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Bio Exam II
Undergraduate 1

Additional Biology Flashcards




Exchange of gases between the atmosphere, blood, and cells
1. Supplies cells with O2
2. Eliminates CO2
Three basic processes of respiration
1. Pulmonary ventilation
i. Between the atmosphere and lungs
2. External respiration
i. Between the lungs and blood
3. Internal respiration
i. Between blood flow
Nasal cavity
1. Contains hairs and mucus membranes
2. Highly vascular
3. Warms, moisten, and filters the air
4. Contains the receptor for the dense of smell
5. Parnasal sinuses-lighten the skull
6. Nasolacrimal ducts opens into the nasal cavity
1. Common passageway for food and air
2. Connected to nasal passage via internal nares
3. Connected to oral cavity
4. Three sections
i. Nasopharynx
a. Portion next to the inter nares
ii. Oropharynx
a. Part you see when you open your mouth
iii. Laryngopharynx
a. Behind the Adam’s apple
1. Connects the pharynx and trachea
2. Major parts
i. Epiglottis
ii. Throid cartilage
1. Tube from larynx in neck and thorax
2. At base, it splits into left and right bronchi
3. Anterior to esophagus
4. 16-20 C-shaped cartilages-prevent collapse
5. Lined with cells bearing cilia
Bronchi and Bronchioles
1. Connect trachea and alveoli
2. First branches: primary bronchi
3. Then secondary and tertiary bronchi
4. Complete cartilage rings or plates to maintain shape of the bronchi
5. Bronchioles lack cartilage rings
1. Position – inverted cone- in the thoracic cavity
2. Shape
3. Hilus- lung root- where the pulmonary arteries and veins enter and leave. And where the bronchi enter. The rest of the lungs float free.
4. Pulmonary (visceral) pleura- tissue on the outside of the lungs
5. Parietal pleura- the sack the lungs are found in
6. Fluid between the pleura acts as a lubricant
7. Normally a partial vacuum exists between visceral and parietal pleura
i. Allow lung to deflate and inflate.
8. Lungs contain > 350 million alveoli
i. The function unit of the lungs. Where the respiration of gases exchange occurs between the lungs and the tissue
9. Alveoli contain a surfactant that covers simple squamous epithelium
i. Surfactant-soap. Breaks the surface tension in water
1. Skeletal muscle that is located between the thoracic and abdominal cavity.
2. It functions to change the partial pressure of the lungs.
3. The muscle between the ribs that allows you to breathe.
1. Air pressure in lungs must be less than atmospheric air pressure.
2. Accomplished by increasing lung volume
i. Bicycle pump
3. Boyle’s law-pressure of a gas in a closed container is negatively related to the container’s volume
4. Lungs are pulled outward and downward by contraction of intercostals muscle and diaphragm
5. Cause the lungs to expand
6. Air pressure in the lungs decreases
7. When the pressure is less than atmospheric pressure, air rushes into the lungs
1. Caused by reverse pressure gradient
2. Passive process
3. Intercostal and diaphragm relax, exhibit lungs elastic recoil
4. Pressure in lungs increased so air is pushed out of the lungs
Dalton's Law
i. Each gas in a mixture exerts its own pressure as if all the other gases were not present
Henry's Law
i. Quantity of a gas that will dissolve in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure and solubility of the gas at a constant temperature
a. Partial pressure is the pressure of individual gas
ii. Solubility coefficients- how quickly something will dissolve
a. Low sol- slow
b. High solubility- dissolve fast
c. CO2= 0.57 high solubility
d. O2=0.024
e. N2= 0.012
iii. Result is that the concentration of a gas in the liquid will depend on:
a. Partial pressure of the gas
i. Hi-fast
ii. Low- slow
iii. Vary in humans
b. Solubility of the gas
i. Will not vary in humans
c. Temperature
i. Hi temperature–less soluble of gas
ii. Hi temp in water means low oxygen and fish metabolic rate goes up.
iii. Solubility and temperature are relatively constant in humans
External respiration- exchange of gas in the lungs and blood
1. Oxygen diffuses into the blood
2. CO2 simultaneously diffuses out of the blood
3. Rate of external respiration depends on:
i. Partial pressure difference of the gases
a. Laying on the couch u will have a low rate
b. Working out your tissue is produce CO2
ii. Surface area for gas exchange
iii. Diffusion distance
iv. Solubility and molecular weight of the gas
Oxygen transport
1. O2 not very water soluble
i. 1.5% is soluble in the blood plasma
ii. 98.5& is carried bound to hemoglobin
2. Each 100 ml of blood carries 20 ml of 02
3. O2 is carried in the form of oxyhemoglobin
i. oxyhemoglobin is hemoglobin molecule with oxygen attached to it
Fully Saturated
i. Occurs when deoxyhemoglobin is convert to oxyhemoglobin
Partly Saturated
i. A mixture of deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin
Relationship of partial pressure of oxygen and percent saturation of hemoglobin
6. A positive relationship exists between the partial pressure of O2 and the percent saturation of hemoglobin
i. The higher the partial pressure the more the blood saturated
7. When the partial pressure of O2 is high O2 binds to hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin
i. Lungs
8. When the partial pressure of O2 is low O2 is released from hemoglobin
i. Tissues because energy is used
Other factors that effect O2 affinity of blood
i. Acidity- pH
a. Reversely related
i. When acidity is high pH is low
ii. Partial pressure of CO2
a. Causes changes in acidity and pH
i. When pressure goes up, acidity goes up and pH goes down
b. CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
i. H+ causes high aciity
ii. At tissues equation goes left to right
iii. At lungs equation goes right to left
c. Temperature
i. Gases don’t dissolve in high temperature
d. 2,3- Biophosphoglycerate (BPG)
i. Chemical produce by body at high elevation that decreases the O2 affinity in blood
ii. Least saturation, the lower the pH, lower the affinity
1. More affinity the less oxygen given off
iii. CO2 causes pH
1. High CO2, hemoglobin has a low affinity for O2
Carbon dioxide transport
1. Deoxygenated blood contains ~55ml CO2 per 100 ml in three forms
2. Dissolved CO2
3. Carbaminohemoglobin
i. Hemoglobin in the blood attached to amino acids on hemoglobin
4. Bicarbonate ions
i. CO2 transport is the opposite of O2 transport
ii. CO2 high concentration in tissue and veins (all except pulmonary)
iii. Lowest in the arteries
Respiratory center
1. Located bilaterally in the medulla oblingata & the pons
2. Increases & decreases the size of the thoracic cavity
3. Three areas
Medullary rhythmicity area- controls the basic rhythm of respiration
1. Inspiratory area
i. At the beginning of respiration the inspiratory region is inactive
ii. After ~ 3 sec it becomes active
iii. Results from autorhythmic cells
iv. APs last about 2 sec & are transmitted to inspiratory muscles
v. Inspiratory muscles contract
vi. 2 sec later respiratory muscles relax & cycle starts again
2. Expiratory area
i. Inactive during most quite normal expirations
ii. Labored breathing stimulates APs that cause contraction of the internal intercoastal & abdominal muscles
iii. Further reducing the size of the thoracic cavity cause a greater expiration
Pneumonic area
i. Located in the pons
ii. Coordinates transition between inspiration & expiration
iii. Transmits inhibitory impulses to the inspiratory area
iv. Prevents the lungs from becoming too full by limiting the duration of inspiration
Apneustic area
1. Also in pons
2. Also coordinate the transition between inspiration & expiration
3. Sends impulses to stimulate a prolonged inspiration
4. It inhibits expiration
5. When the pneumonic area is active it overrides the apneustic area
Cortical effects
1. Cerebral cortex has connections with the respiratory center
2. We can voluntarily prevent inspiration or expiration when we need to hold our breath
3. Limited by the build up of CO2 & H+ in blood
4. H+ strongly influences the inspiratory center
5. When H+ levels are high APs are sent to respiratory muscles
6. Cause an inspiration whether the person wants to breath or not
Chemical regulation
1. Particular chemical cues determine how fast & deeply we breath
2. Chemoreceptors monitor the levels of O2 & CO2 & provide info o the respiratory center
3. Central chemoreceptors
i. Core of the body
4. Peripheral chemoreceptors
i. Peripheral of the body
5. Hypercapnia
i. Occurs when there is a slight increase in the partial pressure of CO2 that stimulates the central chemoreceptors
6. Hypocapnia
i. Occurs when there is a decrease in partial pressure of CO2
Neural changes due to movement
1. Proprioceptors
i. Monitor movements in joints & muscles
ii. Stimulate the inspiratory area 7 increase the breathing rate
iii. Body “anticipates” the need for more O2
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