Shared Flashcard Set


Birds - week 03
Birds of WI: Raptors, Eagles, etc.
Undergraduate 3

Additional Biology Flashcards





Turkey Vulture:



Large, red head, bald, white beak, black when perching, hold wings in v-shape, look headless in flight, short tail, long-broad wings with well-slotted primaries (like fingers), white primary & secondaries so appear two-toned in flight, rock in flight from side to side



Pandion haliaetus



Females larger than males, broad winged, white underside, white cap on head, black eye-stripe, >Red-tailed, eat only fish, live near lakes & coast lines, will dive after fish & dive under water, yellow eyes (contrast with eye-stripe), Osprey = awesome because it has black diagonals on underside of wing and racing stripe through eyes


Flight: white under-wing coverts, black wrist patch, pull wings back (get VV shape)


Call:  Calls are short, chirping whistles, like when you shake a table 'cause you're erasing then metallic chech-chech


Sharp-shinned Hawk:



Short-winged, size of Mourning dove, long tail (wing tips reach half way down to tail), woodland species, black is slate grey, front has rufious/gold color, tail has sharp edge (like a rectangle -- why they call it sharp-shinned), large eye (compared to head), top of head darker than back (dark grey cap that blends into back -- no break in grey)


Call:  a series of sharp "kik" notes.


Cooper's Hawk:



Rounded tail, front is rufious/gold barring color, slate grey back, very dark cap that stops before back (has a break in grey) -- the rufious/white band around neck extends around, smaller eye than sharp-shinned (fits head more), 


Call: different than Sharp-shinned, alarm call is a series of sharp "cak"s.


Red-shouldered Hawk:



Broad/long-winged, short tails, dark eyes, rufious barring on breast & belly, back has black/white checkering, red shoulders (see red triangle patches in flight), live near wetlands/forests near water, rare in WI


Call: a loud "kee-aah," with second note descending in pitch. Often given repeatedly.


Broad-winged Hawk:



Migratory (back in April/May), smallest of broad-winged group, broad/long wings & short tail, secretive when perching (see mostly inflight), black terminal band on tail with white sub-terminal band (banding on tail sticks out), underwing is very light except for black trailing edge of wing (dark on very outside)


Call: uniform screech, a thin, high whistled "kee-eeeeeeeee" like air being pinched out of a balloon


Red-tailed Hawk:



Most common, all brown from back, perched bird seems white from front, slight dark belly band, dark marks on wing (near shoulders) and dark comma-shapped on mid-wing, red tails (seen when perching), no barring on tail, may see white v-shape on back when perching


Call: a raspy, scraping, screamed "kree-eee-ar."


Rough-legged Hawk:



~Red-tailed, migratory (will have 'til late March), no black marks near shoulder, but has black carpal patches (wrist patches), pale on wing, dark belly, dark black terminal band on tail with the rest white, often hover in one spot, tarsus feathered all the way down to feet


No call


American Kestrel:

[image] [image]


~Sharp-shinned/Mourning dove, long/pointy wings, black malar stripe (reach to bottom of tail), hover over field (see UV mice urine), dark grey cap (may have red spot in center), white cheek patch with and black bar behind the eye


M: blue-grey wings, tail has white tips, black terminal bands and redish tail feathers


F: rufious wings with black spots, heavily barred on front & back, tail is banded with red and black, white tips 


Call: high-pitched clee-clee-clee-clee, whiney





~Kestral, migratory (only here in winter), very fast flight, long/pointed wings, long tail, lack facial markings of Kestrals, slate grey wings, rufious/brown front, dark eyes (appear big), broad/black terminal band on tail with barring extending throughout the tail (tail color is brown not rufious like Kestrals), very angular wings, rapid wing-beat


No call


Peregrine Falcon:



Reintroduced, largest falcon here (large female ~Red-tailed Hawk), shorter tails than Merlin or Kestrals, hang out near food, facial markings: thick/black malar stripe, dark (hooded) head, white breast with some barring on belly, back is brown-grey, little tooth on beak for dislocating vertebrae


No call


Eastern Screech-Owl:



Grey and brown color morphs, very small (~Robin but chunkier), big head, two ear-tufts, yellow eyes, light-colored beak


Call: mournful winny, ascending then descending


Barred Owl:



Brown/grey color morphs, >Screech-Owls, dark eyes, yellow beak, heart-shaped head, breast has horizontal barring, belly has vertical stripes, broad wings, 


Call: 'who, who cooks for you', resonant series of eight or nine hoots, "hoo-hoo-to-hoo, hoo-hoo-to-hoo-aw."


Northern Saw-whet Owl:



Yellow eyes, dark beak, heart-shaped head, white v above eyes & beak, font- barred/dark brown, brown back, >common than Screech


Call: monotonous, getting faster, a series of whistled toots. Game-show alarm, getting more intense


Great Horned Owl:



Big ear tufts, dark beak, yellow eyes, heart-shaped, different shades of brown, white /\/\ patch at base of throat, very common


Call: a deep hooting "hoo-h'HOO--hoo-hoo."


Short-eared Owl:



Here on migration (Tundra species), diurnal (hunt during day), very long/pointy wings, constantly on the move, fly at low height (1-10 ft above field), comma-shaped carpal/wrist marks, light colored underneath, upper breast may be striped, yellow eyes with black ring around it


No call


Loggerhead Shrike:



Songbird with Raptor like, black eye stripe, black primary feathers, black tale, blue/grey top and back, white underneath, summer species, raptor-like beak (throw prey on barbed wire or thorns for storage)


No call


Northern Shrike:



Narrower eye stripe, longer beak, may have white band on top of eye stripe, blue/grey top & back, black primaries and black tail top, white underneath, eats the same way as Loggerhead, raptor-like beak


No call


Northern Harrier:


[image] [image]


Long-winged, long-tailed, open grassland and marshes, flies slowly low above the ground, rounded wings, white rump, funnel/heart shape to head


M: white below with a light gray back and hood, wingtips black

F: brown on back and striped brown and white below. Female larger


Call: courtship call a series of "kek" or "ke" notes. Also a piercing, descending scream


Bald Eagle:



Adults unmistakable with brown body and white head and tail, bill large and hooked, long broad wings held flat while soaring.


No call

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