Shared Flashcard Set


AVS 480 Exam 1
Veterinary Medicine
Undergraduate 4

Additional Veterinary Medicine Flashcards





The Greeks proposed that:



1.     the fetus arose from menstrual blood and was activated by seminal fluid,


2.     sex determination depended on the darkness of the coagulum,


3.     heat was required to achieve a male fetus (preg during hot month of add heat)Snakes sex can change by adding heat, and


4.     the right side of the body was more active and nobler which indicated that males were produced there.


On the same subject, if we look around us today we’ll hear stories like



a.     the right ovary produces males and the left ovary females,


b.     ovaries alternate in activity, so to determine the sex of the offspring just not the sex of the last child, count the menstrual cycle between them.  If you had a son and 10 cycles between f-m-f-m-f-m-f-m-f-m.


Fallopius (1500)
described the fallopian tubes (only called fallopian tubes in humans) (oviduct in all other animals).
DeGraaf (1672)
described the graafian follicle.  He suggested it represented the entire egg similar to that of the bird.  He also killed rabbits at timed intervals after copulation.  He noted that the number of ovulation points was similar to the number of eggs or embryos in the uterus.  He recognized that the ovum were smaller than the follicle that he described as the egg
Van Leeuwenhock (1677)
developed microscope) suggested that the semen contained small copies of the sire (termed animalcules).
Spallanzani (1800)

conducted the first artificial insemination in the dog.


G. Berthold (1849)
removed the testes from a male chicken and transplanted them into the body cavity of that same chicken or another.  He discovered that if the transplanted testes vascularized, the male developed normal comb and wattles, but if it didn’t vascularize, the comb and wattles atrophied.  He suggested that the secondary sexual characteristics were caused by a substance secreted in the blood by the testis.
Brown-Seqaurd (1889)
(quack)– injected himself with testis extracts and rejuvenated himself.  This report seems unlikely today because he used water extracts of the testis and testosterone is not soluble in water
Allen and Doisy (1923)

used the vaginal smear as a bioassay for estrogen.


Ascheim and Zondek (1927)
 found large quantities of estrogenic material in urine of pregnant women. (followed preg women home and  paid chamber maid to collect chamber pot)
Doisy (1929)

purified estrogen from urine of pregnant women

It has been estimated to get 1 mg of estrogen it would take about 4 tons of pig ovaries

These scientists laid the foundations for reproductive physiology

: in fact, most of what they discovered we take for granted today.


Some people think that science and experiments are all exact and very thoroughly planned out.  Hopefully that is true most of the time, but I’ll tell you a couple of stories about past experiments that are a bit different.


Roy Greep (1930)

decided that he would isolate this compound from the urine of pregnant cows.  They collected tubs of urine from the cows at the dairy barn and took it to the lab.  Now the smell of the urine was bad enough, but when they concentrated the urine by boiling it, the smell was almost unbearable.  Come to find out, there is very little, if any, estrogenic material in pregnant cow urine.


Chris Polge (1950)

he and his colleagues were trying to freeze sperm from roosters to aid the artificial insemination industry.  They were attempting to add sugar to the mixture without much success.  Polge decided to have one more try so he used a bunch of different types of sugars to see which would work best.  The next day he found out that one of the sugars had almost magical properties and the sperm could be frozen then thawed and remain alive.  When he went to see which sugar was responsible (because he didn’t record it at the time), he found that the labels on the bottles of sugar solution that he used had all fallen off.  So he had no idea what the sugar was.  They had to chemically analyze the solutions that were mixed with the sperm to finally find out that it was glycerol that he had added.


male gonad

is the testis

The testis is paired and in the domestic animals are located in the scrotum.  Some animals, like the elephant and the whale, have abdominal testes

Male gonad Function

is to produce

(1) sperm and

(2) testosterone

The sperm

are formed in the testes by the process of spermatogenesis and we’ll talk about that in a week or so.  Once the sperm are formed they leave the testis through the epididymis.


The epididymis
is a tubular structure that has two sections – the head (or caput) and the tail (or cauda).  The epididymis is a very convoluted tube; in fact, in the bull it’s 35 meters long.
The epididymis functions

1.     to absorb liquid,


2.     to store sperm (which may mature during this storage), and


3.     to possibly resorb defective sperm.

It takes 7-13 days for sperm to get through the epididymis. (use male to much less fertail because of not having enough time to mature)



vas deferens

The vas deferens transports sperm from the tail of the epididymis to the urethra.  The vas deferens has a muscular wall that contracts at ejaculations, forcing the sperm up and out.

vas deferens then pass through the seminal vesicles



seminal vesicles


(also know as the vesicular glands).  The seminal vesicles produce much of the fluid volume of semen (containing citric acid and fructose).  The sperm and semen then pass through a duct into the urethra.

Just past the point where the bladder empties into the urethra you’ll find the prostate gland.  This gland supplies volume for the semen and in the bull is responsible for most of the odor of the semen.

The urethra then runs through the penis to the outside of the body.


The scrotum
, as we’ve already said, contains the testes and is responsible for keeping the temperature of the testes 2-7°C below body temperature.  In animals with a scrotum, if the testis temperature gets up to body temperature, then spermatogenesis can be detrimentally effected.  Animals in which the testes don’t descend into the scrotum are called cryptorchids.  They have normal hormone production by the testis but abnormal spermatogenesis.
This temperature gradient in scrotum is achieved by three methods

1. Scrotal muscles

2. Sweat glands

3. Pampiniform plexus


1.     Scrotal muscles 







(a)   the cremaster muscles line the inside of the scrotum and pull the testicles up toward the body in cold weather.


(b)  Tunica dartos muscles are inserted into the skin of the scrotum in such a way that when the muscles contract, it makes the skin fold to conserve heat.



2.     Sweat glands (scrotum)


.  Compared to other parts of the body, scrotal sweat glands are much larger, so the evaporative heat loss is greater.
3. Pampiniform plexus (scrotum)
is an arrangement of blood vessels going to and from the scrotum.  The process is called counter-current heat exchange.  The spermatic artery come from the body to the testis, just before it reaches the testis it becomes coiled or branched.  The spermatic vein coils around the artery and heat is taken up by the vein so that blood coming to the artery is cooler than body temperature
seminiferous tubule

testis itself is made up of these convoluted tubules

The tubules themselves are very convoluted and can be up to 1m in length.  The tubules are responsible for formation of the sperm cells.  IN the man there may be as many as 1200 seminiferous tubules in each testis.


The seminiferous tubules themselves are

made up of several cell layers:





1.     noncellular layer – makes up the boundary of the tube




2.     smooth muscle layer – responsible for peristaltic movement




3.     Sertoli cells – surround the undeveloped germinal cells and give them nutritive support.




The lumen of the siminiferous tubule

The lumen of the siminiferous tubule is fluid filled and the spermatozoa are moved along with the fluid by both the peristaltic movement of the seminiferous tubules and the continued addition of fluid to the lumen.  The seminiferous tubules empty into the Rete testis, which leads to the epididymis.


the interstitial tissue

area in between the seminiferous tubules

This area contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, and leydig cells.

leydig cells
are responsible for producing testosterone
tunica albuginea

is made up of fibroblasts and collagen.

is a capusul that surrounds testis


The penis of the mammals can be one of three (3) types:

1.     fibroelastic – bull, boar, and ram, not much erectile tissue (penis doesn’t become erect the sigmoid flexure becomes rigid and pushs penis out of the sheath.


2.     vascular – horse and man, largely erectile tissue


3.     os penis – dog, cat, rats, and mice, bone (baculum)


Upon sexual stimulation the penis

Upon sexual stimulation the penis becomes erect by filling with blood. Depending on the species, the blood filling is more important. In animals with a fibroelastic penis like the bull filling with blood causes the sigmoid flexure to straighten out, but in the horse it is very important.  Blood pressure in the erect penis can reach 7000 psi which is quite remarkable.


The corpus cavernosum penis

 is a spongy erectile tissue, which is continuous with the veins of the penis.  Filling of this area causes erection.


Corpus spongiosum

 spongy erectile tissue surrounds the urethra.


The shape of the penis varies by species
The shape of the penis varies by species, with the bull having a pointed shape to the boar that has a corkscrew shape.  In fact, in the boar the corkscrew gets caught in the cervical folds during intromission and that’s when the boar begins to ejaculate.


the number of sperm and volume of the ejaculate varies by species also:


                         Volume ofSperm (mL)                      Sperm Concentration

Bull                              3-8                                                     3-16 billion

Ram                            .8-1.2                                               1.3-3.6 billion

Boar                          150-300                                               30-90 billion

Stallion                       30-100                                                 6-40 billion

 During natural insemination the female can be bred more than one time, so the number of sperm utilized to fertilize one egg could be immense. 



The two types of cell division are:




1.     mitosis


2.     meiosis



Mitosis occurs in somatic or body cells and certain germ or reproductive cells. Mitosis results in the duplication of the original cell (called 2n or diploid).


            If we look at the nuclear changes that occur during the process of mitosis, we’ll see that it has been divided into five phases.  The process of mitosis is a continual process so these phases are artificial.


5 phases of mitosis

1.     Interphase



 2.     Prophase



 3.     Metaphase



 4.     Anaphase



 5.     Telophase




is the stage between all divisions; no chromosomes are visible.  Cells spend about 4/5 of their life in this stage.  The cell life can be diagramed to a cell cycle.




                       m = mitosis


                      G1,  G2 = gap phase


                       s  = synthetic phase









is the phase that starts when the chromosomes become visible.  The chromosomes have already duplicated at this time to form 2 chromatids, which are joined together at the centromere.  As prophase continues, the chromatids become shorter and thicker.  The nuclear membrane begins to disappear and a system of microfibers called asters (spindle) begins to form from the centrioles.













The chromosomes become oriented on the spindle fibers on an equatorial plane.  With a sudden division of the centromeres, metaphase is completed.







The chromatids separate and move toward the centrioles on the spindle fibers. The cell begins to pinch off.











The nuclear membrane begins to reform and further pinching-off occurs.  The spindle fibers disappear as the cell wall is completed and the nuclear membrane is fully formed.  The chromosomes become longer and thinner and eventually become undetectable.


The second type of cell division   This occurs only in certain germ cells such as primary spermatocyte > secondary spermatocyte > spermatid/ primary oocyte > secondary oocyte > ootid.  Meiosis results in two cells with only half the normal number of chromosomes,  called IN or haploid.  So for example, in cattle there are 60 chromosomes (30 pairs) in sperm and oocytes there are only 30 chromosomes.



                        Cattle = 60             Sheep = 54



                        Swine = 40             Horses = 64


Interphase (meiosis)

The chromosomes in the primary spermatocyte are contracted and also spherical.  When they lose this tension, meiosis proper starts.


Prophase (meiosis)




Leptotene – The chromosomes are in a bouquet with the centromere ends in a single limited area just inside the nuclear membrane


Zygotene – The homologous chromosomes pair up.


Pachytene – Chromosomes divide into 2 chromatids and each is connected by the centromere forming a tetrad.


Diplotene – Crossing over of portions of the two homologous chromosomes occurs forming a chiasma (crossover point)


Diakinesis – the tetrad separates.




Metaphase (meiosis)

the chromatids lie on the equatorial plate; the centromere does not divide.


Anaphase (meiosis)

each chromosome is still made up of two chromatids, the 2 members of the tetrad separate to opposite poles.





chromatids contract, but remain visible and the nuclear membrane reforms, cell membrane pinches off.


 Interkinesis (meiosis)

because the chromatids remain visable a true interphase does not occur.  When the tension is released from the chromatidsthe second prophase of meiosis begins.


Prophase II 
nuclear membrane dissolves
Metaphase II 

chromosomes orient on the equtorial plate.  The centromere divides and the two chromatids separate.


Anaphase II 

The chromatids separate to the opposite poles.


Telophase II


chromosomes become undetectable, the nuclear membrane reforms and the cell membrane pinches off.


 Spermatogenesis is a continuous process
that begins at puberty and continues until senility or when the seminiferous tubules break down.  Spermatogenesis is the formations of sperm cells.  As we’ve already said, this occurs in the seminiferous tubules. 
There are basically two cell types involved in spermatogenesis:

1.     Sertoli cells -provide nutrients to the developing germ cells.


2.     Developing germ cells-The germ cells undergo a series of cell divisions and morphological changes


Spermatogenesis Stages

1.     Stem cells (spermatogonia) – a series of cell divisions occur resulting in the primary spermatocyte.


2.     Spermatocytes > meiosis > spermatids  This process is called spermatocytogenesis.


3.     Spermatids > maturational changes > spermatozoa   This process is called spermiogenesis.


Spermatocytogenesis actually begins
actually begins in the embryo when the promordial germ cells migrate to the undifferentiated gonad to form the ovary or testis, but we’ll talk about that later.  The primordial germ cells go through several divisions and develop into the gonocytes.  Just before puberty the gonocytes develop into the Ao spermatogonia: 
Ao spermatogonia

Ao spermatogonia > A1 > A2 > A3 > A4  >  Intermediate spermatogonia > Type B spermatogonia.



 The type B spermatogonia divides once or twice to produce primary spermatocytes >secondary spermatocytes >spermatid.


(In the bull, the process of development from spermatogonia to spermatid takes about 45 days.)



cell division during spermatogenesis

he actual cell division between cells during spermatogenesis is incomplete which leaves cellular bridges between the cells.  This is for communication between cells so that there is synchronous development.


      The process of spermatogenesis results in 512 spermatids form each spermatogonium.


There are three stages involved in spermiogenesis 

The development of the spermatid to the spermatozoa is called spermiogenesis and this is a maturational process.

1) condensation of nuclear chromatin (Nuclear condensation );


2) the development of the acrosomal cap; and


3) formation of the sperm tail.


Nuclear condensation
In the spermatid the nucleus begins as a pale oval-shaped body in the cell, but there is a progressive aggregation of the chromatin granules which finally produces a very dense nucleus.  The nucleus is also reshaped to that characteristic of the species.

  Development of the acrosomal cap



The acrosome plays an important role in fertilization.  It originates from the Golgi complex within the spermatid.  This process can be divided into three parts:

a.Golgi phase

b. Cap phase

c. Acrosomal phase

 Golgi phase

  possibly before meiosis occurs in the spermatocyte, the Golgi apparatus seems to synthesize protein granules called proacrosomal granules.  These fuse together to form a single acrosomal granule.  The acrosomal granule surrounded by the fused Golgi then migrate toward the nucleus and become attached to it.


Cap phase 

The acrosome spreads out over the nuclear membrane, becoming flattened.  This forms a double layered cap.


 Acrosomal phase


The acrosome indents into the nuclear membrane, reshaping it.  Any extra cytoplasm from the Golgi is displaced to behind the nucleus and the head is rotated toward the basement membrane.



Formation of the tail


At the end of the second meiotic division, the two centrioles formed don’t disappear --  they migrate to the position opposite the Golgi apparatus, just beneath the cell membrane.  The distal centriole is located perpendicular to the cell membrane and the proximal centriole is above the distal at a right angle to the cell membrane.


The distal centriole

gives rise to the tail of the spermatozoa.  The tail begins as an inner pair of microtubules surrounded by nine pairs of microtubules give rise to nine pairs of course outer fibers.  These are much larger than the original microtubules.

The mitochondria of the spermatid migrate down the cytoplasm to form a double helical coil around the midpiece of the sperm.  The mitochondria are lined up end to end



Release of the spermatozoa from the Sertoli cell to the lumen of  the seminiferous tubule is called Spermiation.  When the spermatozoa is released, the residual body,  which is the entire cytoplasm of the original spermatid,  breaks off leaving a cytoplasmic droplet at the neck of the sperm.  So if we look at the sperm, it’s made up of;     1)  Head       2) Midpiece      3) Tail

(As we said already, the sperm are released into the retetestis and moved along by the fluid pressure up into the epididymis.)





Research has shown that the pattern of development of spermatozoa from spermatogonia is very organized.  In the bull, about 7 billion spermatozoa are released from Sertoli cells each day.  If you take a cross section of the seminiferous tubule, you’ll see several stages of development with the least developed near the basement membrane and the highest at the top.  The coordination of the development between cells may be caused by ; 1) cytoplasmic bridges 2) Sertoli cells 3)Release of residual bodies by spermatozoa




function of the epididymis





The rete testis empties into the epididymis.  Remember that the function of the epididymis was to;

1)             absorb water            2)             allow the sperm to mature

Sperm are moved through the epididymis by muscular contrations of the duct wall.  The time required to pass through the epididymis is :



                                       Bull – 7 days                      ^ ­ frequency of


Boar – 12  days                      ejaculation transit v


                                Ram – 16 days                             time by 10-20%






The maturation process involves



A)            loss of cytoplasmic droplets


B)            gain of fertilization ability


C)            potential for sustained motility


The most noticeable maturational change that takes place in the epididymis is translocation of the cytoplasmic droplet.  The droplet is left when the residual body breaks off during spermiation and is located at the neck of the sperm.
cytoplasmic droplet





The droplet is left when the residual body breaks off during spermiation and is located at the neck of the sperm




During passage through the epididymis, the droplet moves down the neck almost to the tail.  It is believed that the droplet is moved by the sperm, basically doubling on itself, and the droplet translocates.

There is also a change in the droplet itself during the passage through the epididymis. At the head of the epidiymis, the droplet is full of membrane-bound vesicles, But at the tail of the epidiymis the number of vesicles are reduced and some of them have collapsed on themselves. This indicates that the vesicles are being used either by the sperm or by the droplet itself. At the tail of the epididymis the droplet is shed by being pinched off.



Further maturational changes include

Structure of the acrosome may change.  In some species this change is quit marked—like the guinea pig:






            But in other species the change isn’t noticable-


            Bull:                caput




Membrane permability

permability goes down with the passage through the epididymis.  There’s a change in the specific gravity of the sperm



   Caput                        1.0918                          may be due to the change in

Cauda                        1.3519                              the cytoplasmic droplet.



The electrical charge of the sperm


The electrical charge of the sperm itself changes.  This was tested by putting sperm collected from different parts of the epididymis in an electric field and see which way they migrated. 


Anode  (+)  and Cathode  (-). 


           % oriented toward anode


caput              13%                                          So there is a negative


corpus            90%                                                charge on the

cauda              98%                                                sperm cell.




For sperm to fertilize the egg

,  they must first attach to it; so two different tests have been conducted to determine this ability

1 Agglutination test- On other card

2 Egg attachment-if put sperm in with an egg,  can determine the percent attached

distal cauda     28.6


                                           Ejaculated sperm  55.0



Agglutination test

 if put sperm into a solution can determine how much agglutination occurs between the sperm.


caput -                                                            - = no agglutination


corpus +                                                         + = agglutination


cauda  +++


Cold shock

Cold shock is the ability of the sperm to survive a drop of temperature and remain viable.  

**** look at experiment about 4 rams exposed to cold shock****

(They also looked at the percentage of sperm that still had cytoplasmic droplets attached  and They concluded that the higher the percent of cytoplasmic droplets, the greater the resistance to cold shock.)

In this experiment 4 rams were used and the sperm were exposed to colder temperatures.  They also looked at the percentage of sperm that still had cytoplasmic droplets attached
They also looked at the percentage of sperm that still had cytoplasmic droplets attached

caput – 0%


cauda   84%


while there is also a difference in the concentration of sperm in the different areas.


            So there are many differences between areas of the epididymis and it takes 7-13 days for the sperm to pass through these ducts.


Artificial Insemination 


AI has been practiced for the last 50 years.  In the U.S., AI is most widely used on dairy farms.  Beef cattle producers tend not to use AI unless they are producing purebred seedstock and AI in sheep and swine is not practiced very often.  AI is frowned upon in horse production because of the possibility of falsifying the sire of a foal.


concentration of sperm in the ejaculate of different species

                                Sperm Concentration

 Bull                                3-16 billion

 Ram                               1.6-3.6  “    “

 Boar                               30-90    “    “

 Stallion                             6-40    “    “

            Using AI, at least in cattle, they package about 10 million sperm per package; so in the case of the bull above, we could get 300-1600 inseminations out of that one ejaculate.  So you can see the impact a great bull could have on the cattle population using AI. To get the 300-1600 inseminations, the semen has to be diluted or extended and frozen or preserved.




1. Nutrients- an energy source required aerobic and anaerobic metabolism



A good semen extender must have the following characteristics:



Nutrients- an energy source required aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

Buffering capacity – to reduce the change in pH.  As the metabolic activity increases the pH decreases.  Cooling also has an effect on pH.

Protection against cold shock and freezing damage – egg yolk,  lipoproteins and glycerol are common

Toxicity – should be isosmotic with blood for freezing

Bacterial control – the extender should be sterile as well as adding supplemental antibiotics to stop the growth of bacteria

Cost effective – if the extender costs more then the semen is worth, then the producer won’t buy it

Semen Storage


Semen is stored frozen on liquid N2 which has a temperature of –320°F.  Semen has been stored for up to 20 years and remain fertile.

The freezing process varies depending on the company that is packaging the semen, but basically it involves ;

1. cooling slowly to decrease the metabolism

2.glycerate slowly – the glycerol replaces some of the water in the sperm to decrease ice crystal formation in the cells.

Freezing and thawing kills at least 20% of cells.




Semen Collection 



Semen is the combination of sperm and fluid from the testes, excurrent ducts and the accessory sex glands that make up the ejaculate.

Characteristics of the ejaculate are influenced by frequency of ejaculation, sexual preparation, season, breed and sire differences

Semen is made up of sperm from the testes and Seminal fluid serves as a vehical for transport and provides nutrients.

***look at origin of the seminal plasma in boar and bull***

At ejaculation

sperm are diluted with the seminal plasma.  These secretions stimulate the almost motionless cells into vigorous motile activity.  This stimulation may be due to the dilution effect, the increased O2 partial pressure or specific substances, like fructose.


In the bull and ram, ejaculation is very rapid and the ejaculate consists of only one fraction; but in other species like the boar, stallion and dog, copulation extends over a longer period of time and the ejaculate has distinct fractions.







The semen of the stallion is composed of three fractions, which are ejaculated in sequence.  It takes 10 – 30 seconds to complete ejaculation.

1st fraction -Thin watery, almost no sperm- mainly from urethral and cowpers glands (44% of volume)

2nd fraction- Thin, non-viscous milky, speam rich fraction (33% of total volume)

3rd fraction - Very viscous, highly glatinous, littlor no sperm, mainly seminal vesicle secreation.


As the stallion dismounts from the mare, a small amount of fluid drips from the penis.  This is not a representative sample of ejaculate and it comes from the urethra






Ejaculate in the boar is a prolonged process that may take from 3-30 minutes.  Boar semen is ejaculated in 3 fractions.

1. Sperm-free – clear liquid, no sperm, fluid comes from accessory glands (5-20%)

2. Sperm-rich – milky color (30-50%)

3. Gel phase – The gelatinous material makes up 20-30% of ejaculate.  The function of the gel phase may be to plug up the female reprodutive tract to stop the lossof sperm



Semen Packaging



Ampules – various sizes

½ cc french straw

¼ cc

¼ continental straw

Microencapsulated semen -  sperm were enclosed in a membrane that would break down when inserted into the female.



Actual semen collection



1.              Artificial vagina


2.              Electroejaculator


The artificial vagina




is probably used more commonly during semen collection.  The artificial vagina is made up of –

1.              Hard plastic case




2.              Rubber liner




3.              Collecting cone




4.              Collecting tube


Warm water is filled between the case and liner (water should be a little above body temperature) to give the animal the feeling that he’s inseminating the cow.  The collection tube should be insulated in some way to protect the sperm from cold shock.  One way is to immerse the tube in warm water




The actual process of semen collection

The bull must be trained to collect, so it takes some time to accomplish this. The bull is brought into the room with either a restrained female or steer.  (In fact, AI studs use steers because they are larger and can withstand the weight of the bulls better.)

The bull is allowed to mount the female and should be encouraged to dismount and remount several times.  This is called false mounting, and it has been shown to increase the number of sperm per ejaculate.

As the bull thrusts the penis, it is directed into the artificial vagina by the technician and the semen is collected.

An added danger when collecting semen from the bull is at ejaculation.  The bull may actually leave the ground, so the technician can get stepped on if not careful.  Also bulls have been known to fall off the teaser animal, so the technician needs to be aware. 



Things tokeep the bulls’ interest

When bulls are collected frequently (up to 4 times a week), they can lose interest in the collection procedure; so to guard against this, the AI stud may want to change things around to keep the bulls’ interest.  Things that can be done would be to –


1.         Use different teaser animals,


1.              Change the location or position of the teaser,


2.              Use more then one teaser


3.              Warm up pen ( have bull watch collection before it)

also semen can be collected using electroejaculation


If the bull loses interest in the collection procedure, or if he’s lame and can’t mount, then semen can be collected using electroejaculation.  This procedure is done by placing a probe in the rectum of the bull and then passing an electrical current through the rectal wall to cause contration of the vas deferens, urethra and accessory sex glands to cause ejaculation.  The semen collected with an artificial vagina is of high quality and volume.

Frequency of Ejaculation



Semen can be collected quite frequently.  Today AI studs usually collect semen four times (2  x  a day with 3 or 4 days rest) each week.  This gives the bull a rest period, as well as maintain libido (or sexual interest).  Studies have been conducted where bulls were collected daily for up to 32 weeks with no adverse effect in sperm motility, morphology or fertility.

can take measures of semen(on other card)


Measures of semen quality


semen samples can be accepted or rejected on the basis of a variety of laboratory tests.  The tests are aimed at putting out a product of the highest quality and fertility.

1.Volume and appearance     2.Concentration of spermatozoa

3.Motility                              4. Ratio of live to dead sperm





volume and appearance 

  Volume gives an indication of the number of sperm present.  Appearance can also indicate concentration, but also can tell if contaminating substances such as dirt, hair, blood or urine is present.  The semen should be milky white in appearance.


Concentration of spermatozoa
This is very important and can be determined accurately.  One way to measure sperm concentration is by use of a hemocytometer and actually counting the number of sperm present in a subsample of the semen.  The count is done under a microscope and can be vary tedious, because, remember, the sperm swim around.  Another way to get sperm number is to use a machine called a Coulter counter.  This machine measures the light absorbed by the sperm cells to arrive at the sperm concentration.
This is one of the widest used tests.  This test describes the proportion of cells that are progressively motile and their rate of movement.  This test is also conducted under the microscope
Ratio of live to dead sperm 
is another microscopic test.  This test discriminates between live and dead cells by their permeability to a stain, such as eosin or bromophenol blue.  Live cells will not take up the stain; but dead cells will, and this can be recorded.  The person conducting this test needs to be careful; because if they inadvertently abuse the sample (pH, toxicity or temperature), this can effect the ratio of live to dead cells


Examining the form or shape of the sperm can be conducted at the same time as live/dead counting.  The types of abnormalities have been broken down into two categories:

1.Primary abnormalities – any abnormality involving the head

2. Secondary abnormalities – abnormalities with the midpiece or tail

Very fertile males usually produce semen with less then 20% abnormals, and fertility tends to decrease as the percentage of abnormalities increase.



Male Reproductive Failure



Reproductive failure in the male is mainly involved with spermatogenesis, but could also encompass lack of libido or improper endocrine impulses or responses. 



(male repro failure)


- first problem that the male could encounter would be if the testes didn’t descend into the scrotum either totally or partiall

- A cryptorchid doesn’t produce sperm cells and it is thought to be caused by the heat of the body effecting spermatogenesis

-experimentally make a male cryptorchis, there will be histological changes in the testes within two days; and by two weeks only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia will be present.  The testes will function normally again if they haven’t been in the abdomen too long.


heating the testes

(male repro failure)


-If the animal is exposed to temperatures above 37°C for long periods of time, this will have an adverse effect on spermatogenesis.

-The cells that are most sensitive to the effect of heat seem to be primary spermatocytes during pachytene and young spermatids

-Heat, whether environmental or body, seems to effect testosterone production.  There is a moderate decrease in blood levels of testosterone, but this has no effect on libido


Cold Effect on Testies 

(male repro failure)

Cold doesn’t effect testis production unless the testes actually freeze.  Frostbite of the scrotum in bulls can have an impact on spermatogenesis, but this is thought to be caused by the closeness of the testes to the body wall and the increase in testis temperature.

Nutrient supply

(male repro failure)

Lack of oxygen and glucose can have a detrimental effect on spermatogenesis

Energy and protein lack

(Male repro failure)

Energy and protein lack can impair both spermatogenic and endocrinological function of the testes.  It seems that endocrine production is more reduced than spermatogenesis; and libido is usually, but not always, depressed.

Essential fatty acid deficient Diets

(Male repro failure)

Essential fatty acid deficient diets cause testicular degeneration.  Testosterone production appears normal but supplemental injections of testosterone or gonadotropins restores testes weight.

Vitamin deficiencies

(male repro failure)

– Deficiencies in vitamins A, B, C, and E can cause damage to the seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells, which effects both spermatogenesis and testosterone production

Naturally occurring abnormalities

(Male repro failure)

– Testis function can be affected by a variety of illnesses, but the testis is also affected by specific conditions that involve only the testis or the testis and a few other body parts.  Most of these conditions have been described in humans by t may occur in domestic animals.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome

(Male repro Failure)


 This condition comes from the male having an extra X chromosome, which may have been a problem during spermatogenesis.  The effected individual has small nonfunctional testes.  The Leydig cells show decreased function.



Sertoli Cell-Only Syndrome 

(male repro failure)

This disorder effects only the seminiferous tubules, and they contain no germinal cells.  Leydig cell function is normal.  The syndrome could be caused by a congenital absence of germ cells of XYY genetic abnormality.

Testicular feminization

(male repro failure)

is a condition where the male has small inguinal testes, no germ cells or other internal reproductive organs.  The tissues in this condition are unable to respond to supplemental testosterone, so it appears that a lack of receptors for testosterone is the cause

Mumps Orchitis

(male repro failure)

– About 20% of men that contract mumps, develops orchitis, which is damaging to the seminiferous tubules.  Severe damage can cause sterility.  Leydig cell function is normal.


(male repro failure)


– Whole body or localized irradiation can produce damage to the testes.  The A spermatogonia seem to be the most effected because they are eliminated after X-irradiation.  Very high doses of irradiation can effect the spermatids, spermatocytes and spermatozoa.  Testosterone production is unaffected but Sertoli cells numbers can be reduced.

Not caused naturally


Chemical damage

(Male repro failure)


Chemical damage can effect the testis directly.  Heavy metals such as:


1. Cadmium,


2. Mercury, and


3. Lead

can have very marked effects on the testes.  And there are many other compounds that I won’t mention that can affect spermatogenesis.

Not caused naturally

   The female reproductive system is composed of



1.              ovaries


2.              infundibulum


3.              oviduct


4.              uterus


5.              cervix


6.              vagina


7.              vulva


The ovaries

The ovaries are responsible for the production of the gametes or ova and the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone.  The size and shape of the ovaries varies with species, with the cow and sheep having almond-shaped ovaries, the horse ovary is bean-shaped and the sow ovaries are shaped like a cluster of grapes.


The ovaries are made up of two types of tissue

1.              medulla – which contains connective tissue and an extensive nervous and blood system.


2.              cortex (contains the oogonia) – is responsible for egg formation and hormone production.


If you look at the ovaries at any one time, you can see two different types of structures. They are:


1.              follicle – which contains the developing oocyte and is responsible for estrogen production.


2.              corpus luteum – or yellow body that is responsible for progesterone production.


The infundibulum

 is a membranous structure that either surrounds the ovary as


in the sow or sits next to the ovary.  The function of the infundibulum is to catch the egg and funnel it into the oviduct.  In animals where the infundibulum is open, at the time of ovulation it seems to sweep over the surface of the ovary trying to bee at the proper postion to catch the egg.


The oviduct

The oviduct itself is a very convoluted tube that leads from the infundibulum to the uterus.  It is divided into two sections:


1.              ampulla


2.              isthmus


The ampulla


The ampulla is the upper half of the oviduct and fertilization takes place here.


The ampula contains ciliated cells that act to move the ova along down the oviduct.



The isthmus
has fewer ciliated cells and leads to the uterus.   
The uterus
The uterus consists of two uterine horns and a body.  The relationship between the horns and the body can vary with the species, with the sow having very long uterine horns and almost no uterine body to the horse that has a very large uterine body and very short uterine horns.  The cow and the ewe have a septum to separate the uterine horns.
The functions of the uterus

are to 1) incubate the fetus and

2) expel the fetus at parturition. 

The uterus also undergoes dramatic size changes from breeding to parturition.   In the cow at breeding, the heifer’s whole reproductive tract will fit in the palm of your hand; but at parturition, that same uterus will fill a wheelbarrow

After parturition, the uterus goes through a process of involution, where it decreases in size to try and rejoin its original size and shape

Uterus produces a hormone
It has been demonstrated that the uterus produces a hormone called Prostaglandin F2 a.  This hormone is called a luteolysin, which means that it is responsible for lysing or killing the corpus luteum.  We’ll talk about this a little more when we talk about the estrous cycle.
caruncles (uterus)
If you look at the inside of the uterus (at least in the cow and ewe) you’ll see structures that are called caruncles.  These structures develop to form the maternal half of the placenta during pregnancy.  In the cow there are between 70-120 caruncles present. 
The cervix

is a very important structure that acts as a barrier to the outside.  As we already said, the uterus is a great incubator; so if bacteria got in, they would have a field day.  So the cervix acts to keep contaminants out of the uterus.  The cervix is made up of a fibroelastic connective tissue that in domestic animals is arranged in rings.  Those rings fit into each other to act as a barrier.  The cervix is tightly closed at all times, except during estrus and parturition. 

The cervix also produces mucus that acts to further block the entrance.  During estrus the mucus is very thin and watery, but most of the time it is very thick.

The vagina can be divided into sections 
– 1) vagina and 2) vestibule – with divisions taking place where the urethra enters.  The vaginal cell populations change  with the estrous cycle and these changes have been developed into a technique called the vaginal smear.  This technique notes the cell types present and can be used to determine the stage of estrous cycle.  It works best for animals with short estrous cycles, like the rat and mouse
The external genitalia


 is made up of three components, but we’ll lump them all together as the vulva. The individual components are:  1) labia majora, 2) labia minora,  3) clitoris.



The labia again act as barriers to the outside.  They produce an oily substance which probably acts to remove contaminants and lubricate the tissue. The clitoris has the same embryological gives better results at conception.



is the study of hormones or chemical messagers throughout the body.  The field of endocrinology has really expanded over the last 10-20 years, and the definition of a hormones has become very cloudy.  A hormone is a substance produced in the body that has a regulatory effect on specific cells or organs. reproductive physiology there are basically four types of hormones.  They are: 1)Releasing factors/hormones,  2) Gonadotropin hormones3)Steroid hormones 4) Miscelleneous  


Releasing factors/hormones
that are produced by the hypothalamus andcontrol the synthesis or release of hormones from the anterior pituitary, or other reproductive functions
Gonadotropin hormones
that are produced by the anterior pituitary and directly effect maturation and release of gametes, as well as secretion of steroid hormones
Steroid hormones 

that are produced by the reproductive organs and are involved in secondary sexual characteristics, maintenance of the reproductive organs and regulation of the reproductive cycle

are hormones produced mainly by the gonads, but the adrenal glands and placenta can also produce them.  Steroids are derived from a common precursor, and synthesis begins with either acetate or cholesterol from the blood.  The steroid molecules important for reproduction are:

Estrogen – produced by either the ovary or placenta – 18C – 280


Progesterone – produced by the ovary, placenta in some species 21C and the adrenal gland – 310


Testosterone – produced by the testis – 19 carbons. –290



Produced by various organs or cells that effect reproduction

-Placental Hormones ( Placental lactogen, PMSG,HCG) Uterine Hormones (Prostaglandins) others (Relaxin, Inhibin)

Hypothalamic releasing factors/hormones –


These compounds are peptide


hormones, which are molecules made up of amino acids.  The compounds produced are:


            GnRH – gonadotropin releasing hormones, decapeptide


            TRH – thyrotropin releasing hormone, tripeptide


            PRF – prolactin releasing factor


            PIF – prolactin inhibiting factor


            CRF – corticotropin releasing factor


            GHRF – growth hormone releasing factor


            GHIF – growth hormone inhibiting factor (somatostatin)


Pituitary hormones


 are hormones produced or secreted by the pituitary gland.  These compounds can be peptides, polypeptides, protein or glycoprotein in structure.


             Luteinizing hormone (LH)  30,000 MW glycoprotein


            Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH)  32,000 MW glycoprotein


            Prolactin (Prl)  23,000 MW protein


Growth hormone (GH) 22,000 MW protein


Adrenocorticotropic hormone  (ACTH)  39 amino acids


Melanocyte Stimulating hormone (MSH)


Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH)


Oxytocin – octapeptide  (1000 MW)









Steriod Hormones


  • produced mainly by the gonads
  • adrenal glands and placenta can produce them too
  • derived from a common precursor-synthesis begins with either acetate or cholestreol from the blood




Steriod molecules important for reproduction



  • Estrogen- produced by either the ovary or placenta (18 C-280 MW)
  • Progesterone- produced by the ovary, placenta in some species 21C and the adrenal gland 310 MW
  • Testosterone- produced by the testis (19C, 290 MW)





Miscellaneous Hormones




Placental hormones (placental lactogen, PMSG,HCG), Uterine Hormones (Prostaglandins), others (relaxin, inhibin)




the brain
is unique within the body because it is kept separate by a barrier called the Blood-Brain barrier.  This  barrier stops most things  from getting into the brain but will let things out.  The brain is also totally neutral tissue or made up of nerve cells.
  (is in the brain) is organized into areas called nuclei that are responsible for controlling pituitary secretion, and the releasing factors are produced in this area.  The releasing/inhibiting factors get out of the hypothalamus by flowing through neurones, and this process is called axonal flow
The pituitary gland


is an interesting organ that lies just below the hypothalamus in an area called the sella turcica.  The pituitary is surrounded by a membrane called the dura mater—which when translated, means tough mother.  But the pituitary lies outside of the blood-brain barrier -

The interesting part of the pituitary is that it is composed of two separate types of tissues.  During embryonic development, a portion of neural tissue is combined or surrounded by oral ectoderm or tissue that goes on toform the pituitary with the neural portion forming the neurohypopohysis or posterior pituitary and the oral portionforming the adenohypophysis or anterior pituitary.




The posterior pituitary

 has direct neural attachments with the brain nuclei that produce oxytocin and vasopressin, so it actually acts as a storage organ, secreting the compounds on demand.


The anterior pituitary

has no neural connection, which should make you ask “How do the neural signals from the hypothalamus reach the anterior pituitary?”  This takes place through the hypophysial portal system.  If you remember from your physiology class, a portal system is one where the arterial blood vessels form a capillary network and then go on to supply an organ or tissue.  The pituitary has this type of system.  Neurons carrying releasing factors end in close proximity to the hypophyseal vessels.  The releasing factors are picked up and transported by the blood to stimulate or inhibit release of the approriate hormone.  This type of control is called Neurohumoral, because the nervous signal controls the humoral response


is an octapeptide, and it is synthesized in the hypothalamus stored in the posterior pituitary.  Recently it has been shown that oxytocin is also produced in the corpus luteum of the cow,  ewe and human.  Oxytocin stimulates muscle contraction in smooth muscles, such as the uterus

**look at the reflex of Oxytocin**

Oxytocin is commonly used for


1.              milk letdown


2.              induced parturition  (pictocin)


3.              retained placenta


also called LHRH or Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone, is a decapeptide (10 AA): and, as we already said, it stimulates release of LH and FSH.  This compound has been chemically defined and is commercially available as Cystorelin or Factiel.  It is used to treat follicular cysts in cattle (100ug IM).


(Pituitary gonadotropins )


– Follicle Stimulating Hormone.  This compound is a glycoprotien in structure, which means that it has a protein backbone with carbohydrate or sugar residues that branch off it.  It has a molecular weight of 32,000,  And it is made up of 2 subunits – an a subunit and a  b subunit.  It is produced in the basophil cells of pituitary.
Function of FSH in Females

:  In females, FSH stimulates growth and maturatiuon of follicles; and in the presence of LH, stimulates estrogen production.  It is used in superovulation of cattle (inject 2x daily)


Function of FSH in males
In males FSH acts to increase size of testes (effecting germinal cells)  and is required for spermatogenesis up to secondary spermatocytes.


(Pituitary gonadotropins )



Luteinizing Hormone is also a glycoprotien molecule that is produced in basophilic pituitary cells.  It also has two subunits (a & b).  The molecular weight of LH is approx. 30,000.  LH is secreted in pulses that occur at hourly intervals.  This is called tonic release.  Just prior to ovulation, LH secretion is different – you get the preovulatory surge of LH, which can last 6 to 12 hours.


Function of LH in females and males

:  in the female LH stimulates progesterone production by the corpus luteum, works with FSH to stimulate estrogen production by the follicle and stimulates ovulation,

In the male, LH stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone.  Some people call LH in the male Interstitial cell stimulating Hormone (ICSH).




(Pituitary gonadotropins )


            is a protein molecule of about 24,000 molecular wight.  It is produced by the acidophils of the pituitary.


            Function:  Prolactin is called the lactogenic hormone.  It is involved in mammary development and milk production but doesn’t actually cause either.  In reproduction, prolactin is important in the rat and mouse for corpus luteum function and maintenance.  This has not been proven in domestic animals though.




(Gonadal Steroids)

– Testosterone, a 19 carbon molecule, is approx. 290 molecular weight.  Testosterone is produced by Leydig cells with a small amount produced by the adrenal cortex, ovary and placenta.  In the blood, testosterone floats around bound to a steroid-binding globulin.  Approx. 97-99% of the testosterone is bound to this with the rest free.  The free hormone enters into cells and is usually converted to its biologically-active form, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  This acts directly on the nucleus. 
Testosterone functions by


-       stimulating the last stages of spermatogenesis


-       stimulating growth and development of accessory sex glands


-       stimulates sexual behavior (libido)


-       has a protein anabolic effect





(Gonadal Steroids)

are a group of 18 carbon molecules with a molecular weight of approx. 280.  Estrogens are mainly produced by the follicle but can also be produced by the placenta, adrenal cortex and testes.  Estradiol 17B is the major product.  Like androgens, estrogen is carried through the blood by a steroid-binding protein
2 – cell theory (estrogen)

The production of estrogen by a tissue has brought about a theory called the 2 – cell theory.  It seems to require two cell types to produce estrogen.

Female> LH> theca cells> testosterone > follicular cells>estrogen.

Male > LH > Leydig cells> testosterone > sertoli cells> estrogen.



Estrogens have several functions:





- Act on CNS for behavioral estrus (in cow and ewe P4 is needed)

- Stimulate duct growth of mammary gland

- Have feedback effects on hypothalamus (neg on tonic center, pos on preovulation center)

- Increase calcium uptake and ossification of bone

- Maturation of epiphyseal plates (in ruminants have protein anabolic effects)



(Gonadal Steroids)



is produced by the luteal cells of the corpus luteum. It is also produced by the adrenal cortex and the placenta. Progesterone is a 21 carbon compound with a molecular weight of 310. It is transported in the blood by a binding protein

Progesterone is often used to prevent abortions. It is one of the main ingredients of birth control pills.


Functions of Progesterone

called hormone of pregnancy


                        Prepares uterus for implantation


                        Increases secretory glands of endometrium


                        Decreases motility of uterus


Decreases secretion of LH


Plays a role in the induction of estrus


Stimulates lobulo alveolar growth of the mammary gland



Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 

(miscellanous hormone)

is produced by the villi of the Chorionic tissue of the placenta. It is present in the blood serum and urine of pregnant women. Secretion begins as early as day 8 after conception, but more usually around day 25. Concentrations of HCG are highest at 50 days and it disappears after day 150. The molecular weight of HCG is 40,000. It is a glycoprotein made up of two subunits.
Functions of HCG


HCG has mostly LH like activity with slight FSH activity. It is very potent in causing ovulation and will stimulate the Leydig cells of the testis to produce testosterone. It functions in the woman to stimulate the formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum of pregnancy. This hormone is what pregnancy tests are based on. In home pregnancy tests or professional tests, antibodies to HCG react with the hormone to cause a color change in the kit to indicate pregnancy.



Pregnant Mares Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG)

(miscellanous hormone)


 also called Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (ECG) – This is a glycoprotein of about 68,000 MW seen in the pregnant mare. It is produced by specialized structures called endometrial cups in the placenta. It is first seen in the mare’s blood at about day 40 of pregnancy. Values peak at approximately day 60 and then decline until day 170, after which it is undetectable.


Functions of FSH

 It has mainly FSH like functions, so it stimulates follicular development in females and sperm production in males. In the mare, it stimulates the formation of accessory follicles after conception which then turn into accessory corpora lutea to produce extra progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.


It is used commercially to induce super ovulation in cattle. It is very potent, but results are quite variable.



Placental Lactogen

(miscellanous hormone)


Placental Lactogen is produced by the fetal portion of the placenta. The molecular weight in most species is 22,000 but in the cow it is 32,000 and the rat has a 40,000 MW form. It is only produced by some species (ruminants, rodents, humans) and its’ function is still unknown. It has growth hormone and prolactin like activities. It has been suggested to be involved in nutrient partitioning during pregnancy.




(miscellanous hormone)


Relaxin is a polypeptide hormone of approximately 5700 MW and it is made up of two subunits. It is secreted by the corpus luteum of pregnancy, as well as the placenta and uterus in smaller amounts.


Function – It stimulates the cervix and vagina to dilate at birth. In the guinea pig it causes separation of the pubic symphasis.




(miscellanous hormone)


 – This compound is also called folliculostatin. It is produced by the sertoli cells of the male and the granulosa cells of the female. The structure is unknown and the mechanism of release is unknown.


Function – It inhibits release of FSH from the pituitary.




(miscellanous hormone)


Prostaglandins- this is a group of 20 carbon fatty acids. They act locally and are rapidly degraded. The compounds that we are most interested for reproduction are PGE2 and PGF2a.


                                    PGE2                                                PGF2a 


                                    luteotropic                                    luteolytic


                                    vasodilator                                    vasoconstrictor


Prostaglandins are involved at the ovarian level with ovulation. If you inject aspirin ( a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor) into the follicle just before the LH surge you prevent ovulation


PGF2a has been used to synchronize estrus mostly in cattle. The only problem is that it doesn’t work during the first 5 days of the estrous cycle.


There are three control points for endocrine secretion. The brain (hypothalamus), the pituitary and the target organ. How is each contol point controlled? This occurs by a mechanism called feedback, which can be either negative or positive.


Protein hormone receptors

 – The size, shape or electrical charge of protein hormones prevents them from easily getting into a cell. Because of this the protein hormone receptors are found on the outside cell membrane. The receptors use a lock and key mechanism that will only respond to the hormone that fits.


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