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beh 5042 unit 7 STUDY
BEH 5042 Unit 7

Additional Psychology Flashcards




When asked why he helped the older woman carry her groceries to the car, Murray replied, “I just decided to help her. It was part of my will, I suppose.” Murray citing his will as the cause of his behavior best exemplifies which assumption? A. Voluntarism B. Mechanism C. Dualism D. Essentialism
A. Voluntarism (reference to “the will”)
Nelson and Loretta both manage a collection office. Recently, they have noticed a drastic downturn in production, and the agency is in danger of laying off several workers. Nelson says, “These new Gen Zers’ sense of entitlement makes them so lazy!” Loretta believes that the lack of feedback or prompts may be responsible. Nelson’s statement best exemplifies which assumption? A. Voluntarism B. Mechanism C. Dualism D. Essentialism
D. Essentialism (”sense of entitlement,” i.e., something about their nature)
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a behavior-analytic explanation of behavior? A. Dean’s miserly nature often resulted in him finding ways to spend the least money possible in every situation. B. Earl had not eaten in several hours, which probably explained why he ate everything in sight when he walked into his mom’s kitchen. C. Don failed to process the question and asked his date to repeat himself. D. Cliff’s compassion results in him frequently donating to good causes.
B. Earl had not eaten in several hours, which probably explained why he ate everything in sight when he walked into his mom’s kitchen. (EO for food)
Which of these scenarios exemplifies a state as the cause of behavior? A. Samantha felt flustered, causing her to forget most of her lines. B. Joshua’s shadiness often led him to lie when selling products to his customers. C. Patsy often turned the doorknob a few times after locking out of sheer habit. D. Tasha called out for her mother by her first name since that usually resulted in her appearing immediately.
A. Samantha felt flustered, causing her to forget most of her lines.
Rather than take a ten-minute break now, Roman decides to continue working and take a much longer break after completing his task. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
B. Self-control (foregoing immediate, smaller Sr for a delayed, larger Sr)
As Edward delivered his lecture, he noticed that if he paused to breathe more or took a sip of water, he tended to speak more slowly. Otherwise, he would stumble over his words because he spoke fast. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? Self-___________________
Self-awareness Not self-management!(the scenario does not say that he arranged his environment, but rather he is tacting his behavior under different circumstances)
Jerry is pressed for time and quickly creates his daily to-do list. He wants to complete everything to play his new video game at the end of the day. He tells his co- workers, "I have three tasks to do, and I'll be in the clear!" Jerry’s desire to play his new video game exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ________. A. A motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. A discriminative stimulus D. An instance of verbal behavior
A. A motivating operation
After finishing my lecture, a student asked me to email her my slides. I said I would and then sent them right after. Saying that I would email my slides and then doing so exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. A motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. A discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
B. Two-element operant

Scenario A: Mae at the grocery store Mae notices that her refrigerator is practically empty. Worse of all, the jar of her favorite pickles is almost out. She rushes to the grocery store and thinks about her last time there and where her favorite pickles were. By thinking about it first, she locates the correct aisle.

Scenario B: Tyrone and the popsicle As a child, Tyrone always heard the same song when he got popsicles from the ice cream truck. Today, his friend handed him a popsicle by the pool, making Tyrone think about the familiar tune. (imagining evoked due to pairing)

Which of the scenarios exemplifies respondent imagining? A. Scenario A: Mae at the grocery store

B. Scenario B: Tyrone and the popsicle

C. Both scenarios

D. Neither scenario

B. Scenario B: Tyrone and the popsicle

Even though thinking is private behavior, one should not analyze what one cannot see. This an example of ________’s attitude towards private events.

A. Skinner

B. Baum

B. Baum

Which of these is an example of respondent imagining? A. Lillie’s sister would always scare her by jumping out from around corners. Later, Lillie flinched when she smelled the same perfume her sister typically wears.

A. After receiving praise from his boss for submitting his report ahead of time, Kristopher makes sure he submits it early again.

B. Danielle finds that her drawings tend to improve she thinks long and hard about what she wants to illustrate. The next time she sits down to draw, she closes her eyes and thinks about her subject.

C. Geneva always played fighting games with her brother. Years later, while listening to the radio, she hears the familiar words “Round one. Fight!” which makes her think of her brother. 

C. Geneva always played fighting games with her brother. Years later, while listening to the radio, she hears the familiar words “Round one. Fight!” which makes her think of her brother. (imagining evoked due to pairing)
Josephine kept working on her assignment, taking a longer break for video games after finishing rather than taking 5-10 min breaks between project sections. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
B. Self-control (foregoing immediate, smaller Sr for a delayed, larger Sr)
Which of these scenarios exemplifies an agent as the cause of behavior? A. Sandhya previously received corrective feedback for her typos, so she double-checked her report this time. B. Community members often say “Bless you” after someone sneezes as a cultural custom. C. Mai’s gut told her to call the restaurant to confirm the reservation before driving over D. Lawrence praised his daughter after she independently cleaned her room since it seemed to work previously.
C. Mai’s gut told her to call the restaurant to confirm the reservation before driving over (“the gut” as an agent)
Ross set a goal to work out first thing in the morning 3- 4 times a week. He places his gym bag right by the door and his gym clothes on his dresser, ready to go. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
C. Self-management (arranging his environment to increase the likelihood of the target behavior)
BCBA Marty works with a client at the clinic. The client’s mother has stated that her son’s aggression is likely due to him willfully wanting to hurt others. However, Marty shows her the functional assessment results that either exposure to aversive tasks or the unavailability of attention likely caused aggression. Marty’s argument that problem behavior is evoked by a few possible environmental variables best exemplifies which assumption? A. Voluntarism B. Mechanism C. Dualism D. Essentialism
B. Mechanism
As Esther spoke with her friends, she suddenly realized something and thought, “Do I say the word ‘like’ a lot when I speak?” This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
A. Self-awareness (tacting her own behavior)
After throughout more old plastic containers and bags, Peggy tells her partner, “That’s it! This year we are going green and using a lot less plastic.” Peggy’s declaration exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. Motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. Discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
D. Instance of verbal behavior
After every 25 minutes of working, Long allows himself a 5-minute break to scroll on his phone, stretch, or play with his cat. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
D. Self-reinforcement (scheduling contact with appetitive stimuli)
Which of these scenarios exemplifies an agent as the cause of behavior? A. Hubert’s ADHD often causes him to jump from topic to topic without warning. B. Bea was usually very patient, but today she could not calmly handle her son’s tantrums. C. Austin’s teacher allowed him a break the last time he asked to “take five.” While working on his exam, he raised his hand and asked if he could “take five.” D. As more calls came in, Sean panicked, which caused him to close out the diagnostic tool on his computer.
A. Hubert’s ADHD often causes him to jump from topic to topic without warning. (diagnosis as an agent)
Which of these is an example of operant imagining? A. When dust blows into Jared’s eye, he flinches. B. Jordan tells her coworkers, “Think about all the fun stuff we could be doing instead of being stuck here.” This typically starts a great conversation with them. She continues to do this in the future. C. Louise misses her puppy at home and thinks about his soft fur and playfulness. D. Bernie’s grandmother used to bake fresh apple pies at least once a month. After her passing, Bernie passes by a bakery, the smells and sights reminding him of her.
C. Louise misses her puppy at home and thinks about his soft fur and playfulness. (imagining evoked due to reinforcement history)
Private and public behavior should be analyzed using the same approach. This is an example of Skinner’s attitude towards private events. A. True B. False
Which of these scenarios exemplifies a trait as the cause of behavior? A. Clay’s autism results in him frequently engaging in hand- flapping when overstimulated B. Overcome with joy, Thomas embraced his wife when she brought him a cup of his favorite sports drink. C. Krystal avoided the stove when it glowed red after previously burning her hand D. Shaun’s friends often explained his odd quirks due to his general weirdness
D. Shaun’s friends often explained his odd quirks due to his general weirdness
To reduce the likelihood of snacking during the day, Sanjay places the bag of chips at the very back of pantry with healthier snacks blocking if from view. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
C. Self-management (arranged his environment to decrease the likelihood of snacking)
Cameron has noticed that his daughter has been lashing out at the family more. Cameron’s partner states that their daughter has always had a feisty nature, but Cameron believes that her mental self is somehow acting through her physical self to treat her family poorly. Cameron’s belief best exemplifies which assumption? A. Voluntarism B. Mechanism C. Dualism D. Essentialism
C. Dualism (“mental self” and “physical self”)
Jeanna sets a rule during her longer runs that she cannot sip her sports drink unless 15 minutes of running have passed. This rule is in place until she finishes her run. This scenario exemplifies which of the following appearances of “self” in behavior analysis? A. Self-awareness B. Self-control C. Self-management D. Self-reinforcement
D. Self-reinforcement (scheduling contact with appetitive stimulus)
While working at her desk, Doris remembers that she needs to schedule a dentist appointment soon, but doesn’t have time to do so now. She sets a reminder on her calendar app during her break tomorrow. The next day, Doris’s calendar app rings while she is on her break. The reminder from her calendar app exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. Motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. Discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
C. Discriminative stimulus
Which of these scenarios exemplifies a state as the cause of behavior? A. Amber recalled her previous experience with this caregiver, causing her to avoid behavioral jargon B. Charlie’s ruthlessness often results in him yelling at his employees when they do not meet expectations. C. A side effect of Cecil’s medication was drowsiness causing him to reject an offer to go to his friend’s house. D. The last time he used a scorecard, Niles’s supervisee thanked him, which is why he uses them to this day.
C. A side effect of Cecil’s medication was drowsiness causing him to reject an offer to go to his friend’s house.
While hanging out with his friends, Hugo informs them he is quitting smoking. He says, “It’s a bad, unhealthy, and expensive habit. I am done with it.” Hugo’s statement that he is done smoking exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. Motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. Discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
D. Instance of verbal behavior
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a behavior-analytic explanation of behavior? A. Caroline previously received praise for including “knowledge checks” in her presentation, so she continued using them in the future. B. Taylor’s frustration must have caused him to yell at his coworker when she mentioned his upcoming deadline C. Leo’s mind played a trick on him and caused him to see a shadow in the corner of his eye. D. Kelli’s timidity often gets in the way of her socializing with others at parties or when she’s out with friends.
A. Caroline previously received praise for including “knowledge checks” in her presentation, so she continued using them in the future. (reinforcement history)
Which of these scenarios exemplifies a trait as the cause of behavior? A. Nellie panicked when she heard a loud noise, causing her to run and trip over the cat. B. Mateo’s cleverness made him a perfect fit to join the escape room team since he could solve most of the puzzles. C. Donavan selected Alfredo’s Pizza, having enjoyed their calzones the last time he dined there. D. Darcy’s memory kicked in right on time, as she remembered that her friend lived in the exit coming up.
B. Mateo’s cleverness made him a perfect fit to join the escape room team since he could solve most of the puzzles.
Monique got off the highway two exits before her clinic because, in the past, she usually experienced a lot of traffic delays but faced a lot less when she took the back roads to work. Monique avoiding the highway due to her experience best exemplifies which assumption? A. Determinism B. Voluntarism C. Mechanism D. Dualism E. Essentialism
A. Determinism
Britta needs to study for her final exam, needing a high score to pass the class. She tells her friend Annie, “No more goofing off. I’m going to sit here and do flashcard drills for at least an hour.” Britta proceeds to pull out her flashcard set and practices reciting definitions of keywords. Britta saying that she would practice with her flashcards and following through exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. Motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. Discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
B. Two-element operant
After several semesters of working on nothing but his dissertation, Felix eagerly submits potential defense dates to his committee. He tells his friend, “I’ve been thinking about this day for so long that I can’t believe it’s here. I’m almost at the finish line! All I need to do is defend, and I’m done.” Felix wanting to finish his program and defend his dissertation exemplifies P.I.G. functioning as a(n) ______. A. Motivating operation B. Two-element operant C. Discriminative stimulus D. Instance of verbal behavior
A. Motivating operation
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