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1234 CBT
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Behaviours -> Feelings -> Thoughts all interact with one another.

Behaviours -> Feelings -> Thoughts all interact with one another.
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

1. Filtering
2. Polarized thinking / Black-and-white thinking
3. Overgeneralization
4. Jumping to conclusions
5. Catastrophizing / Magnifying or Minimizing
6. Personalization
7. Control fallacies
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

1. Fi______
2. 2. Po______ th______ / Black-and-white thinking
3. Overgen______
4. Ju______ to co______
5. Cat______g / Mag______g or Min______
6. Per______
7. Co______ fal______
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

8. Fallacy of fairness
9. Blaming
10. “Shoulds”
11. Emotional reasoning
12. Fallacy of change
13. Global labelling / mislabelling
14. Always being right
15. Heaven’s Reward Fallacy
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

8. Fa______ of fa______
9. Bl______
10. “S______s”
11. Em______l re______g
12. F______ of c______
13. G______ la______g / mis______ng
14. A______ being r______t
15. H______s R______ F______y
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

1. Filtering - Focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive
2. Polarized thinking - All or nothing thinking. Ignoring complexities
3. Overgeneralization - Assumes a rule from one experience
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

1. Filtering
2. Polarized thinking / Black-and-white thinking
3. Overgeneralization
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

4. Jumping to conclusions - Makes assumptions based on little evidence
5. Catastrophizing / Magnifying or Minimizing - Expecting the worst case scenario. Minimizing the positive.
6. Personalization - Always assuming self responsibility
7. Control fallacies - Assumes only others to blame. Or assumes only self to blame
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

4. Jumping to conclusions
5. Catastrophizing / Magnifying or Minimizing
6. Personalization
7. Control fallacies
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

8. Fallacy of fairness - Assumes life should be fair
9. Blaming - Assumes everyone else's fault
10. “Shoulds” - Holds tight to personal rules of behaviour. Judges self and others if rules are broken.
11. Emotional reasoning - "If I feel it, it must be true".
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

8. Fallacy of fairness
9. Blaming
10. “Shoulds”
11. Emotional reasoning
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

12. Fallacy of change - Expects others to change
13. Global labelling / mislabelling - Extreme generalization
14. Always being right - Being wrong is unacceptable. Being right supersedes everything
15. Heaven’s Reward Fallacy - Expecting self sacrifice to be rewarded.
CBT - 25 Cognitive Distortions

12. Fallacy of change
13. Global labelling / mislabelling
14. Always being right
15. Heaven’s Reward Fallacy
What is CBT?

CBT is a psycho-social intervention that focuses on changing unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours, improve emotional regulation and create a suite of coping stratergies to solve problematic issues.
What is CBT?

CBT is a psycho-social intervention that focuses on changing unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours, improve emotional regulation and create a suite of coping stratergies to solve problematic issues.
Some CBT Essential Tools:

1. Journaling: Self refelction. Identifing thought patterns.

2. Relaxed breathing: Calms and focuses

3. Cognitive Restructuring: Exploring causes of faulty thinking. Reframing and restructuring them.

4. Exposure and Response Prevention: Purposefully exposing self to trigger, then Mindfully controlling the response
Some CBT Essential Tools:

1. Journaling: Self refelction. Identifing thought patterns.

2. Relaxed breathing: Calms and focuses

3. Cognitive Restructuring: Exploring causes of faulty thinking. Reframing and restructuring them.

4. Exposure and Response Prevention: Purposefully exposing self to trigger, then Mindfully controlling the response
CBT useful Worksheets:

1. Coping Styles Worksheet: Identifying triggers of congnitive distortions and effecting coping stratergies

2. Dysfunctional thought record: Analysis cognitive distortions, emotions felt, alternative positive thoughts that could be had, their positive consequenes

3. Fact-checking: Noting the difference between facts and opinions. This can help people know that they can change an opinion.
CBT useful Worksheets:

1. Coping Styles Worksheet: ...

2. Dysfunctional thought record: ....

3. Fact-checking: ....
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