Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter 21 - Industrialization and Social Ferment
The Making of the West Peoples and Cultures Vol. II Since 1500 3rd Ed.
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




FQ#1 How did the industrial revolution create new social and political conflicts?
Overpopulation in cities due to flood of people looking for work. Poor treatment of those workers, larger class gap (rich got richer and poor stayed poor), workers associations began, class conflict (middle class blames the lower class for the position they are in), crime & health problems.
FQ#2 What dangers did the industrial revolution pose to both urban and rural life?
Urban: pollution, disease, crime rate skyrocketing, working conditions are dangerous and unhealthy, overpopulation limits social programs like trash removal, building inspections, and sewer systems.
Rural: environmental problems (draining marshes and clear cutting for more farmland), land division: equal inheritance of all children leaves less for children to survive off, de-population due to urban migration, upper-class/landowners control most of it, and the people on it.
FQ#3 How did reformers try and address the social problems created by the industrialization and urbanization?
Religious sects promoted Sunday schools. hospitals were built, widening gender gap, domesticity is pushed on women when they try to get involved, slavery abolishment, new laws to promote treatment of workers and citizens, stopped animal exploitation, temperance movements (alcohol), education laws that meant mandatory attendance for children at school
FQ#4 In which areas did the reformers of the social and political problems succeed and where did they fail?
Success: abolishment of slavery, sunday school education, working conditions were addressed by law limiting hours per day worked and protecting women and children, infant mortality was reduced due to access to contraception methods
Failures: alcoholism, schools were in existence but did not educate enough children (only 1 of 30 boys received educations), domesticity as a whole, workhouses split families up
FQ#5 Why did the ideologies of the time have such a powerful appeal in the 1830's and 40s?
Ideologies had draw due to instability. Questions of reform due to social and political issues needed answers and they tried to provide them. People identified with the ideologies. Gave people hope of a brighter future with promise of change.
FQ#6 Why did the revolutions of 1848 fail?
None of the revolutions happened due to class divisions. No one could get along long enough or well enough to provide the stability the ideologies offered. France failed because they elected another Bonaparte that dismantled any chance a new republic would have. Austria failed because the peasants dropped the fight for the nobles once serfdom is abolished. Italy failed because of the difference in opinions between middle class, peasants and workers, and nationalist parties.
FQ#7 Which of the ideologies of this period had the greatest impact on political events? Why?
Nationalism: Gave a sense of belonging to large groups of people brought together by an internal sense of community (language, religion, or traditions) rather than another political view offering answers.
FQ#8 In what ways might the industrialization be considered a peace force for peaceful change rather than a revolution?
People were brought together by greater ideals than just survival. There were more people looking for change rather than an entire reorganizing of the system (by violent means). People liked the industrialization and the progress that was happening because of it, but they didn't like how it was being done. Rather than forcefully resist the entire era, they wanted to change how it was accomplished.
FQ#9 What are the foundation ideas of Nationalism, Liberalism, and Socialism?
Nationalism: . They want a nation in themselves. The people are drawn together internal by a common denominator (like language, religion, location, culture, or customs).
Liberalism: reform of the current system. Free trade support, wants constitutional guaruntees, property laws, personal liability, reduced government control over only money and international issues, and large project financing (railroads, bridges).
Socialism: expands liberalism to ALL people, not just business owners and wealthy. Focuses: freedom of the press, expanding voter base, still suppressed by conservative governments. wanted complete reorganization of government. Also wanted complete equality and suffrage for women.
FQ#10 Traces of the Enlightenment or the French Revolution?
Education reforms (mandatory attendance,, sunday schools), personal liberty, free trade, greater liberties of new ideas and easier flow of innovations that are based of enlightenment ideas. Human and animal rights issues were addressed as well. Downplay of violence to incite reform, prefer peaceful change through law.
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