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Bi670 test3
Jeremiah 26-45
Bible Studies

Additional Bible Studies Flashcards




Urijah: who what where when why how
Who: another prophet of God
What: threatened like Jeremiah
Where: fled to Egypt but taken back
Why: told to encourage Jeremiah
How: Jehoiakim arrested and killed him
Yoke: who what where when why how
Who: Jeremiah made many, wore 1
What: wooden then iron yoke; obj lesson to Judah & surrounding kings
Where: in Judah, sent to other nations
When: God revealed during Jehoiakim's reign, but preached during Zed's reign
Why: illustration to submit to Nebuchadnezzar and live
How: Jeremiah had to make himself; God's will would be done, vain to resist
Hananiah: who what where when why how
Who: false malicious prophet
What: claimed Divine authority
Where: from Gibeon, priestly city
When: after Jer made wood yokes
Why: opposed Jeremiah and died
How: broke Jeremiah's yoke, preached prosperity without repentance. Jeremiah came back with iron yoke
New covenant: who what where when why how
Who: maker=God, parties=Israel+Judah
What: unconditional, everlasting
Where: in their hearts; at cross
When: in those days; Last Supper
Why: OC flawed, temporary
How: change hearts; one-sided promise; remit sins; universal knowledge of God
Evidece/title deed: who what where when why how
Who: Jeremiah and Baruch
What: God told Jer to purchase worthless land from nephew as kinsman-redeemer
Where: land in Anathoth, under Babylon
When: prison years under Zed
Why: obj lesson to Judah that people would inhabit and buy land in future
How: Jeremiah bought land, Baruch wrote 2 deeds, sealed and buried one
Large stones: who what where when why how
Who: Jeremiah
What: he hauled giant slabs to a brick kiln and buried them in clay
Where: Tahpahnes, Egypt
When: after Judeans fled to Egypt and forced him to come
Why: obj lesson that God would further chasten continued disobedience and idolatry by sending Nebby to invade
How: Jer laid foundation stones for Nebby's future temporary palace
Pharaoh Hophra: who what where when why how
Who: king when Nebby invaded Egypt
What: "obj lesson" via prophecy of God judging Jews, bringing new dynasty
Where: Egypt/Tahpahnes
When: 568 fulfilled
Why: Jews disobeyed God and fled in hopes that they would be safe from Babylon
How: God moved Nebby to invade Egypt, that time he won all the way up the Nile
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