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AP European History
Test 2 Reformation ( I will succeed)
12th Grade

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95 Theses
written by Martin Luther. Regarded as primary catalyst reformation. display Luther's displeasure with church's indulgences and promoted protestantism. Challenge teaching of church on nature of penance, authority of pope, and usefulness of indulgences. Spark theological debate, begins reformation and start Lutheran, reformed, Anabaptist traditions w/ Christianity. Message spoke to ALL people.
Act of Supremacy 1534
Act of parliament which declared Henry VIII as supreme head of English Church. Henry declared "defender of faith" after accusing Luther of heresy. Long lasting distrust b/w English and Roman catholic church. Henry only want marry Anne Boleyn secure heir (Pope Clement VII Catherine's relative refuse grant annulment). Repealed by daughter Mary Tudor who was devote Roman Catholic.
Act of Supremacy 1559
Elizabeth I reestablish 1534 act. Gave her title Supreme Governor rather than supreme head to appease catholics and protestants who were not satisfied w/ female ruler.
Members of movement during reformation that strongly believed in adult baptism. Infant baptism not authorized in bible, should only be for true believers. Radical wing of reformation. Separate from control state church established by Zwingli. Strict interpretation of bible. Peasant mvmnt and Munzer help spread.
All teachings of John Calvin. Emphasized that God SUPREME authority over ALL. Emphasize doctrine of predestination. Called reformed tradition or faith.
Christian Humanists
Human freedom and individuality can be applied to practicing Christianity. Philosophical union of Christian and humanist ideas. REFORM Christian church. Focus on sources of early Christianity, the Holy Scriptures and writings of church fathers (Augustine Ambrose Jerome). C Humanists supported schools, new editions of classics, new editions of bible. Optimistic, believe change society by changing humans. Prominent figs are Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More.
Council of Trent 1542
Pope Paul III call general council of Christendom together to resolve religious differences caused by Protestant revolution. Reaffirm traditional Catholic teachings opposing protestant beliefs. Only church interpret scripture, faith and good works necessary salvation, 7 sacraments, transubstantiation, clerical celibacy, purgatory, indulgences, and training of priests. Clear body of doctrine and unified church. Popes supreme domination especially over bishops and councils. Church gain new CONFIDENCE causing it enter MILITANT phase.
Cuius regio, eius religio
"Whose district it is, his religion it is" religion of king or ruler is religion of people. Given new life by Protestant reformation, 1555 Peace of Augsburg determine religious makeup of Germany in compromise between Lutheran and Catholic forces. Did not at all secure religious tolerance, no reformed or radical churches protected.
Dutch Revolt 1566-1609
revolt of the 17 provinces of the low countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) against the Spanish (Habsburg) empire. North mainly Germanic and Dutch speaking culture, while South tied to France. Because at commercial crossroads had many religious influences. No real political bond holding together except for Philip II. He tried strengthen contol but forgot about traditional privileges of separate provinces, gained strong opposition. Opposition only grew when residents of Neths found out taxes used for Spanish interest. Religion helped w/ rebellion since Philip try crush Calvinism. 1566 violence erupt destroy catholic churhes. Philip send duke Alva crush rebellion but failed. Council of Troubles established only made things worse. William of Orange help organize revolt in North w "sea beggar" Orange wanted all provinces under him, respect religious differences, demand spanish troops withdraw. Differences too strong, duke of Parma next Spanish leader used religious difference split front in two. Union of Arra, southern catholic union, accept spanish control. Union of Utrecht, northern protestant union under William, oppose spanish rule. Divide along religious, political, and geographical lines two hostile camps. 1609 12 yr truce ends war, recognize independence northern provinces became DUTCH republic.
Edict of Nantes 1598
Sprout from French Wars of Religion 1562-1598, French kings concerned spread of Calvinism over catholicism therefore prosecute them. War of Three Henries 1588-1589 Henry duke of Guise (Catholic) and Henry III (Calv) killed, but Henry Navarre (calvinist convert catholic save life) end war 1594. Under him edict which RECOGNIZE CATHOLICISM OFFICIAL RELIGION FRANCE BUT GUARANTEE RIGHT HUGUENOTS RIGHT WORSHIP IN SELECTED PLACES EACH DISTRICT, POLITICAL PRIVILEGES LIKE HOLDING OFFICE, ONLY OUT OF POLITICAL NECESSITY NOT CONVICTION (strong persuasion or belief)
Hapsburg Dynasty
Important ruling houses of Europe, extend from southwestern Germany to Holy Roman Empire (Austria today. By marrying Mary, heiress of Burgundy, Maximilian I acquired control of the low countries. His son Philip the Handsome married Juana, heiress of Spain, so that Philip's son Charles V inherited Spain, Southern Italy, Austria and the Low Countries. In 1580 Charles' son Philip II inherited Portugal and its colonies.
Split into AUSTRIAN AND SPANISH HABSBURG under Ferdinand I after acquiring austrian lands. Austrians, title of Holy Roman Empire Habsburg Hereditary Lands and the Kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary. Spanish,Spanish kingdoms, the Netherlands, the Habsburgs' Italian possessions, and, for a time, Portugal.
French Calvinists. Suffered sever prosecution for faith. Edict of Nantes, by Henry IV gave them rights after conflict with Roman Catholic govt(ouse of Guise) and Wars of Religion.
remission of part or all of time in purgatory due to sin. Given through charitable contributions and other deeds. Became regular practice that was abused. Spark Luther's reform mvmnt 16th century
Members of Society of Jesus. Chief instrument of Catholic Reformation. Founded by Ignatius of Loyola THE SPIRIT OF EXERCISE, exercise by which human could be strengthened and made to follow will of God as manifested through Catholic church. ABSOLUTE obedience to papacy, strict hierarchical order for society, education to achieve its goals, dedication to engage in "conflict for God". Resemble MILITARY command, important INSTRUMENT TO PAPAL POLICY. Establish highly disciplined schools, propagation of of Catholic faith among non Christians, and carry Catholic banner and fight Protestantism.
Justification by Faith
primary doctrine of Protestant Reformation. Act by which a person made deserving of salvation. Justification by faith and bible twin pillars of protestant reformation. As long as have faith go to heaven. Perform good works out of gratitude to God.
Marburg Colloquy
try promote agreement and evangelical agreement among Swiss and German reformed churches (Zwingli and Luther) agree on everything accept Lord's Supper. Zwingli though meal was remembrance and should not be taken literally, Luther insist on real presence of bread and body with bread and wine.
Peace of Augsburg 1555
End religious warfare in Germany. Important TURNING point in Reformation. Division of Christianity acknowledged, Lutheranism and Catholicism equal legal standing. German rulers have right to determine religion of subjects but not right of subject to choose religion. Lost ideal of medieval Christian unity.
process of holding several church offices at once, main problem with late medieval church.
belief associated with CALVINISM, that God as consequence of his foreknowledge of all events has predetermined those who will be saved (the elect) and damned.
Priesthood of all Believers
derived from several passages of new testament. Fundamental concept Protestantism. All baptized Christians are "priests" or "spiritual" in eyes of God. Luther uses idea in THE CHRISTIAN NOBILITY OF THE GERMAN NATION.
English Protestants inspired by Calvinist theology who wished to remove all traces of Catholicism from Church of England.
Schmalkaldic League/War 1546-1547
Germany was land several hundred territorial states who became quite independent of imperial rule though owed loyalty to emperor. After CHARLES V demand that all Lutherans return to Catholic church 8 princes and 11 imperial cities formed defensive alliance vowed that whenever any one attacked on account of Word of God and the doctrine of Gospel will assist each other. During 1st phase of war, Charles built up huge army consisting of German Dutch and Italians and defeat Protestants/Lutherans. Second phase the alliance reassembled itself and allied itself w/ Henry II French Catholic king, Charles less fortunate offered a truce and gave rest of affairs to brother Ferdinand. PEACE OF AUGSBURG came soon after 1555.
The buying or selling of church offices or powers.
Spanish Armada
great fleet sent by Philip II invade England in conjunction with Spanish army in Flanders. Philip want restore Roman Catholic church in England. Commanded by duke Medina-Sidonia. English defeat spanish by launching fire ships into fleet and then wrapping it up through a haze of bullets from heavy guns. Francis Drake played a major role b/c saved England and the Netherlands from possible absorption into the Spanish empire.
Weber Thesis
In his book THE PROTESTANT ETHIC AND SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM Weber states that the protestant ethic was the force behind the unplanned and uncoordinated mass action that led to the development of capitalism. Protestant ethic encouraged people to create own businesses, engage in trade, and gather wealth.
John Calvin
2nd generation of Protestant reformers. Influenced by Luther's writings. INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Like Luther Justification by Faith alone. He emphasized more God's ABSOLUTE sovereignty, influence his belief in predestination. Like a militant international form of Protestantism. Baptism n Lord's Supper (spiritual not literal) Made Geneva a vibrant center of Protestantism, stood at fortress of reformation, replaced Lutheranism as international form.
Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor rule immense empire consisting of Spain, Austrian Hapsburg, Bohemia, Hungary, the Low Countries, and Kingdom of Naples in s. Italy. Wanted to maintain dynasty's control, he hoped to preserve unity of Catholic faith. Was not possible b/c of the French (Hapsburg -Valois wars), papacy, Turks, and German internal dissension. Couldn't check spread of Lutheranism.
Elizabeth I
Daughter of Henry VIII and half sister of Mary I. Under her England became leader of Protestant nations, laid foundations for a world empire, and experienced a cultural renaissance. Religious policy: moderation and compromise, Act of Supremacy n Act of Uniformity, basically Protestant, Catholics and Puritans continually opposed cousin Mary catholic, had her beheaded. Foreign policy:avoided war as much as possible, supported piracy sir francis drake, aided french huguenots and dutch calvinist to weaken france and spain. Pretended not to know anything about this. Spanish Armada: Philip II want crush England b/c supported revolters of Netherlands, therefore try return Catholicism.
Desiderius Erasmus
Influential Christian humanist. Christianity a guiding philosophy for the direction of daily life, emphasize inner piety instead of external forms of religion (sacraments, fasts, relics)THE PRAISE OF FOLLY satire of corrupt practices of his society. "Erasmus laid the egg, and Luther hatched it." Did not want to destroy unity of Christian church, instead wanted to reform within it.
Three Henry's of France
Henry Duke of Guise-people of France wanted to replace Henry III with Guise because were ultra-Catholics "holy league" and wanted to exterminate heresy and place on thrown true catholic champion
King Henry III-assassinate Guise to rid any influence from him or Philip II and joined Navarre to crush catholic holy league
Henry of Navarre-once Calvinist but turned catholic to save his life during st. Bartholomew's massacre, wars ended with his coronation
War of three Henries, French Wars of Religion
Henry VIII
English reformation initiated by him because want divorce wife Catherine to marry Boleyn, wanted heir badly. When ask for annulment 1st time denied because pope(Charles V) nephew of Catherine. So used his advisers T. Cramner and T. Cromwell advice on cutting of with Church of Rome and only using church of England to receive annulment. 1534 complete break with church and issued Act of Supremacy which declared king of england head of church also.
Ignatius of Loyola
Founded Society of Jesus or Jesuits. Had early injuries that cut military career short therefore became soldier of God.
Martin Luther
Focus on assurance of salvation. When unable to achieve certainty colleagues suggested study theology. From studying bible realize not to rely on both faith and good works just justification by faith alone, his BIBLE, chief guide to religious truth. Broke with church after condemning church for indulgences with 95 theses. ADDRESS TO THE NOBILITY OF GERMANY call upon German princes overthrow papacy and establish reformed German church. Encourage marriage. Excommunicated by church. Dependent on state authorities for growth and maintenance of church.
Thomas More
Good friends with Erasmus fellow humanist. Wrote UTOPIA idealistic life and institutions of the community utopia, island near New World. Concerns with economic, social, and political problems. Cooperation and reason placed over power and fame, communal ownership. He served Henry VIII but strongly believed in Catholic church and its union. But conscience convince him support Henry break from church.
Philip II
Attempted to make Spain a great power but only ended up in debts and crushing taxes. Military actions in defense of Catholicism failed and brought misfortune to France and Netherlands.
Pope Paul III
His pontification proved to be TURNING point of reform papacy. Appoint reform commission to study state of church, reported church's problems from corrupt policies of popes and cardinals. Recognized Jesuits and summoned Council of Trent.
Johann Tetzel
Dominican had full support for indulgences said "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs".
Huldrych Zwingli
Began reformation in Switzerland through preaching in Zürich. Strongly influenced by Christian humanism. Believed STATE SHOULD SUPERVISE CHURCH. Relics, images, paintings decorations all abolished and removed from churches in Zurich. Scriptural words for Lord's Supper symbolic. Luther and Zwingli did not get along because had different meanings for gospels, for instance Lord's Supper. Died in Swiss civil war. Though would be able to seek unity b/w him and Luther and other German reformers to increase unity and defend against imperial and conservative opposition.
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