Individuals of different genders,ages,ethnicities, races, languages, and religions peacefully coexisting on the planet.
75 armed conflicts in the world, 1990-2004, only10 have been traditional international. Legacy of colonialism, economic colonialism and disparities.
need to learn more about different groups of which not members. Born into a particular race, caught up in conflicts. |
Workplace. Transnational economy.Attentive to diversity issues. Inclusive orientation in dealing with their members.
Global Economy, expanding overseas.Buy and sell globally.Losses offset gains?
Understanding how and why big winners of globalization are gaining and learn, as in the past they have from us.
Maquiladoras, Assembly plants, mainly US, established on border using Mex labor. Cross Cultural, trainers teach people to become familiar with other culture norms. |
Global Village, a world in shich communication technology brings news and information to the most remote parts of the world.
Human Communication and Technology
The ability to use and acess technology depends on age, income, geographical location, race and ethnicity.
We come into contact with people who are very different than ourselves.
Digital divides, access to technologies. |
Demographic Imperative
Melting Pot Metaphor-immigrants enter and blend into American society |
Changing U.S. Demographics,
Changing Immigration Patterns - Immegration
Heterogeneous - consisting of different or dissimilar elements.
Assimilable - participate in a type of cultural adaptation, giving up own cuyltural heritage, adopts mainstream
Enclaves-Regions surrounded by another country's territory
Class structure-economic organization of income levels
Self Awareness Imperative |
Most important reason for studying intercultural communication, to gain awareness of one's own cultural identity and background.
ex. Amish/Mennonite family to teach Muslims
Japanese boy integrated with African Americans |
priciples of conduct that help govern the behavior of individuals and groups.
Good vs Bad behavior.
Ethical Judgments and Cultural Values, degrees of rightnes and wrongnes in human behavior than do cultural values.
Universalist-ethical approach emphasizing similarity of beliefs across cultures.
Relativist-view that prticular language, shapes perception of reality & cultural patterns. |