Shared Flashcard Set


AU Knowledge
Test 8- Science
Undergraduate 2

Additional Other Flashcards





Stanza 7

"I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by 'doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God'.




Science Center



Year: 2005


-The Science Center complex was completed in 2005. This complex contains chemistry labs, traditional classrooms and a large lecture hall. 


Current Use:

-The Science Center Laboratory Building is a four-story building that houses the undergraduate teaching laboratories for chemistry and biology. 

-The Science Center Classroom Building is a two-story building that accommodates classrooms of various sizes as well as the COSAM administrative office. 

-Science Center Auditorium seats 300  and provides the means for the latest in technology supplemented instruction and is in use as an undergraduate lecture hall. 

-Academic Advising for COSAM takes place here during camp. 


Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building




Year: 2005


-The Forestry and Wildlife Sciences building contains space dedicated to classrooms, research labs, faculty and administrative offices. 

-Academic advising takes place here during camp. 

Parker Hall

Year: 1963


-Parker Hall is named after Dr.William Vann Parker, who established the first Ph. D. program here at Auburn. 

-COSAM students will register for classes using the computer labs in the basement during camp. 


Current Use:

-Parker houses classrooms for math, chemistry and physics. 

-There are also computer labs located thorough out the building. Physics labs are located in the basement of Parker Hall. 

Chemistry Building

Year: 1989


-The Chemistry building was the first of two buildings to provide modern facilities in chemistry. 

-This building houses a classroom and laboratory facilities for student instruction as well as faculty offices and meeting rooms. Many other courses, such as history and geology, are taught here to utilize the large auditorium space. 

Petrie Hall

Year: 1939



-Its original use was as the football field house in 1939. 

-Petrie Hall is named for George Petrie who started Auburn football in 1892 and who served as the first football coach. 

-George Petrie also wrote the Auburn University Creed. 

-Petrie Hall is one of three diagonal buildings on Auburn's campus. The reason that the building is diagonal is because it is aligned with the hash marks of the football field. 


It currently houses the Department of Geology. 


Rouse Life Sciences Building



Year: 1992


-One of two diagonal buildings on Auburn's campus, the other is Petrie hall. 


-Currently used to house classes for COSAM, Biological Sciences, Advanced Microscopy, Imaging Laboratory and College of Ag classes are held here. 


Poultry Science Building

Year: 2004


-Currently used as a research facility and academic classes are held here for the College of Agriculture. 

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