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Body Forms & Function
Comparative Form & Function of Invertebrate Bodies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Biology Flashcards




Kingdom Protozoa
- unicellular
- cellular components specialized
Kingdom Protozoa
A. Flagellum
B. Microtubules
C. Basal Body
C. Centriole
D. Chromosomes
E Nucleolus
F. Nuclear Pore
G. Inner Membrane
H. Outer Membrane
I. Nuclear Membrane
J. Endoplasmic Recticulum
K. Ribosomes
L. Lysosome
M. Endo/Exo-cytosis
N. Golgi Body
O. Microtubules
P. Actin
Q. Inner Membrane
R. Outer Membrane
S. Actin Cytoskeleton
T. Chloroplast
U. Mitochondrion
Kingdom Protazoa
  - composed of actin & microtubules
  - typically 3D and maintians cell shape
  - plays role in cell motility (ameboid movement)
Kingdom Protozoa:
Cell Membrane:
  - phospholipid bilayer
  - proteins may either be embedded or attached to membrane
  - carbohydrates may attach to exterior portions of the membrane or proteins
  - glycocalyx = surface coat, made up of carbohydrate tails; template on which the exoskeleton is secreted
Kingdom Protozoa
A. Carbohydrate Chain
B. Protein
C. Glycoprotein
D. Carbohydrate Chain
E. Phospholipid
F. Glycolipid
G. Peripheral Protein
H. Transmembrane Channel Protein
I. Cholesterol
J. Signal Protein
Kingdom Protozoa
Cell Mtoility - Ameboid Movement:
  - Outer ectoplasm = stiff gel
  - Inner endoplasm = fluid sol
  - Rear contraction: rear contration forces endoplasm forward
  - Front contraction: front contraction pulls endoplasm forward by exerting tension on the trailing part of the cell
Kingdom Protozoa
A. Pseudopodium
B. Actin Filament Assembly
C. Front Contraction
D. Gellied Ectoplasm (actin cytoskeleton & myosin links)
E. Rear Contraction
F. Liquid Endoplasm
G. Actin Filament Disassembly
H. Actin Monomers
I. Endoplasmic Flow
Kingdom Protozoa
Cell Motility - Flagellar Movement:
- Figure 1. Arrangement of protofilaments in singlet, doublet, and triplet microtubules. In cross section, a typical microtubule, a singlet, is a simple tube built from 13 protofilaments. In a doublet microtubule, an additional set of 10 protofilaments forms a second tubule (B) by fusing to the wall of a singlet (A) microtubule. Attachment of another 10 protofilaments to the B tubule of a doublet microtubule creates a C tubule and a triplet structure.

- Figure 2. Structure of ciliary and flagellar axonemes. (a) Cross-sectional diagram of a typical flagellum showing its major structures. The dynein arms and radial spokes with attached heads occur only at intervals along the longitudinal axis. The central microtubules, C1 and C2, are distinguished by fibers bound only to C1.

- Figure 3. Model for dynein-mediated sliding of axonemal outer doublet microtubules. The dynein arms attached to the A subfiber of one microtubule walk along the B subfiber of the adjacent doublet toward its (−) end (small arrow), moving this microtubule in the opposite direction (large arrow). When the nexin cross-links are broken, as shown here, sliding can continue unimpeded.

- Figure 4. Structure of axonemal dynein. (b) An artist's interpretation of the electron micrographs shows the arrangement of globular domains and short stalks. (c) Model showing the attachment of the outer dynein arm to the A tubule of one doublet and the cross-bridges to the B tubule of an adjacent doublet. The attachment to the A tubule is stable. In the presence of ATP, the successive formation and breakage of cross-bridges to the adjacent B tubule leads to movement of one doublet relative to the other.

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