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Ap Euro French Revolution and Napoleon
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Liberte, egalite, fraternite (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
The major ideas behind the French Revolution, liberty, the fact that people have freedom from despots and monarchs, to have a political opinion and freedom from foreign rule. Equality, that people are born equal and free in value, rank and ability. Fraternity, a group of people with a common interest or purpose. These were the ideas that the people of France really wanted, they came from the American Revolution and influenced Saint Domingue's independence from France.
Storming of the Bastille (July 14th 1789
The poor and oppressed of Paris were getting crazy over the price of bread and overall economic depression, they knew that King Louis XVI was sending troops to control the uprisings. The poor and oppressed wanted to defend Paris, so they stormed a medieval army fort, the Bastille, looking for weapons and gunpowder to defend themselves and the city. They won and gained control over Paris, broke monarchial power and saved the National Assembly.
The Great Fear
A term for the fear felt by the people when rebellious peasants rose up and began to viciously destroy property, documents, and anything else that crossed their path in France. The peasants were trying to free themselves from exploitation.
Women's march to Versailles
The already depressed economy went down due to the nobility fleeing Paris due to the Great Fear and the Storming of Bastille , women could no longer work for the nobility, therefore they could not support their families. 7,000 women marched from Paris to Versailles to invade Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and the National Assembly in the palace. They dragged back the whole royal family to Paris to force them to live there in the midst of the people.
A group within the National Convention that was republican and Jacobin but had different views than the Mountain. They were named Giorndists after a place in southwestern France where they were from.
A district in Paris led by Georges Danton, started the storming of Bastille, had revolutionary ideas and influential members and membership was not restricted to just men. Their ideas were the best interest of the people.
A men's political club named after the monastery where their meetings were held, Jacobins were prosperous, well educated and some went on to be a part of the Legislative Assembly.
A term for a group of laboring poor that wore long pants and were interested in the unemployment and food shortages, the concerns of the majority of the people. Long pants were a symbol of them being men of the people. Sans-Culottes means without breeches, short pants, referring to the short pants worn by the aristocrats and nobility of the time
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Written by the National Assembly, it stated that men were born free and equal and that their natural rights were liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression" and that they were innocent until proven guilty. It did not include women's rights, so it inspired Wollenstonecrafts's Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizen.
Active and Passive Citizenship
The two groups that France divided its people into, Active people were men who made more than laborers, paid small taxes and could vote. Passive citizens could not vote, didn't own property, were typically poor, and had no say in government t, but were still protected by it. Women were always passive citizens.
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Written by the National Assembly at the same time of the Constitution of 1791, putting the government over the church in power. It broke up the landowning's of the church.
Constitution of 1791
A constitution created by the National Assembly where the king remained the head of the state, but the National Assembly got all of the law making power and that the National Assembly had to be elected. Later it was accepted by the King of France, Louis XVI.
Republic of Virtue
It was proclaimed by the Committee of Public Safety in n attempt to de-Christianize France. It largely alienated the Catholic majority of the nation. During the period of the Republic of Virtue Robespierre was in power.
Jacques Necker
He was the French finance minister of Louis XVI, he held that position all the up to the French Revolution. He wanted to arrange the summoning of the Estates-General in 1789 because beforehand he had put a stop a rebellion in the Dauphine by making the assembly legalized. He was proved to be incapable. In this address at the Estates-General he went on for hours but not with a new policy to reform France that was expected but with financial data.
Abbé Sieyès
Real name was Emmanuel Joseph Sieyees. He was a French Roman Catholic abbe hence his commonname sake. He wrote the pamphlet “What is th Third Estate?” that helped transform the Estates-General into the National Assembly. In his pamphet he outlined the basic desires of the ill represented third estate. He’s reason for writing it was to show that the nobility was a small percent of the population where on the other hand the third estate made up most of it. He thought that since they did take up so much of the population that they should have more representiatives.
Georges Danton
He led the Mountain with Robespierre. He was the everything that Rosbpierre was not. He was the president of the Committee of Public Safety. He thought it was everybodys job to win war. Men and boys should be fighting, women and children should be getting supplies and that old men should encourage boys to sign up for the draft. He himself went from city to city advocating fighting for France in the war against Austria. He opposed the Reign of Terror which eventually lead to his own death on the guillotine.
Maximilien Robespierre
he was the leader of the Jacobins. He represented the third estate. He was the one that brought all the deputies together to form the National Assembly with the tennis court oath. He declares that he is the man to lead the revolution. He was opposed to going to war with Austria because he was afraid that if they lost then all of their work in the revolution would be lost as well. While in power he tried to replace the Christian god with the Goddess of Reason. He also created the Republic of Virtue which made people start questioning his sanity. He dominated the Committee of Public Safety and the Reign of Terror. He said that “Reign without terror was powerless.” The Reign of Terror was only ended after his own death on the guillotine.
Jean-Paul Marat
He was a radical journalist during the French Revolution, he was one of the most extreme voices who defended the sans-culottes. His attitude was if only we could chop off a few more heads; if we could do that then we would be fine. Being that he had a great influence on the country, massacres started breaking out. He called himself a “friend of the people” which ended being the name of his own newspaper “L’Ami du people.” He was murdered in his own bathtub by Charlotte Corday who believed that “after he is dead, peace will return to [her] country.” The people of France threw a grand funeral and acted as though he was Jesus Christ, claiming he was like him in many ways. He became a figure head of the revolution.
(Jacques-Louis David) He was the painter of the revolution, nicknamed “ferocious terrorist”. He was a member of the Jacobin club and was good friends with Marat and Robespierre. His most important paintings are The Oath of the Tennis Court and The Death of Marat. Both were influential in the Revolution.
Declaration of Pillnitz
This statement was issued out after Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were arrested for trying to sneak out of France to Austria. Austria, Prussia, and other European monarchies expressed their willingness to intervene in France if needed so in it. It wasn’t intended to reduce the impact of the revolution without a war.
Brunswick Manifesto
This was the state that finally pushed the revolutionary part of France to go to war with the counter-revolutionary monarchies. It was proclaimed by Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick that if the French royal family was in any way harmed that the citizens would be harmed. This threat was sent the population of Paris in order to intimidate them but the opposite happened instead. This fed their fire against the monarchy.
La Marseillaise
The national anthem of France. It was originally the “War Song for the Army of the Rhine.” It originated in the city of Marseilles and was written by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle.
September Massacres
The massacres, that were located in Paris, were started because of the Brunswick Manifesto. After hearing about it the fortress of Verdun was invaded. 1200 prisoners were killed, half the prisoner population.
Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin is credited with finding it. It was a device used during the French Revolution to decapitated people. Guillotin considered it enlightened because it was supposed to be painless and a quick efficient which was later found to be false. It was found that a head could survive up to 13 seconds after the is disconnected with the body. It “became a part of the Revolution” because it was so commonly used during the Reign of Terror. King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Maximilien Robespierre all were guillotined. Its nickname was “National Razor.”
Reign of Terror
Period from 1793-1794 in which Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety enforced a policy to save them from domestic and foreign enemies, meaning they executed anyone who was accused of having views against the governments, with little or no trial. The logic of this period came from Robespierre and the committee of public safety’s saying that terror was a necessary companion to virtue.
Committee of Public Safety
Dictatorial power of twelve people lead by Robespierre, a group that had came out of the “Mountains” of the national convention. Ruling from 1793-1795, they enforced a Levee en Masse decreeing a compulsory military service for all men between ages 18-40, making the biggest army Europe had ever seen. The sans-culottes in these armies defeated the professional armies of the first coalition. Another key thing the committee did was make France anti-religious, throwing everything religious out the window, even the calendar. Most of these changes were unpopular.
Cult of the Supreme Being
form of deism established by Robespierre during his reign, in which he took out anything and everything from the state of France that could be remotely linked to Catholicism or religion in general. First major organized school of thought born, the cult of reason which worshipped/represented the “goddess of reason.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
(1769-1821) Napoleon rose to power after his overthrow of the directory in 1799 with conspirators. However, by 1804, he had gotten rid of these other rulers and stood alone as an emperor over France. Napoleon was an AP certified genius at military and using the advantages of France’s huge army, he virtually destroyed the armies of the second coalition. His goals as a ruler were to benefit France, spreading ideals of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. In 1805, destroyed all of the third coalition as well, with the exception of Great Britain, and he made the Confederation of the Rhine, virtually ruling all of Europe at this point. In 1806 he signed the Treaty of Tilsit with Russia and Alexander I, but Russia later broke the treaty in 1812. Napoleon invaded, but being over confident and underestimating Russia’s vast and cold landscape, this brought his downfall. On April 11 1814 he abdicated his throne and was then exiled to an island near Italy called Elba, and in 1825 he escaped for 100 days only to be brought down again at the Battle of Waterloo. This time he was punished more severely at the African island St. Helena, where he died in 1821.
Napoleons first wife, the first empress of France who was unable to give him the proper heir, so he left her for Marie Louise.
First Consul
The leader of the new government system called the consulate that overthrew the Directory, made up of three consuls. The first consul was the leader and had all power, and was napoleon. After changes to the constitution, he was made consul for life, therefore an emperor, which the French government supported.
Napoleonic Code
(1804) established by Napoleon, some still exists today. Replacing the old medieval system, it emphasized the revolutionary principles of equality, religious toleration, and abolished serfdom and feudalism. However, it did have some bad sides, for example destroying the rights of women and making them completely under the power of their male figure.
Legion d'Honneur
France's highest decoration. It was established by Napoleon Bonaparte in May 1802 and is awarded for exceeding expectations in action or twenty years distinguished service in military or civilian life.
Concordat of 1801
Napoleons recognition of the fact that the catholic church needed to be re-included in the government, so in this decree granted the catholic church special status as the religion of the majority of French men, and gave the pope back the right to confirm church dignitaries (nominated by the government), depose bishops and reopen religious seminaries. In return they accepted the loss of the church land lost in the revolution.
France’s upper level secondary school (beginnings of the public school system) created by napoleon during his rule. The first of its kind.
Continental System
System enforced by all countries in alliance with/ ruled by napoleon that ceased trade with Britain. It was made to weaken their economy and therefore weaken their country as a whole while strengthening France, but in reality it did the opposite.
a monarchy supporter or royalist of France who fled France after the fall of the Bastille, to protect themselves of harm by their country. They left because they were afraid of being killed because of their anti-revolutionary political views, and they came from all classes. They were welcomed back with the monarchy in 1814.
the place of Napoleons most significant battle of defeat, where shortly after he was exiled for the second time. Sunday June 18 1815, after his 100 days escape period from Elba, France fought the seventh coalition after Louis had abandoned them because of the popularity of Napoleons return. However, Napoleon had the disadvantage in the land, the timing, and the wet weather, and he lost almost 30,000 men and the battle horribly. He was then exiled to St. Helena
Congress of Vienna
(1814-1815)A meeting of England, Russia, Prussia and Austria with a common goal of re-drawing the map as it existed pre 1789, to make nationalism and liberalism a thing of the past, and to ensure Napoleon, or someone like him would never happen again. They surrounded France with states that had alliances with themselves, so that France could never be like that again. Belgium and Holland combined to create the Netherlands to the north, Prussia was given land on the Rhine River, Austria led the German confederation of 39 states and also land in Italy. They also restored the principle of legitimacy (power to the ruling family) and rewarded those who had made sacrifices to take napoleon down.
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