Shared Flashcard Set


Ch. 3 Col. 1 Terms
For Coach Ray's class
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur
Frenchman who wrote a description of Americans in 1782. He wrote that they were maturing and slowly evolving into a distinct culture that was different from any in Europe.
About 1 million people immigrated to the Americas in the 1700s. People from Europe immigrated to escape war or religious persecution and hoped get economic opporttunities by farming new land or setting up shop in a town as a merchant or artisan. Most settles in middle colonies and some in the W. frontier of the S. colonies. Germans-Penn. Irish-Penn, Virg, Caro, Geo. Others - French, Dutch, and Africans
English Cultural Domination
The great majority of the population were English in orgin, language and tradition. Changed after itroduction of different cultures
One of the gen. char. of the American colonies in the 1700s. Meant that the gov. of each colony had a representative assembly that was elected by eligible voters (white male property owners) Rhode Island and Connecticut were only places where the gov. was elected by the people. The other colonies govs. were appointed by the crown or by a proprietor.
Religious toleration
One of the gen. char. of the American colonies in the 1700s. All of the colonies permitted the practice of different religions, but with different degrees of freedom. Mass. was least tolerant (no non-christians, no catholics) Rhode Island and Penn. were the most liberal
Hereditary aristocracy
No hereditary aristocracy was one of gen char of the American colonies in the 1700s. A narrower class system in the American colonies that was based on economics, was developing in which wealthy landowners were at the top and craftspeople and small farmers made up the majority of the common people. The social extremes of Europe with a nobility that inherited special priceless and masses of hungry poor, were missing in the colonies.
Social mobility
One of the gen. char. of the American colonies in the 1700s. It was that everyone in colonial society except African Americans had an opporunity to improve their standard of living and social status by hard work
Colonial families
It was the economic and social center of life and people were marrying at a young age and having many children. Many lived on farms and women had many children (about 8 each), cooked, cleaned, made clothes, provided medical care, and educated the children. They worked with the husband usually and had a role in decision making.
Subsistence farming
Farming in which the farmers grow food to be able to feed their families instead of selling the food. N Eng. colonies were limited to subsistence farming because of rocky soil and cold winter. The S. colonies had some subsistence farms.
Established church
Churches in the 17th century that were financed by the governmnet taxing people to support one of the Protestant denominations. The two chruches in the early colonies like this were the Church of England (Anglican church) in Virginia and the Congretional Church in Mass. Bay and Connecticut. Eventually govs. changed their policies due to religious diversity. Eventually, members of other relgious groups were exempted from the Cong. Church. Some tax stayed until 1800s. In Virginia, tax support for the Anglican Church lasted until shortly after the Revolution
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