Why are companies focusing on international markets?(5) |
- domestic markets offer limited opportunties of Expansion
- some comp. must focus on foreign markets to survive
- can offer opportunities of growth and profits
- globalization is revolutionizing the world more radically and rapidly
- imports are taking a larger and larger share of the domestic market for many products
- What is the firm doing when utilizing their Promotional Function?
- Define: Economic Infrastructure (part of the Economic Environment of the International Environment)
- standing up and speaking out, wanting to be seen or heards
- is most visible, culture bound - of firms marketing funtions
- communications, transportation, financial and distribution networks - needed to conduct business in markets effectively
What are the '4' variables of the International Environment? |
- Economic Environment
- considers:
- stage of economic development
- economic infrastructure
- standard of living
- per capita income
- distribution of wealth
- currency stability
- exchange rates
- Cultural Environment
- considers:
- language - nuances, idioms, subtleties - (must be aware of connotations and words/symbols)
- lifestyles
- values
- ethnocentrism: view own group/society as center of universe - (nationalism)
- norms and customs - beliefs/shared goals that?
- affect what products and services will be bought - affecty How they are marketd
- ethics and moral standards
- taboos - usually believes in conservative applications
- Demographic Environment
- considers:
- size of population
- number of households
- age distribution
- Household size
- occupation distribution
- education levels
- employement rate
- income levels
- Political/Legal Environment (one of most important influencing factors)
- Considers:
- Gov't policies
- laws and regulations - differ owing to:
- economic and national sovernity considerations
- nationalistic and cultural factors
- goal of protecting consumers from false/misleading information (or advertising in general)
- political stability
- nationalism
- attitudes towards multinational companies
What Government Regulations and Restrictions can affect company's advertising program? (8) -
Part of the Political/Legal Environment of the International Environment) |
- Types of products advertised
- content or creative approaches able to be utilized
- media that all advertisers are permitted to employ
- amoung of advertising a single advertiser may use
in total or specific mediums
- use of foreign languages in ads
- use of advertising material perpared outside country
- use of local vs. international advertising agencies
- specific taxes that can be levied agaisnst advertising
'5' Reasons Why Globalization is Important? |
- Brands can be adopted for visual appeal
- avoids translation problems
- Brands promoted with image campaigns
- playing to universal needs, values, emotions
- High-tech products, new to world, not steeped in cultural heritage of country of origin
- product w/ nationalistic flavor
- if country has favorable reputation in field for quality and/or distinctive image
- Country of origin effect: consumers general perceptions of quality for products in the domestic country
- Products appealing to a market segment w/ unviersally similar:
- taste, interests, needs, and values
- Examples: Worlds elite AND global consumers (similar needs and interests)
- Define: Global Marketing
- Define: Global Advertising
- company uses common marketing plan for all countries that it operates in (selling product same way all over the world)
- way to impletment global marketing by using same advertising approaches throught world (umbrella under global marketing)
- Advantages of Global Marketing
- Disadvantages of Global Marketing
- 1) Economies of scales in production/distribution
2) lower marketing and advertising costs (including production costs) - result of reductions in planning & control 3) - exploit good ideas AND introduce products 4) quickly 4) consistent brand and image 5) simplification of coordination AND control of mkting/promo programs
- 1) differences in:
- culture - language, traditions, beliefs, etc...
- market
- economic development
- consumer needs and usage patterns
- media availabilities
- legal restrictions
- What is the Global Marketers Dilema? (2 options)
- A) offer same product, marketing and advertising everywehere - standardization
B) adapt the product, marketing and advertising to each society (adaption)
- '2' approaches to Global Products and Local Messages
- - In-Between Approach
- Standardizing Products - recognizes similar desires, goals, needs, and uses for products/services
- Localizing Ad Messages - tailors to local cultures/customs
- "Think Globally Act Locally" - aka "Global Vision Local Touch"
- Pattern Advertising:
- Follow basic globalization approach but Adapting messages to respond to Differences in:
- Language
- Culture
- Market Conditions
- Use of pattern Advertising
What are the '3' ways companys can Organize overal for International marketing and business? |
- Centeral Authority/Centeralization (made in home office)
- when market and media conditions are similar to one another - when comp has one or few international agencies handling all advertising - When standardized advertising can be used - When desiring consistent image worldwide
- Budgeting
- Media Strategy
- Campaign Development
- Research
- Agency Selection
- Creative Strategy
- Decenteralization
- marketing advertisers in each market have authority to make own advert/promo decisions
- Local managers: select ad agencies,
- develop budgets,
- conduct research,
- appreave creative themes/executions
- select advertising media
- Approach used when:
- local managers know marketing situation in country best
- local managers would be more effective and motivated
- used in small or unique markets where HQ involvement is not worthwhile
- Combination of Two (local manager words closely with local or regional mkting managers from international agency)
- allows consistency in companys international advertising - permits lcoal input and adaption of promotion program
- international agency:
- sets budgetary authority
- sets advertising and promotional objectives
- approves creative themes/executions
- approves media selection
- Local managers:
- submit advertising plans and budgets for markets
- working/selects with local ad agencies
Part of the Combination Approach for Organizing International Advertising
'10' Criterion for selecting Agency to handle International Advertising |
- Agecny to cover relevant markets
- quality of agency work
- market research, PR, and other services
- Level of comm. and control desired by company
- ability of agency to Coordinate International Campaign
- size of company's international business
- comp. desire for local vs. international image
- comp. organizational structure for international bus. and marketing (centralized vs. decenteralized)
- Company's level of involevment with international operations
Part of the Combination Approach for Organizing International Advertising
What are the '3' Basic Alternatives for selecting an Agency for international advertising? |
- Choose major agency with both domestic and overseas offices
- US based Agency with foreign offices -
- greater control and convienence
- facilitates coordination of overseas advertising
- Reasons for consolidation:
- develop consitend global image
- increase cost efficiencies
- gain greater leverage over agencies
- ability to communicate and manage globally
- Risks involved:
- no backup agency if fails to deliver
- prob sellign idea to regional offices
- Agency Afiliated with Agencies in other Countries OR Network of foreign agencies
- offers multinational coverage and contacts
- provides detailed knowledge of market condions, media, etc...
- Select local agency for each national market in which it sells goods/services
- best understanding of market and advertising environment
- may develop most effective advertising
- willing to take risks
- best talent in each market
- increases involvement and morale of foregin subsidiary managers
'4' requirements for making Creative Decisions |
- should be based on advertising AND communications objectives
- Copy Platforms MUST be develop that include major selling ideas
- Specific appeals and exuction styles must be selected
- emotional appeals: may differ in cultural backgrounds
- Appeals maybe to be adapted for local market conditions
- Standardized approach - creative team must develop advertising that will transcend cultural differences and communicate effectively in EVERY country - products can be positioned differently in every country
- localized advertising strategy - creative team must determine what type of selling idea, ad appeal, and execution style will work in each market
'2' Issues with International Media Selection |
- Widely differing Characteristics
- quality
- coverage
- restrictions
- availability
- cost
- Media Information Problems
- Availabiltiy
- Reliability
- Circulation
- Audience
- Cost
'5' Major Considerations for International Sales Promotion |
- Economic Development
- Market Maturity
- Consumer Perceptions
- Trade Structure
- Regulations
Framework for analyzing Role of Centralized(headquarters) Vs. Local Mgmt in Sales Promotion decisions
Centeral VS Local Roles (Image) |
Management of Sales Promotions in Foreign Markets |
- Headquarters:
- influence greatest for global brands,
- least for local brands
- Determins Promo strategy
- international communication objectives
- positioning
- allocation of comm. budget to sales promo vs. advertising
- weight of consumer vs. trade promotions
- responsible for cross-fertilization of ideas, practices, and information w/ local mgmt.
- Local management:
- implementation of programs
- avoid contradictory brand comm. and promo activities that(upset activities in nearby markets)