredible success.

3. Established an overseas empire quite different from the Portugese trading posts.

4. Conquered much of the new world in the 15th,16th and 17th centuries.

5. Their armies were mostly mounted mercenary soldiers of Iberian or European origin. 


1. Aztec monarch

2. Welcomed Cortes in Tenochtitlan

3. During his reign the Aztec Empire was consolidated.

4. Major expansion was undertaken.

5. Tenochtitlan started becoming a dominant partner of the Aztec Triple Alliance. 

Francisco Pizarro

1. Landed on the Pacific coast of South America in December 1530.

2. He had only a small band of about 180 men when he arrived in South America. 

3. He brought along with him steel weapons, gun powder, and horses.

4. He grew up illiterate.

5. When he arrested Balboa he became the mayor and magistrate in Panama City from 1519-1523.


1. Encomienda was the right of landowners to use Native Americans as laborers. 

2. The holders of an encomienda were supposed to protect the Native americans.

3. Many of the encomiendas ignored the laws from Spain.

4. The encomiendas put the Native Americans to wor on sugar plantations and in the gold and silver mines.

5. Very few Spanish settlers worried about protecting them.

Columbian Exchange

1. The columbian exchange was the exchange of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas.

2. This trasnformed the economix activity in both worlds.

3. Because of the Columbian Exchange potatoes became a basic dietary staple in some areas of Europe.

4. The columbian exchange also transported human populations, disease, slaves and ideas between the two hemispheres. 

5.The transfer of disease killed many idigenous people of America.


1. A colony is a settlement of people living in a new territory linked with the parent by trade and direct government control.

2. Colonies played a role in the theory of mercantilism. 

3. Colonies had no independent international representation.

4. Some colonies were historically countries.

5. Many colonies of the Americas eventually became states.


1. A set of principles that dominated economic thought in the 17th century.

2. The government controlled foreign trade and it ensured the prosperity and military security of the state.

3.Dominated Western European economic policy from the 16th-18th centuries.

4. These laws forbade colonies to trade with other nations. 

5. They also forbad the trade to be carried on foreign ships.

Balance of Trade

1. Nations tried to have a favorable balance of trade by using silver and gold payments.

3. The balance of trade is the difference in value between what a nation imports and exports over time.

4. When the balance is favorable, the goods exported are of greater value than those imported. 

5. To encourage exports the government granted payments to new industries and improved transportation systems.


1. Subsidies were payments to new industries and improved transportation systems to encourage exports.

2. These subsidies were grandted by governments.

3. The transportation systems were improved by building roads, bridges and canals.

4. These were giben to prevent the downfall of trading industries. 

5. Encouraged the expansion of farm production to achieve self-reliance in food production.


1. large agricultural estates

2. established in the 1500s along the coast of Brazil and on the Caribbean islands 

3. Slaves were taken to these plantations to grow sugarcane

4. Their was only a small Native American population because many died of European diseases so Afircans were enslaved.

5.Enslaved africans were shipped to the Americas to relieve the scarcity/shortage of labor on plantations.

Triangular Trade

1. The Triangular Trade connected Africa,Europe and the American continents.

2. European merchant ships carried European manufactured goods such as guns and clothes to Africa.

3. They traded these goods for enslaved Africans.

4. The enslaved Africans were then shipped to the Americas and sold.

5. European merchants then bought tobacco, molasses, sugar and raw otton in the Americas and shipped them back to Europe.

Middle Passage

1. The journey of enslaved people from Africa to the Americas became known as the Middle Passage.

 2. The Middle Passage was the middle portion of the triangular trade route.

3. Those who arrived to the Americas ofrten died from diseases which they had little or no immunity to.

4. Death rates were higher for newly arrived enslaved Africans than for those born and raised in the Americas.

5. Buying a new slave was less expensive than raising a child from birth to working age.

King Alfonso

1. He was the ruler of Congo.

2. He was under the control of Portugal and he was also Christian and admirer of European culture.

3. He did not want the African slaves to be traded because their country was being completely depopulated.

4. He wanted peace with the king of Portugal.

5. The Portugese attempted to assassinate him when they thought he was hiding gold from them.


1. Benin was a brilliant and creative society in the 1500s until it was pulled into the slave trade.

2. The population began to decline and warfare increased.

3. The people of Benin lost faith in their gods, their art deteriorated and human sacrifice became more common.

4. Slavery destroyed their culture and their country.

5. It became very corrupt and brutal.


1. In the 150s Portugal came to dominate brazil.

2. Largest country in South America.

3. Only Portugese seaking country in the Americas.

4. Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the landing of Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500 until 1815.

5. Independence was achieved in 1822 with the formation of the Empire of Brazil.


1. The top of the social classes in Colonial Latin America.

2. These were Portugese officials who had been born in Europe and held all important government positions.

3. The Peninsulares were above the Creoles.

4.Offices of the Americas and Philipines were held by the peninsulares.

5.They were sometimes called gauchos


1. The creoles were below the peninsulares.

2.Creoles were descendents of Europeans born in Latin America.

3. Creoles controlled land and business

4. Creoles deeply resnted the peninsulares

5. They regarded themselves as second-class citizens


1. The offspring of Eeuropeans and Native Americans.

2.They had fewer rights than the peninsulares.

3. They also had fewer rights than the Creoles.

4. They had more rights than Indians and Africans.

5. They became the majority group in Latin America


1. The offspring of Americans and Europeans

2. They produced a unique multiracial society in Latin America.

3. There were also mixtures between Native Americans and Africans.

4. Mulattoes reside in Latin America, the Caribbean, United States and Angola.

5. They also live in Cape Verde, and the Mascarene Islands.


1. Mandatory public service

2. A form of legal servitude which in practice bordered on slavery.

3.Recquired community driven projects 

4. Spanish conquistadors utilized this labor system to supply  workforce they needed for silver mines.

5. This required labor eventually becamse slavery.

Juana Ines de la Cruz

1. A nun that wrote poetry and prose.

2. She urged women to be educated.

3. She was a self taught scholar and poet and a nun of New Spain

4. She is known today as a Mexican writer.

5. She died on April 17 1695 after ministering to other nuns stricken during the plague

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