If it Photosynthesizes and produces Carbohydrates what is it called
- They are how the Biospere gets almost all of its energy
- Total energy brought by Primary Producers dictates how much life can exist in the Biosphere(the ecosystem comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it.)
- Scientist measure Primary Productivity in the terms of Carbon bound into organic material.
C02-H20=Food or Energy
- Unit to measure Carbohydrates is grams of c per square meter of surface area per year
- Oceans Primary Productivity averages from 75 to 150 grams c/m squared per year.
- little lower than on land
- Terrestrial Productivity 50-70 billion tons c/year
- From all marine ecosystems is 35 to 50 Billion tons/year
- How much productivity depends on how much food is produced.
- Vital to Primary productivity
- Includes many species from nearly every major group of organisms
- Some organismsm start life out as Plankton then leave Plankton Community when big enough to swim.EX:Meroplankton
- Some live there whole lives as Plankton Ex: Holoplankton
- Plankton accounts for 92-96% of the Oceans Primary Productivity.
4 Important types of Plankton |
- Diatoms: Most efficient Photosynthesizers known - Thousands of species benthic and planktonic -Characterized byridged cellwall called frustule -Frustule made of silca so like letting light in through glass.
- Dinoflagellates: Characterized by one or two whip like flagella used to change orientation -Important to coral reef community -Reproduce rapidly, responsible for plankton blooms(large numbers of phytoplankton are concentrated in one area, the color of the water surface changes.) Plankton blooms can cause redtide.
- Coccolithophores- Characterized by shells of calcium carbonate. -Shells are called cocoliths. -Live in brightly lit shallow water. -Translucent Coccolithophores(clear; transparent)protect them by screening the light -Area with high concentrations may appear milky.
- Silcoflagellates: Characterized by internal supporting structures made of silca -More primaitve than diatoms -Little is know about their distribution or abundance.