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Bio exam 1
Undergraduate 2

Additional Biology Flashcards




What are their extensions called? What is their mode of nutrition? What is the process by which they get their food?
Phylum Tubulinea (Gymnamoebas)
Their extensions: use pseudopodia to feed and move (
Mode of nutrition: chemoheterotroph
How they get their food: use phagocytosis to engulf food(pseudopod will flow completely around the particle and take it into the cell by this)
-(Unicellular Eukaryotes)
[image]What is special about them? What are their extensions called? What is the process by which they get their food?
Phylum Entamoeba : They contract vacuole: used in osmotic regulation, unicellular eukaryotes, parasitic Their extensions: Use pseudopodia to feed and move Process which they get their food: chemo heterotrophs… phagocytosis (pseudopod will flow completely around the particle and take it into the cell by this)
[image]– Does it have cell walls separating nuclei? What is it during most of its life (haploid or diploid)? What are their extensions called? What is the process by which they get their food?
Plasmodial slime Mold (Phylum Eumycetozoa)Does it have cell walls separating nuclei: No
What is it during most of its life: Diploid
What are their extensions called: Pseudopodia
Process which they get food: Phagocytosis
Other: free living, unicellular but multinucleate, chemoheterotrophs
[image] When not creating fruiting body, are they single or multi- cellular organisms? What is the fruiting body used for? What are their extensions called?
Cellular Slime Mold (Phylum Eumycetozoa)( Dictyostelida) .. phylum eumycetoza
When not creating fruiting body, single or multicellular organisms: Single cell organisms that come together to produce spores
What is fruiting body used for: (producing spores) create a fruiting body that’s joined together while still single separate cells, create a resistant cell wall, and blow away as spores
Extensions are called: Pseudopodia and feed by phagocytosis
Other: chemoheterotrophs, freeliving, mostly haploid
[image]How does it move? Is it a parasite? What is their mode of nutrition? How many nuclei does it have?
Phylum Diplomonadida
How does it move: uses flagella
Mode of nutrition: chemoheterotroph
Has 2 nuclei
Other: simple mitochondria
[image]How many flagella does it have? What parts of the female body does it act like a parasite?
Phylum Parabasala
Has 4 flagella
Other: Simple mitochondria, chemoheterotroph, STD
Is it a parasite? Where do you find it in the human body? What is the Kinetoplastid?
Phylum Kinetoplastida
Some Parastic
Find it between blood cells
Kinetoplastid: unqiue organelle that houses a mass of DNA
Other: Single large mitochonfria with kinetoplastid, move by flagella, African sleeping sickness
[image] How does it move? Be able to point out flagella, eye spot and paramylon (what are they for)?

Phylum Euglenophyta Moves by flagella Eye spot: red eye helps it partially block light to find it Other: mixotrophs (chemo and photo)

Paramylon: stores carbohydrates

[image] What are their tests made from? What are their extensions called? What is their mode of nutrition?

Phylum Foraminifer

Tests (shells) made from Calcium Carbonate Extensions: Move and feed using Axopodia Mode of Nutrition: Chemoheterotrophs Other: important part of foodchain

What are their tests made from? What are their extensions called? What is their mode of nutrition?
Phylum Radiolaria
Shells made of Silica
Etentions: Axopodia
Mode of nutrition: chemoheterotroph
Other: important part of food chain
[image]– How do they move? Be able to point out the macronuclei, micronuclei, oral groove and food vacuole.
Phylum Ciliophora Move using cilia
Other: feed by phagocytosis using an oral grove. Have macro and micro nuclei, use contract vacuole for osmotic regulation to shoot extra water out, chemoheterotroph
[image]Where is it a parasite in our bodies? How does it differ from Kinetoplastida?
Phylum Apicomplexa
Lives inside blood cells
Differe from kinetoplastida by where it lives in the blood
Other: most parasitic, chemoheterotrophs, causes malaria
[image]How many flagella do they have? What are their cell walls made of? What is their accessory pigment? What is a “red tide”? What are zooxanthellae?
Phylum Dinoflagellata
2 Flagela
Have a cellulose cell wall
Accesory pigment is Peridinin
A red tide is when dinoflagellate bloom occurs (huge numbers)
Zooxanthellae: a group of dinoglagellates that are mutualistic symbiotic organisms EX they are in coral reefs (host) and zoo provide color
Other: photoautotrophs, some are toxic, some are bioluminescent
[image][image][image]Why are they consider algae? What are their cell walls made of? What is their ploidy level (haploid or diploid) during most of their life cycle? Be able to identify the sexual structure.
Phylum Oomycota
Considered algae because lost their chloroplasts, chemoheterotrophs (decomoposers),
Have a cellulose wall
Other: Move by Flagella
Has Oogonium: Egg producing structure
Has Antherida: sperm producing
What is their shell made of? What is their accessory pigment? How do they mainly reproduce (asexually or sexually)?
Phylum Bacillariophyta
Shell made of silica
Accessory pigment fucoxanthin
Reproduce sexually
Other: photoautotroph, blooming is brown tide, can be toxic, still have chloprphyll a
[image]what is their accessory pigment? What compound do they produce which is used commercially? Be able to label holdfast, stipe, blade, and pneumatocyst.
Phylum Phaeophyta
Acessory pigment: Fucoxanthin
Produces algin[image]
[image]What is their accessory pigment (the general name)? What compounds do they produce that is used commercially?
Phylum Rhodophyta
Pigment: Phycobilisomes
Produces: gelatinous cell wall helps create agar, produces carrageenan to help chocolate mix with milk
Other: multicellular, photoautotrophs
[image][image]– What is their accessory pigments (that may be a trick question)? What is growing inside Volvox?
Phylum – Chlorophyta
Accessory pigments: NONE
What grows inside volvox?: cells are bound together in a common matrix. Only specialized cells are able to function during reproduction.. daughter colonies grow inside.. the volvox is the dots and spirogyra is the long chains
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