Types of Arthritis
Rheumatoid (RA): younger age, autoimmune. Inflammation/swelling
Osteoarthritis (OA): degenerative, cartilage wearing away, bone on bone
Causes: Muscle weakness, genetics, overuse
Exercise Response/ Training for Arthritis |
Exercise Response: Inflammatory rheumatic affects cardiac and pulmonary function. Response increases, some may see pain
Acute flare ups - response blunted
Training; They can do almost anything, able to make standard improvements in physiological and psychological aspects of health
Management: Joint protection (prevent falls)
Educate - self management
Exercise often
Meds: pain relieve, NSAIDS (block mucus membrane in stomach)
Fluid retention meds, mood swings, Anti inflammatorries
Exercise Testing for Arthritis |
Testing is safe if you know where the pain is and what meds they are on.
Special Precaution :
pain and swelling
some meds decrease performance
use variable speed protocol
unstable joints
Spinal movement - radiculopatny - irritation from a herneated disc
RA: not very mobile in morning so later in the day is better
can do a passive warm up: Sit in sauna
Exercise Prescription For Arthritis |
Warm up
Low impact activities depending on body part
improve muscle strength and flexibility
watch over stretching / hyper tension
if pain and swelling, reduce duration and intensity
shoes that minimize shock
Should be functional movements to help with ADLs |