Cardiogenic Shock; sx tests tx |
heart is unable to meet the demands of the body. This can be caused by conduction system failure or heart muscle dysfunction. Symptoms of Shock: Rapid breathing Rapid pulse Anxiety Nervousness Thready pulse Mottled skin color Profuse sweating Poor capilary refill Tests: Nuclear Scans Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram Electrocardiogram ABG Chem-7 Chem-20 Electrolytes Cardiac Enzymes Treatment: Amrinone Norepinephrine Dobutamine IV fluids PTCA Extreme cases-pacemaker, IABP |
Aortic insufficiency- causes sx, tests, monitoring |
Heart valve disease that prevents the aortic valve from closing completely. Backflow of blood into the left ventricle. Causes: Rheumatic fever Congenital abnormalities Endocarditis Marfan’s syndrome Ankylosing spondylitis Reiter’s syndrome Symptoms: Fainting Weakness Bounding pulse Chest pain on occasion SOB Fatigue Tests: Palpation Increased pulse pressure and diastolic pressure Pulmonary edema present Auscultation Left heart cathereterization Aortica angiography Dopper US Echocardiogram Treatment: Digoxin Dieuretics Surgical aorta valve repair Monitor patient for: PE Left-sided heart failure Endocarditis |
Aortic aneurysm- causes, sx, test, tx, monitoring |
Expansion of the blood vessel wall often identified in the thoracic region. Causes: Htn Marfan’s syndrome Syphilis Atherosclerosis (most common) Trauma Symptoms: Possible back pain may be the only indicator Tests: Aortogram Chest CT X-ray
Treatment: Varies depending on location Stent Circulatory arrest Surgery Monitor patient for: Bleeding Stroke Graft infection Irregular Heartbeats Heart Attack |
Poor blood volume prevents the heart from pumping enough blood to the body. Causes: Trauma Diarrhea Burns GI Bleeding |
Cardiogenic shock: sx, tests, tx |
Enough blood is available, however the heart is unable to move the blood in an effective manner. Symptoms: Anxiety Weakness Sweating Rapid pulse Confusion Clammy skin Tests: CBC Echocardiogram CT scan Endoscopy with GI bleeding Swan-Ganz catheterization
Treatment: Increase fluids via IV Avoid Hypothermia Epinephrine Norepinephrine Dobutamine Dopamine |
Myocarditis: causes, tests, sx, tx, monitoring |
nflammation of the heart muscle. Causes: Bacterial or Viral Infections Polio, adenovirus, coxsackie virus Symptoms: Leg edema SOB Viral symptoms Joint Pain Syncope Heart attack (Pain) Fever Unable to lie flat Irregular heart beats Tests: Chest X-ray Echocardiogram ECG WBC and RBC count Blood cultures Treatment: Diuretics Pacemaker Antibiotics Steroids Monitor the patient for: Pericarditis Cardiomyopathy |
Heart valve infection- sx, tests, tx, monitoring |
endocarditis (inflammation), probable valvular heart disease. Can be caused by fungi or bacteria. Symptoms: Weakness Fever Murmur SOB Night sweats Janeway lesions Joint pain Tests: CBC ESR ECG Blood cultures Enlarged speen Presence of splinter hemorrhages Treatment: IV antibiotics Surgery may be indicated Monitor the patient for: Jaundice Arrhythmias CHF Glomerulonephritis Emboli |
Pericarditis: causes, sx, tests, tx, monitoring |
Inflammation of the pericardium. Causes: Viral- coxsackie, adenovirus, influenza, rubella viruses Bacterial (various microorganisms) Fungi Often associated with TB, Kidney failure, AIDS, and autoimmune disorders. Surgery Symptoms: Dry cough Pleuritis Fever Anxiety Crackles Pleural effusion LE swelling Chest pain Unable to lie down flat Tests: Auscultation MRI scan CT scan Echocardiogram (key test) ESR Chest x-ray Blood cultures CBC Treatment: NSAIDS Pericardiocentesis Analgesics Pericardiectomy Monitor the patient for: Constrictive pericarditis A fib. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) |
Arrhythmias: types, sx, tests, tx, monitoring |
Types: Bradycardia Tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation Ectopic heart beat Ventricular tachycardia Wolff-Parkinson-white syndrome Atrial fib. Sick sinus syndrome Sinus Tachycardia Sinus Bradycardia Symptoms: SOB Fainting Palpitations Dizziness Chest pain Irregular pulse Tests: Coronary angiography ECG Echocardiogram Holter monitor Treatment: Defibrillation Pacemaker Medications Monitor the patient for: Heart failure Stroke Heart attack Ischemia |
Arteriosclerosis: causes, sx, tests, tx |
: hardening of the arteries. Causes: Smoking Htn Kidney disease CAD Stroke Symptoms: Claudication pain Cold feet Muscle acheness and pain in the legs Hair loss on the legs Numbness in the extremities Weak distal pulse Tests: Doppler US Angiography IVSU MRI test Poor ABI (Ankle brachial index) reading Treatment: Analgesics Vasodilation medications Surgery if severe Ballon surgery Stent placement Monitor the patient for: Arterial emboli Ulcers Impotence Gas gangreene Infection of the lower extremities |
Cardiomyopathy- causes, types, sx, tests, tx |
poor hear pumping and weakness of the myocardium. Causes: Htn Heart attacks Viral infections Types: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy- due to alcohol consumption Dilated cardiomyopathy-left ventricle enlargement Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-abnormal growth left ventricle Ischemic cardiomyopathy- weakness of the myocardium due to heart attacks. Peripartum cardiomyopathy- found in late pregnancy Restrictive cardiomyopathy-limited filling of the heart due to inability to relax heart tissue. Symptoms: Chest pain SOB Fatigue Ascites LE swelling Fainting Poor Appetite Htn Palpitations Tests: ECG CBC Isoenzyme tests Coronary Angigraphy Chest X-ray MRI Auscultation Treatment: Ace inhibitors Dieuretics Blood thinners LVAD – Left Ventricular Assist Device Digoxin Vasodilators |
Heart Sounds: S1, S2, S3, S4 |
S1- tricuspid and mitral valve close S2- pulmonary and aortic valve close S3- ventricular filling complete S4-elevated atrial pressure (atrial kick) |
Wave Review Indepth: 1. P WAVE - small upward wave; indicates atrial depolarization 2. QRS COMPLEX - initial downward deflection followed by large upright wave followed by small downward wave; represents ventricular depolarization; masks atrial repolarization; enlarged R portion - enlarged ventricles; enlarged Q portion - probable heart attack. 3. T WAVE - dome shaped wave; indicates ventricular repolarization; flat when insufficient oxygen; elevated with increased K levels 4. P - R INTERVAL - interval from beginning of P wave to R wave; represents conduction time from initial atrial excitation to initial ventricular excitation; good diagnostic tool; normally < 0.2sec. 5. S-T SEGMENT - time from end of S to beginning to T wave; represents time between end of spreading impulse through ventricles and ventricular repolarization; elevated with heart attack; depressed when insufficient oxygen. 6. Q-T INTERVAL - time for singular depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles. Conduction problems, myocardial damage or congenital heart defects can prolong this. |