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APUS Review - Presidents
Ritter's presidents list
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




George Washington
1) 1789-1797 (No party)

Domestic: Judiciary Act of 1789, Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, Farewell Address, Two-term tradition, style precedents. Hamilton added assuming state debts at par, a tariff, and a central bank

Foreign: Jay's Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty, Neutrality Proclamation
John Adams
2) 1797-1801 (Federalist)

Domestic: Alien and Sedition Acts, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (Jefferson), Midnight Judges

Foreign: XYZ Affair, killed treaty with France, stayed out of war, unoffical naval war with France
Thomas Jefferson
3) 1801-1809 (Democratic-Republican)

Domestic: Got rid of only excise tax, cut national debt, no spoils system, Lewis and Clark, let Alien and Sedition Acts expire, continued debt funding at par, Samuel Chase impeachment attempt

Foreign: Embargo, impressment and Chesapeake incident, LA Purchase, sent navy to defeat Barbary pirates, Non-intercourse Act passed days before leaving office
James Madison
4) 1809-1817 (Democratic-Republican)

Domestic: Tecumseh and Prophet (Harrison beat 'em), allows bank of US to expire, allows funding of 2nd Bank of USAin 1816, vetoed Clay's American System

Foreign: Macon's Bill #2, War of 1812
James Monroe
5) 1817-1825 (Democratic-Republican)

Domestic: Panic of 1819, American System vetoed, MO Compromis, Era of Good Feeling

Foreign: US British Treaty of 1818, Florida Purchase Treaty, Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams
6) 1825-1829 (National Republican)

Domestic: Adams-Clay "corrupt bargain" accusation, tariff of 1828, Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition

Foreign: Prank called Russia looking for "Mike Rotch"
Andrew Jackson
7) 1829-1837 (Democrat)

Domestic: Spoils System, Eaton Scandal, Nullification Crisis, record number of vetoes, Trail of Tears, ignoring Supreme Court ruling, BUS squashed, no movement on Texas, opposed American System and vetoed Maysville Road bill, "pet banks," specie circular, appeal to non propertied masses, "Kitchen Cabinet"

Foreign: Attempted to invade French castle, thwarted by exceptionally rude taunting and flying cows
Martin Van Buren
8) 1837-1841 (Democrat)

Domestic: Panic of 1837, independent treasury, Democrat Platform, states rights and federal restraints

Foreign: failure to aid Canada rebellion
William Henry Harrison
9) 1841 (Whig)

Domestic: Old Tippecanoe, presidential term shorter than a Jennifer Lopez marriage
John Tyler
10) 1841-1845 (Whig)

Domestic: Harrison's VP, kicked out of Whig party, vetoed new BUS bill

Foreign: Maine maps, Texas annexation after Polk elected, Oregon fever rising
James Polk
11) 1845-1849 (Democrat)

Domestic: lowered tariff, independent treasury

Foreign: Orgeon settlement, Mexican War, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Zachary Taylor
12) 1849-1850 (Whig)

Domestic: Gold rush, slave-owning southerner, debate over Compromis of 1850 -- Taylor probably wouldn't have signed, urges Californians to apply for statehood as a free state, irritated by threats of Texas to sieze Santa Fe, dies of food poisoning

Foreign: started "Rice War" with China after a few ill-timed drunken (but hillarious) racist jokes
Millard Filmore
13) 1850-1853 (Whig)

Domestic: signed Comrpomise of 1850

Foreign: hahaha his name was Millard. what assholes his parents must have been...
Franklin Pierce
14) 1853-1857 (Democrat)

Domestic: Supported Kansas-Nebraska bill

Foreign: withdrew recognition from Walker regime in Nicaragua, sent Matthew C. Perry to Japan, Ostend Manifesto, Gadsden Purchase
James Buchanan
15) 1857-1861 (Democrat)

Domestic: Tariff of 1857, does nothing when states secede believing he had no authority to force them to remain

Foreign: Had a few too many drinks and performed "Barbie Girl" on a table in a shady German tavern
Abraham Lincoln
16) 1861-1865 (Republican and Union Party)

Domestic: Platform features something for everyone -- in North, SC secedes, Crittenden Compromise rejectedm Fort Sumter, wartime liberties suspended, Emancipation Proclamation, passage of Morill Tariff, Pacific Railroad Act, Homestead Act, taking advantage of South being gone, fires McClellan rejects settlement to war, Ten Percent Plan, unites with War Democrats in '64

Foreign: Trent Affair, Alabama Affair
Andrew Johnson
17) 1865-1869 (Democrat)

Domestic: Johnson's Reconstruction, Freedmen's Bureau, Radical Reconstruction, 13/14/15 Amendments, impeached, resistance to punishing the South, Tenure of Office Act, veto of Civil Rights Bill and others

Foreign: "Seward's Folly"
Ulysses S. Grant
18) 1869-1877 (Republican)

Domestic: Scandals: Fisk & Gould, Boss Tweed, Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring, Panic of '73, Resumption Act, Liberal Republican revolt

Foreign: Proposed "drop a hydrogen bomb on the Middle East" peace solution, vetoed by UN because France wanted to take a nap
Rutherford B. Hayes
19) 1877-1881 (Republican)

Domestic: Compromis of 1877, Kearnyites, vetoes bill to end Chinese immigration

Foreign: Wanted steady income of Chinese laborers due to his insatiable appetite for Panda Express orange chicken
James Garfield
20) 1881 (Republican)

Domestic: puts Blaine to Secretary of State, assassinated by frustrated office seeker

Foreign: often spontaneously broke into song during speeches and had to be subdued with elephant tranquilizers imported from Kenya
Chester Arthur
21) 1881-1885 (Republican)

Domestic: Pendleton Act, Civil Service Commission

Foreign: Starred in disgraceful PBS series about an effeminate rat and his creepy animal friends
Grover Cleveland (I)
22) 1885-1889 (Democrat)

Domestic: Election: Mugwumps, Blaine insults Irish, "Ma ma where's my pa?'" spoils system, took on GAR, scrutinized pension lookers, Interstate Commerce Act (ICC Created)

Foreign: Outraged Hawaii by calling Keanu Reeves' performance in the Matrix "wooden, detached, and lethargic"
Benjamin Harrison
23) 1889-1893 (Republican)

Domestic: Sackville-West letter, Billion Dollar Congress, gets rid of surplus, Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 passed with McKinley Tariff as compromise, Pinkerton Strike

Foreign: Okay I'm out of stupid lines to write in these blanks. He did jack shit. Period.
Grover Cleveland (II)
24) 1893-1897 (Democrat)

Domestic: borrow money from Morgan, crushed Pullman strike, Wilson-Gorman Act, Depression of 1893 worst of 19th century

Foreign: Venezuelan Crisis, no to Hawaii annexation
William McKinley
25) 1897-1901 (Republican)

Domestic: "Mark Hanna's boy," defeats William Jennings Bryan, Dingley Tariff Bill, Gold Standard Act

Foreign: Spanish-American war against his better judgement, insurrectos, WEyler, de Lôme letter, Maine, Dewey to Manilla, Puerto Rico: Foraker Act, Cuba: Wood's improvement, Teller and Platt Amendments, Philippines: Emilio Aguinaldo, Philippine Commission, Hawaii Annexation, Open Door Note
Theodore Roosevelt
26) 1901-1909 (Republican)

Domestic: Square Deal, Trustbusting, consumer protection, conservation, Good and Bad trusts, Panic of 1907, Aldrich-Vreeland Act

Foreign: Hay-Puancefote Treaty, Hay-Banau-Varilla Treaty (canal), Roosevelt Corollary, marines to Cuba, peace in Russo-Japanese War, Root-Takahira agreement, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" -- battleships around the world
William Howard Taft
27) 1909-1913 (Republican)

Domestic: trustbuster, Ballinger Pinchot controversy, Payne-Aldrich Tariff, anti-trust against TR's "good monopoly" -- US Steel

Foreign: "Dollar Diplomacy," Carribean Intervention
Woodrow Wilson
28) 1913-1921 (Democrat)

Domestic: Election: Bull Moosers vs. Dems and Reps -- New Freedom vs. New Nationalism, "Triple Wall of Privilege," Underwood Tariff, income tax, Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Anti-Trust Act, Federal Farm Loan Act, La Follette Seamen's Act, Workingman's Comp Act, first prez to deliver State of the Union Address personally, Creel Committee, Espionage Act, Sedition Act, War Industries Board, National War Labor Board, Hoover's volunteerism, Prohibition, draft, bonds, against Henry Cabot Lodge reservationists and irreconciliables on Treaty of Versailles, stroke and Edith, A. Mitchell Palmer and Red Scare

Foreign: vs. Panama Canal Tolls Act, Jones Act, Mexican Revolution vs. Huerta, WWI, Sussex Pledge, Lusitania, Fourteen Points, Treaty of Versailles, goes after Pancho Villa
Warren G. Harding
29) 1921-1923 (Republican)

Domestic: return to "normalcy," Sacco and Vanzetti, Emergency Quote Act, Immigration Act, Scandals: Ohio Gang, Forbes, Teapot Dome, Merchant Marine Act

Foreign: Four Power Treaty, Five Power Naval Treaty, Nine Power Treaty, Fordney McCumber Tariff
Calvin Coolidge
30) 1923-1929 (Republican)

Domestic: Capper-Volstead Act, McNary-Haugen bill vetoed, uses progressive agencies to aid big business, encourages bull market

Foreign: Kelogg-Briand Pact, troops to Nicaragua, Dawes Plan
Herbert Hoover
31) 1929-1933 (Republican)

Domestic: Election vs. Al Smith, Agricultural Marketing Act, Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Mellon as Secretary of Commerce, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act, Bonus Army

Foreign: Japan takes Manchuria, new Latin American policy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32) 1933-1945 (Democrat)

Domestic: New Deal: relief, recover, reform (list of programs), court packing, Japanese internment camps, Elanor, first 100 days, Recession of 1937, Brains Trust, GI Bill, ends discrimination in defense industries, no push for anti-lynching law, Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act

Foreign: Neutrality Acts, "Quarantine the Aggressors" speech, Destoryer Deal, USSR recognition, Good Neighbor policy, London Economic Conference, Spanish Civil War embargo, Japan/China arms sales, freed Philippines, Reciprocal Trade Agreements, cash and carry, Lend Lease, Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor, Tehran, Yalta, Japan embargo
Harry S. Truman
33) 1945-1953 (Democrat)

Domestic: Fair Deal proposal does not pass Congress, Dixiecrats Progressives split Democrats in 1948, first H-bomb exploded, McCarthyism and blacklists, Taft-Hartley Act passes over veto, integrates armed forces, NSC-68 approved with Korea

Foreign: Drops A-bomb, Potsdam, IMF, World Bank, Berlin Airlift, Truman Doctrine, Containment, Korea, Marshall Plan, National Security Act, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), China Revolution, Germany Split, atomic monopoly, massive demobilization and remobilization, fires McArthur
Dwight Eisenhower
34) 1953-1961 (Republican)

Domestic: Sherman Adams, McCarthy, Little Rock, curb Defense, "military-industial complex," curb TVA, Social Secutity up, labor-Hoffa, Nixon as hatchet man, appointment of Earl Warren and Brown vs Board of Education, Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, Creation of HEW, increase minimum wage, expansion of Social Security, Federal HIgway Act, , St. Lawrence Seaway creation, "New Look" defense policy

Foreign: Armistace in Korea, SEATO, Geneva Conference on Vietnam, Hungarian Revolt, Aswan Dam, Suez Crisis, Eisenhower Doctrine, U-2 incident, ultimatum to leave Berlin -- solved at Camp David with Khrushchev, Nixon's "Kitchen Debate," John Foster Dulles roll back Communism/Us vs Them policy, "massive retaliation," Cuban Revolution, Paris Conference fiasco, Sputnik, Iran and the Shah, troops in Lebanon, CIA coup in Guatemala
John F. Kennedy
35) 1961-1963 (Democrat)

Domestic: Inauguration rhetoric, New Frontier, Civil Rights initiatives, space program, failures with Congress, tax cut proposals, November 22, 1963; War on Poverty idea

Foreign: Alliance for Progress, Peace Corps, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Wall up, "Ich bin ein Berliner," Geneva Conference-Laos neutral, Hot Line Agreement, Test Ban Treaty, "flexible respon se," Diem coup approval; Strategic Hamlet program, Rostow's social and economic development
Lyndon B. Johnson
36) 1963-1969 (Democrat)

Domestic: passes Kennedy agenda, War on Poverty, Great Society, HUD, Office of Economic Opportunity, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Kerner Commission, guns and butter decision, New Hampshire Primary, Operation Head Start, National Endowment for the Arts, Food Stamps, ADC, Beautification, CAP, Mass Transit (more on Great Society)

Foreign: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and Operation Rolling Thunder, massive escalation in Vietnam, running the war from the Oval Office, Dominican Republic intervention, Pueblo siezed, Tet offensive
Richard Nixon
37) 1969-1974 (Republican)

Domestic: Watergate, Silent majority, anti-media, Pentagon Papers and Plumbers, price and wage controls, EPA, stagflation, landslide in 1972, draft ends, voting age lowered to 18, 1973 oil embargo and energy crisis, Kent State and Jackson State, Impoundment, New Federalism, Southern Strategy

Foreign: CIA in Chile, War Powers Act, Vietnamization, Cambodia Bombing, "Peace with Honor," Nixon Doctrine, visit to China, Détente, ABM treaty, SALT Treaty, aid to Israel during war
Gerald Ford
38) 1974-1977 (Republican)

Domestic: Nixon Pardon, Whip Inflation Now

Foreign: Helsinki Accords, loss in Vietnam, Mayaguez
Jimmy Carter
39) 1977-1981 (Democrat)

Domestic: Energy crisis and plan in 1979, "malaise" speech, amnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers, inflation, interest rate and unemployment highs in 1980

Foreign: Iran Hostage Crisis, SALT II signed but not passed, Afghanistan invasion by USSR, boycott of 1980 Moscow Olympics, cutoff of grain sales to USSR, Camp David Accords, recognition of Sandanista government, Human Rights, Panama Canal Treaty, Soviet combat brigade in Cuba
Ronald Reagan
40) 1981-1989 (Republican)

Domestic: Restores grain sales to USSR, tax cuts, military spending increase, huge defecits, space shuttle explodes, air traffic controllers fired, supply side economics, Strategic Defense Initiative, assassination attempt, "The Great Communicator"

Foreign: Carribean Basin Initiative, START Treaty, Granada invasion, Iran-Contra, 241 Americans die in Lebanon, US-Soviet summits, Pro-Britain in Falklands War
George HW Bush
41) 1989-1993 (Republican)

Domestic: Clarence Thomas nomination, "read my lips" and tax increase

Foreign: Gulf War, troops to Somolia, Cold War ends, START II signed, troops to Panama to remove Noriega
Bill Clinton
42) 1993-2001 (Democrat)

Domestic: "New Democrat," Brady bill, loss of Democratic Congress, don't ask don't tell on gays in military, failed healthcare initiative, welfare reform, upholds affirmative action, NAFTA passed, impeachment, fiscal surpluses

Foreign: troops withdrawn in Somolia, Dayton agreements and troops to Bosnia, air strikes against Iraqi weapons factories, terrorist sites in Afghanistan, failure at Camp David on Middle East peace
George W. Bush
43) 2001-present (Republican)

Domestic: tax cuts, return to defectis, steel tariffs approved, Ashcroft and civil liberties restrictions, No Child Left Behind, Social Security privatization proposal, Hurricaine Katrina

Foreign: War on Taliban, Gulf War II, ABM Treaty scrapped, Kyoto Treaty scrapped, International Criminal Court Treaty scrapped, Middle East "road map"
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