Shared Flashcard Set


Art History
Undergraduate 1

Additional Art History Flashcards





Woman from Willendorf

- Austria

- Paleolithic

- limestone and colored with red ocher

- 4 and 3/8 inch

- expresses wealth and fertility


Halls of Bulls

- Lascaux, France

- Paleolithic

- cave was closed in 1963 to the public

- composite pose - horns eyes and hooves are seen as from the front, and heads and bodies are rendered in profile

- animals in the paintings are full of life and energy

-600 paintings 1500 sculptures


- Salisbury Plain in southern England

- henge is a circle of stones or posts surrounded by a ditch with embankments

- Neolithic

- used a human compass

- 8 different construction phases

- started as a cemetary of cremation burials

- used bluestone which had to be transported over 150 miles from the west

- some argue it's a calendar or observatory

- site of cermonies linked to death and burial


Stele of Naram-Sin

- Akkadian

- Iraq

- Akkadian ruler Naram-Sin was depicted the largest on the top (relative importance)

- holding a arsenal of weaponry and a helmet with horns, claiming divinity for this early ruler

- depicted himself as a god

- Naram-sin is standing on bodies (portrays the enemy)


Carved Vase

- Sumerian

- Iraq

- Mesopotamian sculptor telling a story in three registers (horizontal bands)

- bottom shows water and plants

- middle shows naked men carrying baskets of food

- top register, goddess Inanna accepts an offering from two figures

- men are thought to be naked priest or acolyte

- may represent a re-enactment of the ritual marriage between goddess and Duuzi - ensure fertility of crops, animals, and people



Great Lyre with Bull's Head and Front Panel

- Sumerian

- Iraq

- Royal tomb

- bull head made of gold

- relation to 3000-line poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh

- images may represent a heroic image of the deceased on top and a funeral banquet at the bottom




Ziggurat dedicated to Moon God

- Sumerian

- Iraq


Stele of Hammurabi

- Babylonian

- Iraq

- Hammurabi standing before Shamash, sun god and justice god

- 300 entries for commercial and poverty matters

- 68 domestic problems

- 20 physical assault

- rights of the wealthy were favored over the poor

- some trials by water - thrown into water - if they didn't drown, they were innocent




Assurbanipal and his queen in the garden

- Assyrian

- Iraq

- king reclines on couch, queen sits on a chair at his feet, musician on far left

- servants with trays of food, others protect royals from insects

- weapons and jewelry behind him

- victory celebration



Palette of Narmer

- Early Dynastic Egypt

- found in temple of Horus

- represents the unification of Egypt and the beginning of the country's growth

- shown larger on the back

- boldly silhouetted

- wears the white crown of egypt while striking his enemies

- heads in profile to capture the face

- both legs shown

- torso is frontal


Step Pyramid and Funerary Complex of Djoser by Imhotep

- Old Kingdom Egypt

- resembles the ziggurats of Mesopotamia

- adjacent funerary temple was used to worship the dead king

- two peepholes in wall so ka statue could watch worshipings

- buildings filled with debris so that the dead king could observe the sed rituals


Pyramids of Giza

- Old Kingdom Egypt

- built by three kings: Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure

- Khufu is the largest and oldest

- Menkaure smallest

- planned to follow sun's east-west plan

- each pyramid has a funerary temple and a causeway

- when a king died, body was ferried west across the Nile

- then carried up the causeway and placed in the chapel

- emtombed deep within the pyramid

- each stone 2.5 tons


Menkaure and Queen

- Old Kingdom Egypt

- united by queen's symbolic gesture of embrace

- queen is a foil to the king

- traces of red paint remain on the king, black on queen's hair


Seated Scribe

- Old Kingdom Egypt

- Fifth Dynasty

- could be a portrait of Kai

- irregular contours project a sense of individual likeness and human presence

- body was slightly flabby, suggesting a life free from physical labor

- alert expression reveals lively intelligence

- eyes off center gives illusion of being in motion



Hatshepsut Kneeling

- New Kingdom Egypt

- Hatshepsut was the daughter of Thutmose I - married her half brother

- declared herself as king after he died

- co-ruler to Thutmose III for 20 years

- wore a kilt and linen headdress and even a false beard

- adapted to conform convention


Akhenaten and his Family

- New Kingdom Egypt

- ruled for 17 years

- radically transformed the spiritual, political, and cultural life of the country

- founded a new religion of the sun deity Aten

- receiving blessings of Aten, whose rays end in their hands

- artist conveyed the loving involvement of the parents




Funerary Mask of Tutankhamun

- New Kingdom Egypt

- was placed over his head of the mummified body

- placed in a yellow sarcophagus (stone coffin)

- treasures in his tomb - gold covered furniture, gold chariots, jewelry, throne


Temple of Ramses II

- Abu Simbel

- New Kingdom Egypt

- ruler of a vast empire, fathered nearly a hundred children

- Abu Simbel was a site for Ramses II's great temples

- monument was carved into the rock of the sacred hills

- row of four colossal statues of the king himself flanked by small statues of family members

- Inside, a corridor was formed in a way that twice a year the first rays of the rising sun shot through it to completely illuminate the statues inside

- smaller temple nearby to Hathor (goddess of fertility, love, joy, and music)


Last Judgement Before Osiris from a Book of the Dead

- New Kingdom Egypt

- Egyptians believed only someone who was free from wrongdoings could make it to the afterlife

- two judgments by Osiris and Anubis

- three stages


Mummy Wrapping of a young boy

- Egypt

- Roman period

- works from this period combined Greco-Roman and Egyptian art

- tradition of mummifying the dead continued into Egypt's roman period

- Roman-style portrait painted on a wood panel in hot colored wax




Reconstruction, "Palace" Complex, Crete

- Minoan

- walls made of rubble and mud bricks faced with cut and finished local stone (dressed stone)

- columns and interior elements made of wood

- strength and flexibility minimized earthquake damage

- built to maximize light and air with flat roofs, columns, and multistories

- courtyards

- suites of rooms


Young Girl Gathering Saffron

- Minoan

- found in a house in Akrotiri, town famous for saffron

- saffron used as a yellow dye and medicinal properties

- shaved head and looped ponytail represent childhood

- blue color of scalp indicates that hair is growing, entering adolescence



Bull Leaping

- Minoan

- three youths around a bull - charging in a "flying-gallop" pose

- pale woman on right is ready to catch dark skinned man in the midst of his leap

- woman at th eleft grasps the bull by its horns

- represents Minoan painters

- preferred profile or full faced views


Woman or Goddess with Snakes from the "Palace" Complex

- associated with water, regenerative power, and protection of the home

- woman is commanding her presence

- red blue and green geometric patterning reflects the Minoan weaver's preference for bright colors, patterns, and borders

- lifelike elements combined with formal stylization

- lively and hypnotically powerful


Mask of Agamemnon

- Mycenae, Greece

- authenticity challenged

- treatment of the eyes and eyebrows, cut out separation of the ears, beard and handlebar mustache



Warrior Vase (Krater)

- bowl for mixing water and wine

- woman bids farewell to helmeted men marching off

- arm raised to her head, symbol of mourning

- men represent war machine

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