Shared Flashcard Set


Bikram yoga
26 postures

Additional Sports Flashcards





Standing Deep Breathing

[image]SDB helps prevent respiratory problems such as bronchitis, emphysema and shortness of breath



Good morning everyone. First is the breathing exercise, Pranayama Breathing, deep breathing. Good for your lungs and respiratory system. Please listen carefully. Inhale by the nose and exhale by the mouth. Inhale and exhale should be through the, throat. Breath as much as possible, as long as possible, as slow as possible. Breath in by the nose, and out the mouth, but all the time through the throat. Nose and mouth are only passageway. Toes on the line, please. Feet together nicely, toes and heels touching each other. All ten fingers interlocked nicely under the chin, full grip. Always your hands touching the chin like glue. Nice and relaxed shoulders. Swallow a couple of times. Look in the mirror. Concentrate. Meditate. Inhale, head down, arms up, start please... [simulate the inhale sound] Full lungs. Exhale, head up. [simulate the exhale sound a couple of seconds] Push your head back. Way, way, way back. Bring your elbows forward, elbows touching each other, away from your chest. Eyes open. Inhale, head down. Look in the mirror. Elbows up to the ceiling as far as possible. Chest up, spine straight, stomach in, full lungs. Exhale, head up. Very slowly. Push your hands on the chin. Eyes open. Look all the way 


1. Half moon pose with hands to feet, backward bending



#1 (Ardha-Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana)

Everybody together./ Feet together at the line, heels and toes touching each other./ Arms over your head sideways, palms together./ Interlock the fingers, release the index fingers, thumbs crossed./ Keep a nice tight grip, don't lose the grip./ Hands-palms touching each other like glue, up to the wrists, throughout the entire posture./ Stretch up to the ceiling, right and left several times, right and left, right and left./ You should feel stretching down both sides of the body, all the way up to the fingertips./ In other words, You're trying to touch the ceiling./ When you can't stretch any more, please stop in the middle./ Elbows locked, arms always touching with the ears./ No gap between biceps / arms and ears./ Push your hips forward, little bit toward the mirror, opening up your hips and pelvis./ Upper body leaning back a couple of inches, opening up your chest and rib cage./ Throughout the posture, maximum body weight on the heels./ Arms and head back. Chin up./ Concentrate one point in the mirror, don't even blink your eyes./ Inhale breathing, full lungs, hold the breathing./ Stretch up out of the waist one more time. Touch the ceiling./ Absolutely straight line, slowly bend your body to the


1. HALF MOON POSE With HANDS to FEET POSE Backward Bending



 #1 Ardha-Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana

Backward bending,everybody together. Your back is going to hurt like hell, don't be scared. Take a deep breath, full lungs, drop your head back as far as it goes.Look at the floor behind you. Arms back immediately, try to touch the wall behind you.Bend your spine backwards from coccyx to the neck.


Lower back, middle back, upper back, total spine backward bending.Push your upper body back,try to fall down backwards.Maximum body weight on the heels.Inhale,stomach, legs, hips, everything push forward towards the mirror.Arms back, Look back, Fall back, Way back, Go back, More back.Come up and stop in the middle


1. hands to feet



#1 Next is (Pada-Hastasana)

Bend your knees, put your hands on the floor in front of you..Move your hips several times right and left, right and left,to make sure your lower back is totally relaxed, nice and loose, comfortable, easy, flexible.This is a U-turn from back bend forward please be careful, your spine is not warmed up yet.Grab your heels from behind, underneath the heels, stepping on all 5 fingers of each hand.Little baby fingers touching each other side by side.Elbows behind the legs on the calf muscles, throughout the posture.Please don't lose the grip.Pull your heels as much as possible.Stretch your body down, from the lower spine towards the floor.Touch your stomach on the thighs, chest on the knees, face on the legs below the knees.From the side you should look like a Japanese ham sandwich, no gap anywhere.Slowly push your knees back as hard as possible.Try to lock your knees, creating a tremendous stretching feeling, pain sensation,all over, underneath your legs, inside-out, from bones to the skin, coccyx to the toes,with your smiling, happy face. Continuously keep pulling.

Pulling is the object of stretching.Pull your heels, push your knees back, and lock your knees.Exhale breathing, and lock your knees.Roll forward, lock your knees.Eyes open, touch your face, and lock your knees.Last chance, lock your knees, lock your knees, lock your knees.Inhale breathing, come up, arms and head together


2. Akward



#2 first part (Utkatasana)

Right foot step to the right, six inches apart, heels invisible behind the toes. looks like a perfect "H".

Six inches gap between toes and heels.Don't change your feet throughout the entire posture.Arms up parallel to the floor.Keep your five fingers together, touching each other.Elbows locked, triceps muscles nice and tight, contraction.Stretch your arms forward towards the mirror, you're trying to touch the mirror. Exhale breathing. Suck your stomach in, hold it in.Sit down, feet flat position, until your hips touch the chair, spine straight to begin with,100 percent body weight on the heels.

Lift your chest up and bend your total spine, backward bending, bring your upper body back.Suck your stomach in, compression of the abdominal wall,contraction of the abdominal muscles.Suck it in, tightening up, and hold it.Rib cage visible in the mirror.Open your knees, keep

6 inches between your toes, heels, knees, and hands. Chest up. Chin up.Lean back. Fall back. Way back.You're trying to fall down backwards.Inhale breathing and come up.Keep your arms there.


Akward 2



#2  Second  Part (Utkatasana)

Concentrate and meditateStand up on your toes

maximum like a ballerina.Tremendous concentration, focus one point in the mirror.If you blink your eyes, you might lose the balance. Stretch your spine, chest, head, whole upper body,up towards the ceiling like natural human traction.Imagine I am pulling your hair towards the ceiling.Sit down,

On the top of the toes, spine straight position.Start to finish throughout the posture,you should feel your hips and head touching the wall.Sit down halfway, until your hips touch the chair,knees up, chest up, upper body leaning back, spine straight.Come up higher on the toes, knees up toward the ceiling.Hips should not go down below the chair, you are sitting on the chair.Inhale breathing and come up, spine straight position, keep your arms there.


Akward 3



 #2   Third Part (Utkatasana) 

Come up a little bit on your toes.Bring your knees together.Exhale breathing, suck your stomach in, spine straight.Sit down, as slow as possible, at least 10 counts, all the way down, all the way down.Leaning against the wall.Continuously stretch your spine towards the ceiling,half inch gap between the hips and heels.You're leaning against the wall, hips and head touching the wall, no gap anywhere.Keep your knees together and forward toward the mirror,thighs parallel to the floor, arms parallel to the legs, spine perfectly straight,90 degree angle, so from the side your body looks like a box.Take a deep breath, knees together, spine straight, slowly come up.Feet together, arms down side, and relax, don't move.


4. Eagle



#4 (Garurasana)

Feet together nicely, toes on the line. Look at your arms and identify which is right, which is left. Don't mix them up. Arms over your head sideways. Bring your right arm under your left arm. Cross your arms each other, and twist like ropes. Bring your hands in front of your face, hands-palms together, thumbs towards your face, little fingers towards the mirror. If you are unable to bring your palms together, interlace your fingers. Pull your elbows down towards the floor, until your fingertips go below your nose. Fingertips should not go higher than your nose. Suck your stomach in. Sit down, 'Until your hips touch the chair. Upper body leaning back. Stay down there. Lift your right leg up and bring it over your left leg, as high as possible. Twist your legs like ropes, and put your right foot underneath your left calf muscle. All five toes should be visible in the front mirror. Sit down more and twist like ropes. Arch your upper body back. No gap anywhere between ankle and calf muscle. Bring your knees to the right, upper body to the left, to get your feet, knees, elbows and hands, everything in one line in the mirror. If your foot is coming out, sit down more.


5. Standing Head to Knee



# 5 (Dandayamana-Janushirasana)

Feet together nicely at the line. Wipe your Hands.

Shift your weight to your left Leg. Interlock your 10 Fingers and grab the right Foot in front of you, 3 inches below the Toes. Hold it, nice and tight grip. Please don't lose the Grip. Look in the mirror. From Start to Finish: Concentrate one point on your left Knee in the mirror, to make sure the Knee is absolutely locked to begin with. YOU DON'T HAVE THE KNEE! Your left Leg should be Solid, Concrete, One Piece, Lamppost, Unbroken. NO KNEE!!! Inhale breathing: Slowly, gently, right Leg lift up and stretch forward towards the mirror, until the Leg is exactly parallel to the floor. No higher, no lower. Left knee LOCKED. Take a deep breath, Continuously kick your right Leg - Heel forward towards the mirror, so you can turn your right Foot in from the Ankle towards your Face, with all 5 Toes turning in. If the standing leg is bending, the posture has not started yet. Kick your Heel out, turn your Toes in. Try to get both Knees locked, so from the side your Legs should look like a perfect Upside-down "L" like Linda. If both Knees are locked, and still you can balance there comfortably, then, only, you can bend your ELBOWS down toward the floor, until your Elbows are touching the CALF Muscle. Eventually, your Elbows should go down below the Calf Muscle.  Change. Left leg.


6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose




#6 (Dandayamana-Dhanurasana)

Bring your right hand out, palm facing up, elbow touching your body. Say "Mama give me money." You're holding the money in your hand.Bring your hand out to the right. Don't turn your hand, don't drop the money.Grab your  right foot behind you, palm facing up.Hold from the inside, at the ankle, five fingers together. Nice and tight grip, don't lose the grip. Left arm up in front of you, chin close to your shoulder.Concentrate one point on your left knee in the mirror.Left leg locked throughout the posture.Bring your knees together to start.Inhale breathing, Charge your body forward towards the mirror, try to touch the mirror.Simultaneously, kick  your right leg back and up towards the ceiling.Bring your body down from the lower spine,until your abdomen and chest are parallel to the floor.Continuously keep kicking your right leg up as hard as possible.Your foot should be coming up over the top of your head in the mirror.Both feet should be in one line from the side.Kick back, so your  right shoulder is behind your left shoulder,invisible in the front mirror.Stretch your left fingertips towards the mirror, trying to touch the mirror.Try to touch your shoulder to your chin.Shoulder blade, scapula coming out of the body.In other words, your two shoulders should be in one line. Kicking and stretching should be equal and simultaneous, 50 / 50.If you lose the balance, you're not kicking hard enough.Body down more.Stretch forward more, try to touch the mirror.Kick back more. Kick harder. The harder you kick, you can balance for ever.Body down and kick up one more time.Change. Come up.Other side.


7. Balancing Stick Pose



#7 (Tuladandasana)

This posture is only ten seconds,so the moment

your hear my clap, you step forward.You have to make up your mind to use your  100% strength in half a second. If you're late, it's over.Feet together nicely at the line, toes and heels together.Arms over your head sideways.Palms together. Interlock the fingers, release the index finger, thumbs crossed.Stretch your arms up to the ceiling like you're trying to touch the ceiling,to make sure your elbows are locked, arms always touching with your ears, throughout the Posture. No gap between your arms and head.Chin up. Body back a couple of inches.Inhale breathing, right leg step forward, a Big Step.Lock both knees. Arms and head together:Come down until your whole body, arms, head, leg, Everything is parallel to the floor. From the side, your body looks like a "T" as in Tom. [not a broken umbrella!]Charge your body 


8. Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose 



# 8 (Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottha)

Arms together nicely. Arms over the head sideways. Right Leg step to the right, four feet minimum. Heels in one line, Feet slightly pigeon toed. Arms down parallel to the floor.Suck your stomach in,and slowly bend your upper body down from the Lower Spine towards the floor.Keep your chin forward, looking in the mirror, and your knees locked.Grab your Heels from the outside,five fingers together, thumbs touching with the index finger. As a beginner, if you can't grab the heels yet, grab the outsides of the feet. Pull on your heels as hard as possible,stretching your body down from the lower spine towards the floor. Make sure your knees are locked throughout the posture.Roll forward like a wheel, body 


9. Triangle Pose 



# 9 (Trikanasana)

Feet together on the line, please. Arms over the head sideways. Right leg step to the right - BIG STEP - four feet minimum.Immediately Arms down parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Look straight ahead in the mirror.Push your hips forward, upper body leaning back.Turn your  right foot out to the right- all the way.Turn it half inch more, until the foot is parallel to the front mirror; two heels in one line. Inhale breathing, bend the right knee and sit down.,Bounce a couple of times like a motorcycle ride,to make sure you're sitting down low enough. Your  right thigh-biceps should be parallel to the floor.In the front mirror, your  right leg should took like upside-down "L" like Linda.Make sure your hips don't go up anymore. STAY DOWN THERE.

Again, hips forward, arms back, body back, lean back, open your chest. Spine straight in the center. Inhale breathing -- move your both arms at the same time.Right 


10. Standing Seperate Leg Head to Knee 



#10 (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana)

Feet together nicely.Arms over the head sideways. Hands / Palms together, thumbs crossed.Stretch your arms toward the ceiling.Throughout the posture, elbows locked, so arms always touching with the ears.Right leg step to the right, a big step, 3 feet distance (36 inches) between the feet.Turn to the right, 180 degree angle Turn your hips 1,2,3,4,5 times, beyond your flexibility,to bring your  HIPS exactly in one line from the side.Two heels in one line, backside foot should be 45 degree angle.Exhale breathing, and you go down, arms, and head together.Tuck your chin to your chest, look at your stomach,touch your  exactly forehead on the knee. Forehead should touch the knee. If you can't touch your forehead, bend your right knee a little bit, but you have to touch your forehead to the knee.Stretch your hands forward, beyond the toes. Keep your elbows 


11. Tree Pose 



# 11 (Tadasana)

Everybody go back to the line where you started, in one line.Feet together nicely.Focus on one spot in the mirror.Grab your  right foot from underneath, with your  left hand.Right leg lift all the way up, until your heel is touching your costume,sole of the foot is facing the ceiling.Be careful of your right knee.Slowly, gently, let your right knee come down. Push your hips forward towards the mirror, and gently push your right knee back. Try to get your both knees in one line from the side, to open your pelvis.  Same principle like in triangle posture.Upper body lean back a couple of inches. Stretch your spine up to the ceiling, and suck your stomach in. Two hips in one line, two shoulders in one line.Bring your right hand up to the center of your chest. If you can balance there, bring your left hand up, palms together (namaskar).If your foot slips at all, continue to hold the foot with your lefthand. Left leg locked, thigh contracted.Spine straight, stomach in.Focus one point, eyes open, breathing normal. Stay there.Change. Left leg.


12. Toe Stand Pose 



# 12 (Padangustasana)

Feet together.Focus one point on the floor, four feet in front of you.Don't move your eyes, don't blink your eyes.Bring your right foot up onto the middle of your thigh,or wherever you feel comfortable.Hands / palms together in front of your chest.Bend your body down from the lower spine towards the floor.Touch your both hands, 10 fingers, on the floor.Slowly bend the knee, bring your hips down, and sit down on your heel.Bring your hands to both sides on the floor.Stretch your spine up to the ceiling, hips up, balancing on your fingertips.Both knees should be in one line, parallel to the floor.
 Keep focusing one point on the floor, four feet in front of you.Slowly bring your left hand up in front of your chest.If you can still balance there, without moving,then bring your right hand up, palms together 

13. Dead Body Pose 



#13 (Savasana)

Turn around and lie down on your back.Relax completely.Heels together, let your feet fall open.

Arms on the towel, palms facing up.

Head straight, eyes always open, and breathing always normal.

Don't move


14. Wind Removing Pose 


# 14 (Pavanamuktasana)
Right leg lift up, hold the right leg exactly 2 inches below the knee,interlocked fingers, nice and tight grip.Pull your right knee down, all the way, towards your right shoulder,completely avoiding the rib cage.Make sure the left leg is straight, so the calf muscle is touching the floor.If the calf muscle is not touching, then flex the left foot.Chin down towards the chest, to get your neck flat on the floor, no gap underneath.Bring your elbows close to the body. Shoulders relaxed, touching the floor.Pull down harder, and absolutely freeze there.Eyes open, Breathing normal.Freeze. Don't move. You can't even blink your eyes.You have to pull a little extra hard. Make sure the hip joint hurts.Maximum pressure in the lower abdomen.Change.Arms and legs on the floor.Left leg up ... [repeat for other side].(BOTH SIDES):Immediately, both legs up. Grab the elbows each other, over the legs, a couple of inches below the knees (if possible.) Nice and tight grip, compact .Feet together side-by-side, relaxed position.Chin down. Neck flat on the floor.Shoulders relaxed, Eyes open, and Breathing normal.Freeze there.Eventually, in the future, when you improve your skeletal system (the bone joints) enough,then only, your total spine is going to be flat on the floor.Change. Legs down, Arms down.

#15 Sit up



# 15 SIT-UP

Toes and heels together. Flex your feet, keep your heels on the floor.Arms over your head, cross your thumbs, arms and head together.Inhale breathing, quickly sit up.Exhale breathing, grab your big toes, double jerk.Touch your forehead to the knees, elbows to the floor.Turn around and lay on your stomach for the spine strengthening series





# 16 (Bhujangasana)

Lie down on your stomach. Chin out, neck flat on the floor.Get your hands under the shoulders, very close to your chest. Make sure throughout the Posture,five fingers together, so your hands-palms are flat on the floor. Fingertips in line with the tops of the shoulders, baby fingers in line with the deltoids.Glue it down.Distribute the body weight, all over the hands-palms, equally, the same. Please don't move your hands. Start to finish, keep your feet and heels together, and feet flat on the floor.You have only one leg, like a Cobra. Don't open it.Elbows touching the body, drop your shoulders down.Look up towards the ceiling.Inhale breathing, come up please. Lift your upper body up, using your 100% back strength.Come up half way


17. Locust Pose 



# 17 (Salabhasana)

Lay on your stomach.Arms straight position, get your arms underneath your body.Hands / palms facing the floor.Elbows completely underneath your stomach, invisible.Elbows are supposed to hurt.Fingers completely apart. Grab the floor with your fingertips.Two little baby fingers touching side by side. Chin on the floor. Left leg relaxed. Right leg solid, concrete, one piece, pointed toes. Inhale breathing.Slowly, gently, right leg lift up from the floor, minimum 45' degrees, half of 90".Go up, much more higher everybody.Make sure your back hurts, elbows hurt.Leg up more, lift up more, a couple of inches.Lock the knee, pointed toes, more up.And change. Slowly, right leg down, and left leg up... [repeat for left leg].[BOTH LEGS]:Turn your head in, mouth on the floor.Readjust your hands / palms. Elbows closer together underneath the body.Open your fingers, grab the floor with your fingertips.Full lungs, take a deep breath, andWithout bending the knees, both

legs up.Come up please. Everybody go up, come up, everybody come up.Lock 


18. Full Locust Pose 



 # 18 Poorna-Salabhasana

Arms out to the side like airplane wings.Palms down and fingers together.Chin on the floor.Legs and feet together.Hip and leg muscles tight, solid, concrete, one piece.Knees locked, pointed toes.Make sure you only have oneleg.Look up to the ceiling, take a deep breath.Arms, body, head, legs, everything

lift up.747 taking off.Go up, everybody look up, chest up, arms up, arms back.Fingertips should be same level as the head.Only your hip bones should be touching the floor,rest of the body in the air.Chest up, chest up, chest up,look up, body up, chest up, come up, more up, go up.Exhale breathing, come up one more time.Slowly come down. Relax.Arms on the towel.Turn your head sideways.Completely Relax.



19. Bow Pose 



# 19 Dhanurasana

Chin on the floor.Hold your feet from the outside, exactly 2 inches below the toes.Five fingers together -- Make sure thumbs touching with the index fingers.Please don't lose the grip.Six inches apart between the knees and the toes.Wrists straight, pointed toes.Arms and legs should look like 2 wheels in one base.Take a deep breath, and gently both legs kick up towards the ceiling.Look up and kick up.Kick your legs back.Continuously keep kicking, don't stop kicking.Roll forward, until your toes are in the center from the side.Kick back more, harder.Head up more.Kick your legs behind you.Wrists straight more.Keep your knees in, pointed toes.Kick back more.Kick harder.Slowly lower down, and you Relax.Complete Relax.





# 20 Supta-Vajrasana

Come to the top of the towel.Sit down Japanese style, knees together.Separate your feet and sit down between the heels,hips touching the floor. Heels touching the hips. Make sure heels are touching the hips the whole time.As a beginner, or if your knees or feet hurt, you can open your knees:Put your hands-palms on your toes, thumbs inside, fingers outside.Touch your  right elbow on the floor, then the left, one by one.Touch your head on the floor, then the back of your head.Your shoulders should touch the floor.Whole upper body relaxed on the floor.Bring your arms over over the head.Grab the elbows each other, over the head.Pull your elbows down towards the floor.Chin down towards the chest, neck flat on the floor.Lift your chest and stomach up towards the ceiling,create a perfect human bridge.Eventually, or in the future, bring your knees together, touching each other.But make sure knees never come off the floor.Eyes open, breathing normal.Put your hands on your feet, with the help of your elbows, carefully come up.Turn around and relax on your back.


21. Half Tortoise Pose



# 21 (Ardha-Kurmasana)

Come to the middle of the towel.Sit down Japanese style, kneel down position.

Feet flat on the floor, no gap underneath the ankles.Arms over the head sideways, hands-palms together, only cross your thumbs.Stretch your arms towards the ceiling.Elbows locked, arms touching the ears, chin up.Keep you hips touching the heels, throughout the posture.Stomach in, exhale breathing, and go down, arms and head together.Touch your forehead on the floor.Little fingers touching the floor, the rest of your arms in the air, elbows locked.Stretch your arms more forward.Make sure your shoulders hurt, scapula coming out of the body,chin

away from your chest.Stretch forward more, chin forward, heels touching the hips.Eyes open, breathing always normal.Inhale breathing, and gently come up.Arms and head together.Arms down side, turn around, lie down on your back, and relax


22. Camel Pose 



# 22 (Ustrasana)

Listen very carefully, word by word.Everybody should do it together, not before and not after.Come to the top of the towel.Stand up on your knees.Six inches apart, inside the legs, between the knees and the feet.Get your hands on your hips, fingers towards the floor, thumbs outside.Take a deep breath and push your hips forward towards the mirror.Drop your head back, as far as it goes.

  Go back half way, and stop in the middle. First , only right hand down, grab the right heel, thumb outside, fingers inside.Then left hand down, grab the left heel, thumb outside, fingers inside.Full grip with your hands / palms. PLEASE don't lose the grip. Take a deep breath, eyes open, exhale breathing, andstomach, legs, hips, everything push forward, as far as possible. Continuously keep pushing.Everybody push , push more, everybody push harder .Make sure your back hurts.I want 360 degree angle backward bending for gravitation.Put your hands on your hips,Chest up, spine straight, push more forward.Inhale breathing and come up.Stop in the middle.Turn around, lie down, and relax in savasana.


23. Rabbit Pose



# 23 (Sasangasana)

Come to the middle of the towel, sit down Japanese style, knees and feet together.Put the towel on your feet, grab the heels over the towel, thumbs outside, fingers inside. Nice, tight grip. PLEASE DON'T LOSE THE GRIP.Pull your heels as hard as possible.Tuck your chin to your chest, look at your stomach.Exhale breathing, slowly go down front side, touch your  exactly forehead on the knees.Automatically, the top of your head touching the floor.Exhale breathing, eyes open, and lift your hips up, all the way, as high as possible.Roll forward like a wheel until your arms / elbows are straight. If there's a gap between your knees and forehead, walk your knees one by one,until your knees touching the forehead.Make sure total spine is stretching top to bottom. Neck might hurt a little bit.Throat choked, eyes open, breathing normal.Pull harder, hips up more.Come up, turn around, relax on your back.


24. Head to Knee with Stretching Pose 



# 24 (Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana)

Turn around, and sit facing the mirror. Right leg out corner wise, bend your  left leg.Put your left foot, so your  heel should touch the costume.Create pressure with the left foot sole, against the right leg biceps of the thigh muscle.Your two legs should be 90' angle, like "L".Arms over the head, turn to the Right.Grab your right foot, two inches below the toes, ten fingers interlocked position. Pull your toes as hard as possible. Flex your foot, so your heel comes off the floor, in the air.Just like the Rabbit Pose, touch your chin to your chest, look at your stomach.Touch your  exactly forehead on the knee. Forehead should touch the knee. If you can't touch your forehead, bend the knee up a little bit. You've got to touch your forehead. Bring your elbows down, next to your calves.Suck your stomach in.Push your knee down, forehead touching position.Left elbow down more. Left shoulder down more. Roll inside to the left. Left knee should stay touching the floor.Roll in, roll in, roll in.Get your head close with your stomach. Push your knee down.Change. Left side.


25. Spine Twisting Pose 



# 25 (Ardha-Matsyendrasana)

Turn around and sit facing the left side of the room.Bend your  left knee on the floor, left knee facing the left side mirror.Put your  right foot exactly, over the left knee corner.H-E-E-L, your heel should touch the knee. Foot flat on the floor.Both hips should touch the floor comfortably,to keep your spine perfectly straight perpendicular, 90° angle.Hip touching the left heel. Point your left toes.Bring your  left arm over the right knee, elbow exactly against the knee.Push back, with the help of your left elbow.Turn your wrist, and grab the leftknee with your  lefthand. Now, look down. Make sure your knee, hand, and the heel,all 3 things are touching each other, at the same spot, on the floor.Keep the knee on the floor.Stretch your spine up towards the ceiling.Right arm on your back, palms facing out.Try to grab the thigh behind you with your right hand fingertips.`[(for beginners): Put your right hand on the floor behind you, fingers facing out,and push against the floor, to get your spine straight.]Chest up, spine up, rib cage open. Look back behind you, look  over the right shoulder, way, way, way back,chin over the shoulder.Twist your body right side, all the way.  Total spine is supposed to twist, top to bottom.Coccyx to the neck, joints of each and every vertebrae and cartilagesupposed to twist like a Pearl Necklace.Twist, and twist, and twist, the last chance -- twist.Change. Other side.


26. Blowing in Firm Pose 


# 26 (Kapalbhati in Vajrasana)
Sit down Japanese style facing the front mirror.We started with the Pranayama Breathing Exercise, good for the lungs.We end with another Breathing Exercise, Blowing in Firm Pose,good for your digestive system internal organs, and abdominal muscles.Blow out by your lips very strong, pull your stomach in and out. No inhale, only exhale. Inhale happens automatically.Follow me everybody.Hands on the knees, arms straight, lock your elbows.Throughout the entire pose, spine is straight, shoulders relaxed.Abdominal wall is perfectly relaxed.If you feel dizzy or cramps in the stomach, you're doing good.Swallow a couple of times.Begin please. [60 times].Repeat.[2nd Set faster pace].Relax please.Everyone have a good day!

Standing Deep Breathing




back, until you see the wall [or windows] behind you. Elbows together, touching each other. Wait for me, please.  Inhale, head down. 1--2--3--4--5--6, hold it. Exhale, head up. Slowly push your head back. 1--2--3--4--5--6, hold it. Inhale, head down. Very slowly. Use your throat. Suck your stomach in, rib cage visible in the mirror. Look in the mirror, head down, elbows up, full lungs. Exhale, head up. Slowly push your head back. Now, hips a little bit forward. Hips muscles contraction, tightening up. Eyes open, elbows together, please don't close your eyes. Wait for me. Inhale, head down. Each time, especially towards the end, try to inhale a little bit more than the last time, more, and more, and more, and more. Exhale, head up. Slowly push your head back, until your neck hurts a little bit. Grip tight, ten fingers (including the thumbs) interlocked position. Inhale, head down. Look in the mirror. Stomach in, depression of the abdominal wall. Full lungs. Exhale, head up. Slowly push your head back. 1--2--3--4--5--6, eyes open. Inhale, head down. Don't close your eyes, you might feel dizzy. Stomach in, open your rib cage, open your lungs. Full lungs. Exhale, head up. Take your time. The slower you do is better. Elbows forward more, away from your chest, as far as it goes.  Again inhale, head down. Use your throat when you're inhaling. All the way up.


Standing Bow Pulling
behind your left shoulder,invisible in the front mirror.Stretch your left fingertips towards the mirror, trying to touch the mirror.Try to touch your shoulder to your chin.Shoulder blade, scapula coming out of the body.In other words, your two shoulders should be in one line. Kicking and stretching should be equal and simultaneous, 50 / 50.If you lose the balance, you're not kicking hard enough.Body down more.Stretch forward more, try to touch the mirror.Kick back more. Kick harder. The harder you kick, you can balance for ever.Body down and kick up one more time.Change. Come up.Other side.
Half Moon Pose with Hands fo Feet
 right,/ without bending your elbows or your knees./ Continuously push your hips to the left, beyond your flexibility./ You are trying to create tremendous stretching feeling in the left side of your body,/ all over, inside-out, from the bones to the skin, fingertips to the toes./ Hips more forward, upper body back more, weight in the heels./ Push your left hip forward, to keep your both hips in one line./Right shoulder forward, opening your chest like a flower petal blooming./ Come down and push, and push, and push./Inhale breathing, come up and stop in the middle./Left side. –[Repeat for left side].--
Balancing Stick
forward like you're trying, to touch the mirror.Get your left leg up, pointed toes, knee locked. Continuously stretch your body forward, try to touch the mirror.Chin forward, focus one point on your right foot in the mirror.Whole body is stretching in opposite directions, like a natural human tug-of-war.Scapula coming out of the body, shoulders are supposed to hurt.Body down, leg up, come down, leg up. Every muscle contracted. Get you're leg up, pointed toes, leg up, leg up, leg up.Chest down, leg up, come down, leg up.Stretch forward more. Go and touch the mirror! Stretch and stretch and stretch and stretch, and stretch, stretch, stretch,stretch!Inhale breathing come up, arms and head together.Keep your arms over your head.Left side.[2nd set: Repeat more]
Standing Seperate Leg Streatching
weight on the Toes.Try to touch your Forehead to the floor.If you cannot touch your forehead to the floor,open your legs more, and more, and more, and more. Chin up, look forward, roll forward. Keep pulling.Eventually your Spine should be perfectly straight from the coccyx to the neck,forehead touching the floor between the Feet.First your Legs stretching, then Hips stretching, then Lower Spine stretching,then whole Spine is stretching.Eventually the whole Body is stretching, 360 degree angle, inside out,from bones to the skin, coccyx to the toes, coccyx to the forehead.Pull harder, keep pulling.Chin forward. Roll forward.Touch your forehead to the floor.Inhale breathing, slowly come up. Right Leg back to the place
elbow in front of the rightBring your right hand down and put your fingertips between the big toe and 2nd toe,don't touch the floor, no pressure on the fingertips against the floor. Look up towards the ceiling -- touch your chin to the left shoulder,so the profile of your face is exactly visible in the mirror.Take a deep breath, continuously stretch your left arm up to the ceiling, you're trying the touch the ceiling.Right arm stretch down, left arm stretch up.In other words, both arms - shoulders should be stretching each other;up and down, in opposite directions, like natural human traction.Push your  left hip forward towards the mirror.At the same time, push your  right knee back with the help of your right elbow. TOUCH THE TOES. Upper body turn, or twist backward (like the Spine Twisting Posture).Keep your  left knee locked, and left foot flat on the floor.Inhale breathing; Come up, and stop in the middle -- right foot back to the center.Keep your arms there.Left side
Standing Seperate Leg Head to Knee
straight.Push your hands against the floor, to get your knee locked.Exhale breathing, suck your stomach in, throat choked, eyes open, breathing normal.Bring maximum weight on the front leg,so your right side hip is sticking up towards the ceiling, to get your both hips in one line.Lock the knee very quick a couple of times.Inhale breathing, very gently come up, arms and head together. Stop in the middle
Toe Stand

(namaskar).Stretch your spine up to the ceiling, like natural human traction.Suck your stomach in.Balance there.Change.Come up exactly the opposite the way you went down.--------------------

[additional dialogue , once in the toe stand ]: Think I'm pulling your hair towards the ceiling.This is a traction pose, good for your posture. Half inch gap between the hips and the heel.If you sit on your heel, you fall to the right or the left, like a flat tire. No collapsing, constant stretching.[ note: Beginners should be very careful with their knees. They should bend forward and put their hands on the floor in front of them, without bending their knee, at first. After becoming proficientenough in the posture, they can bend the knee as they go down].

Cobra Pose
 only, until only your belly button is touching the floor.The rest of your upper body is in the air.At the same time, from the side, your elbows should be "L", 90° degree angle,like a rectangle.Stretch your elbows down towards the hips, arms and elbows always touching the body,to bring your shoulders down, trapezius muscles visible in the front mirror. Now chest up more, everybody go up, come up a couple of inches.Your back is supposed to hurt.Shoulders down, chest up, look up, come up, go up, more up, come up a little more.Hold it there, freeze.And gently come down.Left ear on the towel, arms by your side, and relax.
the knees, feet together.Struggle a little harder, don't give up.Come up. Take a deep breath, come up more.And slowly, both legs down.Relax please. Arms by your side, turn your head to the side.

Spine Twisting 


each and every vertebrae and cartilagesupposed to twist like a Pearl Necklace.Twist, and twist, and twist, the last chance -- twist.Change. Other side.
 If you're losing the balance, upper body lean back more. Suck your stomach in. Sit down more. Pull your elbows down more. Upper body back at the end. Change. Other side.
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