Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter 32
Latin America: Revolution and Reaction into the 21st Century
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




page 785


(Party of the Institutionalized Revolution)
Dominant political party in Mexico; developed during 1920s and 1930s; incorporated labor, peasant, military, and middle class sectors; controlled other political organizations in Mexico.

Significance: -controlled Mexico for approximately 60 years; opposed in 2000 by popular election

Analyze: -gradually diminished in power and grew in corruption; lost original revolutionary principles
page 785

Guerilla movement named in honor of Zapata; originated in 1994 in southern Mexican state of Chiapas; gov't responded with combination of repression and negotiation

Significance: -demonstrated unresolved issues, such as land distribution and social prejudice against indigenous peoples

Analyze: -emerged into public eye following movement in 1994; Mexico had just joined NAFTA, spurring anger amongst manipulated agrarian peoples
page 787

Juan Jose Arevalo
Elected president of Guatemala in 1994; began series of socialist reforms including land reform; nationalist program directed against foreign-owned companies such as United Fruit Company.

Significance: -improved rights of rural and industrial workers
-conflict arose regarding foreign interests

Analyze: -reforms based on "spiritual socialism"
-intense nationalism posed threat to foreign companies stationed in Guatemala (e.g. UFC)
page 788

United Fruit Company
Most important foreign economic concern in Guatemala during 20th century; attempted land reform aimed at UFC caused US intervention in Guatemalan politics, leading to ouster of reform gov't in 1954.

Significance: -most crucial US economic holding in Guatemala
-led to US intervention in Guatemalan politics

Analyze: -land reforms threatened acreage and income of UFC; US military force overthrew Arbenz gov't and replaced old system with America-friendly regime
page 788

Fulgencio Batista
Dictator of Cuba from 1934-1944; returned to presidency in 1952; ousted from gov't by revolution led by Castro.

Significance: -initially promised democratic constitution and helpful reforms
-overthrown by Castro and revolutionaries in 1959

Analyze: -regime was soon crippled by corruption and manifestation of dictatorial ideals
-revolutionaries sought better leadership
page 788

Fidel Castro
Cuban revolutionary; overthrew dictator Batista in 1958; initiated series of socialist reforms; came to depend almost exclusively on USSR.

Significance: -following release from prison, led 26th of July Movement with recruited revolutionaries and Guevara
-reforms greatly improved education, health, and housing
-gradually instituted more rigid socialist economy

Analyze: -Castro was a harsh critic of Batista and had become familiar with leftist views
-failed at attempts to industrialize and capitalize on resources other than sugar
page 788

Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Argentine revolutionary; aided Castro in overthrow of Batista regime in Cuba; died while directing guerrilla movement in Bolivia in 1967.

Significance: -assisted Castro in overthrowing Batista government and subsequently held various posts in Castro's new regime

Analyze: -Marxist influence and revolutionary ideology coupled with military prowess
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