Define the following vocabulary:
1. Filter feeding 2. Suspension feeding 3. Deposit feeding 4. Selective feeding |
1. filtering out organisms or nutrients in the water 2. same as filter (porifera, bivalvia, baleen whales) 3. feeds on detritus on bottom (annelida) 4. individual food items ingested (predator/prey) |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Hydrolases 2. Segmentation 3. Peristalsis |
1. hydrolytic enzymes- break organic molecules by adding water 2. mixing in intestine and stomach 3. movement through intestine |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Epiglottis 2. Crop 3. Gizzard |
1. small flap of cartilage that block food from going into windpipe 2. used for storage in many invertebrates and birds 3. grinding; muscular subdivision of stomach; stones and grit swallowed (birds, annelids, insects) |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Cellulase 2. Pepsin 3. Bicarbonate 4. Trypsin/Chymotrypsin 5. Protease 6. Lipase 7. Amylase 8. Nuclease |
1. digests cellulose; not produced in animals 2. splits proteins; in gastric juice; activated by HCl 3. neutralizes acidic chyme 4. proteases; split proteins after pepsin 5. split proteins 6. splits fats into fatty acids and glycerol 7. splits carbs 8. splits RNA and DNA into nucleotides |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Bile 2. Villi 3. Microvilli 4. Vitamin |
1. breaks up fat; made in liver; stored in gallbladder 2. folds in small intestine to increase surface area 3. cellular folds that further increase surface area 4. simple organic molecules that are essential in diet |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Aminopeptidase 2. Sucrase 3. Lactase 4. Alkaline Phosphate |
*membrane enzymes in small intestine lining 1. terminal amino acids 2. breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose 3. breaks lactose into glucose and galactose 4. breaks phosphate compounds |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Mantle 2. Radula 3. Trochophore 4. Veliger |
1. thin fleshy sheath that protects body and secretes shell 2. toothed, rasping tongue 3. simple free swimming feeding larval stage of mollusc (oyster) 4. more complex larva |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Periostracum 2. Prismatic 3. Nacreous |
1. outer part of shell; resists acids, attacks and used for camoflouge 2. middle; CaCO3 for strength 3. inner; smooth mother of pearl to protect soft body |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Chiton 2. Torsion 3. Pen 4. Chromatophores |
1.class Polyplacophora; dorsoventrally flattened, 8 overlapping protective plates 2. during embryonic development, body twists 180 (gastropoda) 3. narrow internal chitin strip that protects ganglia (cephalopods) 4. organelles in cells that contain pigment that change color (ceph) |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Osmotic conformer 2. Hyperosmotic regulator 3. Hypoosmotic |
1. organism that does not need to and cannot regulate body's osmotic concentration (invertabrates) 2.in a hypo environment (freshwater), they maintain a hypertonic state; excrete water and take in ions 3. in a hyper environment (saltwater), they maintain a hypotonic state; excrete ions and take in water |
Define the following vocabulary:
1.Neprhidium 2. Flame cell 3. Antennal gland 4. Malphigian tubules |
1. functions as a kidney in intevertebrates 2. protonephridium; flatworm 3. excretory gland near head in molluscs 4. excretory system in insects |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Nephron 2. Ureter 3. Urethra |
1. functional unit of the kidney 2. tubes that the urine leaves the kidney through 3.tube from ureters where kidney leaves body |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Ammonia 2. Urea 3. Uric acid |
1. filtered out in glomerulus 2. nitrogen based compound filterd by kidneys 3. build up and lead to gout and kidney stones |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Counter-current circulation 2. Air sacs |
1. gills: effecient way of transferring oxygen from water to blood ex. fish, amphibian, athropod larvae 2. air flow goes one way -stored in air sacs then flows over lungs ex. birds |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Book lungs 2. Trachael respiration 3. Spiracles |
1. lung-like but simple in structure ex. spider, scorpions 2. branching tubes directly to cells ex. insects 3. openings that lead to tracheoles |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Pharynx 2. Larynx 3. Trachae |
1. throat 2. voice box 3. wind pipe |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Bronchi 2. Bronchioles 3. Alveoli |
1. lungs 2. large air passageways in the lungs 3. final branching in the lungs that exhachanges gases with the capillaries |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Metamerism 2. Septum 3. Setae 4. Prostomium |
1. segmentation 2. interior division between segments 3. hair like bristles, locomotion 4. first segment with mouth |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Sedentary 2. Errant |
1. spend most of the time in tubes/burrowns; filter or deposit feed ex. Featherduster 2. active, leave burrow; predatory ex. clam worm |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Statocysts 2. Parapodia 3. Pygidium |
1. sensory system for equilibrium 2. paired appendages on each segment; used for movement and respiration ex. polychetae 3. last segment, with anus |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Polycheta 2. Oligochaeta |
1. marine worms, many setae 2. earthworm, small number of setae |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Nuchal organ 2. Calciferous gland 3. Chloragogen tissue |
1. chemoreceptor/food detection on head ex. poly 2. regulate calcium ion levels ex. oligo 3. makes/stores energy ex. oligo |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Typhlosole 2. Clitellum 3. Hirudinea 4. Hirudin 5. Ectoparasite |
1. infolding of intestinal wall to increase absoprtion 2. secretes mucous for reproduction and a cocoon to hold eggs 3. Leeches 4. anticoagulant that leeches have 5. outside parasite; taxon specific |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Open circulation 2. Closed circulation 3. Intracellular fluid 4. Intercellular 5. Interstitial |
1. blood not always confined to vessels (molluscs) 2. blood is entirely confined to vessels (humans) 3. within cells 4. between cells 5. around blood vessels |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Plasma 2. Erythrocyte 3. Leucocyte |
1. liquid part of blood; water, dissolved solids and gases 2. RBCs, no nucleus, ribomes, or mtDNA, biconcave disk 3. WBCs, body's defense system |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Platelet 2. Hemostasis 3. Cascade |
1. irregularly shaped cell fragments used for blood clotting 2. blood clotting 3. catalytic sequence |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Sphygmomanometer 2. Systole pressure 3. Diastole 4. Systemic circulation 5. Pulmonary |
1. pressure cuff used to measure blood pressure 2. pressure at heart contraction (strong) 3. pressure at heart relaxation (weak) 4. circulation of oxygenated blood to body 5. circulation of deoxygenated blood to lungs |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Innate defense 2. Acquired defense 3. Humeral response |
1. body's non specific defense system; composed of skin, mucous, fever, etc 2. body's specific defense system; antibody and cell mediated immunity 3. antibody-mediated response; occurs in body fluids |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Lysozyme 2. Inflammation 3. Vasodilatation 4. Phagocytosis |
1. kills bacteria in mucous 2. chemicals released, capillary permeability increased, stiffness hinders movement; promotes healing 3. capillaries expand; more blood with 02, nutrients, etc 4. some WBCs eat invaders |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Macrophages 2. Natural killer cells |
1. types of phagocytes that eat cells; some in blood and lymph nodes, spleen, liver 2. doesn't eat cells; uses chemicals to lyse cells |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Antigen 2. Antibody 3. B lymphocyte |
1. any substance stimulating an immune response ex. microbes, viruses, toxins, pollen, drugs (ag) 2. proteins released in response to ag that bind to it (ab) 3. primary WBC of anti-mediated immunity found in lymph system |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Agglutination 2. Opsonization 3. Autoimmune disorder |
1. occurs when ab binds to ag and ag is slowed or inactivated 2. pathogen is marked for destruction by phagocyte 3. body's self recognition breaks down; body attacks itself |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. MHC proteins 2. APCs 3. Cytotoxic T cells |
1. major histocompatibilty complex; protein that signals "self" to our body 2. antigen-presenting cell; WBC ingest ag and complex a fragment with a MHC, and mount it in the WBC membrane 3. lymphocyte; WBC of cell-mediated immunity that destroy antigen |
Define the following vocabulary:
1. Allergy 2. Mononucleosis 3. HDN |
1. over sensitivity to certain antigens 2. virus damages B cell system 3. Hemolytic disease of the newborn; Rh incompatibility leads to the mother's ab cross the placenta and destroying fetal rbcs |